Wojciech Szarański 6b28640f17 Fix integer overflow
Fixes INCR, DECR, INCRBY, DECRBY to return error when value would


Signed-off-by: Wojciech Szarański <>
2024-03-23 08:42:17 +01:00

255 lines
7.5 KiB

package miniredis
import (
const (
msgWrongType = "WRONGTYPE Operation against a key holding the wrong kind of value"
msgNotValidHllValue = "WRONGTYPE Key is not a valid HyperLogLog string value."
msgInvalidInt = "ERR value is not an integer or out of range"
msgIntOverflow = "ERR increment or decrement would overflow"
msgInvalidFloat = "ERR value is not a valid float"
msgInvalidMinMax = "ERR min or max is not a float"
msgInvalidRangeItem = "ERR min or max not valid string range item"
msgInvalidTimeout = "ERR timeout is not a float or out of range"
msgInvalidRange = "ERR value is out of range, must be positive"
msgSyntaxError = "ERR syntax error"
msgKeyNotFound = "ERR no such key"
msgOutOfRange = "ERR index out of range"
msgInvalidCursor = "ERR invalid cursor"
msgXXandNX = "ERR XX and NX options at the same time are not compatible"
msgTimeoutNegative = "ERR timeout is negative"
msgTimeoutIsOutOfRange = "ERR timeout is out of range"
msgInvalidSETime = "ERR invalid expire time in set"
msgInvalidSETEXTime = "ERR invalid expire time in setex"
msgInvalidPSETEXTime = "ERR invalid expire time in psetex"
msgInvalidKeysNumber = "ERR Number of keys can't be greater than number of args"
msgNegativeKeysNumber = "ERR Number of keys can't be negative"
msgFScriptUsage = "ERR unknown subcommand or wrong number of arguments for '%s'. Try SCRIPT HELP."
msgFScriptUsageSimple = "ERR unknown subcommand '%s'. Try SCRIPT HELP."
msgFPubsubUsage = "ERR unknown subcommand or wrong number of arguments for '%s'. Try PUBSUB HELP."
msgFPubsubUsageSimple = "ERR unknown subcommand '%s'. Try PUBSUB HELP."
msgFObjectUsage = "ERR unknown subcommand '%s'. Try OBJECT HELP."
msgScriptFlush = "ERR SCRIPT FLUSH only support SYNC|ASYNC option"
msgSingleElementPair = "ERR INCR option supports a single increment-element pair"
msgGTLTandNX = "ERR GT, LT, and/or NX options at the same time are not compatible"
msgInvalidStreamID = "ERR Invalid stream ID specified as stream command argument"
msgStreamIDTooSmall = "ERR The ID specified in XADD is equal or smaller than the target stream top item"
msgStreamIDZero = "ERR The ID specified in XADD must be greater than 0-0"
msgNoScriptFound = "NOSCRIPT No matching script. Please use EVAL."
msgUnsupportedUnit = "ERR unsupported unit provided. please use M, KM, FT, MI"
msgXreadUnbalanced = "ERR Unbalanced 'xread' list of streams: for each stream key an ID or '$' must be specified."
msgXgroupKeyNotFound = "ERR The XGROUP subcommand requires the key to exist. Note that for CREATE you may want to use the MKSTREAM option to create an empty stream automatically."
msgXtrimInvalidStrategy = "ERR unsupported XTRIM strategy. Please use MAXLEN, MINID"
msgXtrimInvalidMaxLen = "ERR value is not an integer or out of range"
msgXtrimInvalidLimit = "ERR syntax error, LIMIT cannot be used without the special ~ option"
msgDBIndexOutOfRange = "ERR DB index is out of range"
msgLimitCombination = "ERR syntax error, LIMIT is only supported in combination with either BYSCORE or BYLEX"
msgRankIsZero = "ERR RANK can't be zero: use 1 to start from the first match, 2 from the second ... or use negative to start from the end of the list"
msgCountIsNegative = "ERR COUNT can't be negative"
msgMaxLengthIsNegative = "ERR MAXLEN can't be negative"
msgLimitIsNegative = "ERR LIMIT can't be negative"
msgMemorySubcommand = "ERR unknown subcommand '%s'. Try MEMORY HELP."
func errWrongNumber(cmd string) string {
return fmt.Sprintf("ERR wrong number of arguments for '%s' command", strings.ToLower(cmd))
func errLuaParseError(err error) string {
return fmt.Sprintf("ERR Error compiling script (new function): %s", err.Error())
func errReadgroup(key, group string) error {
return fmt.Errorf("NOGROUP No such key '%s' or consumer group '%s'", key, group)
func errXreadgroup(key, group string) error {
return fmt.Errorf("NOGROUP No such key '%s' or consumer group '%s' in XREADGROUP with GROUP option", key, group)
func msgNotFromScripts(sha string) string {
return fmt.Sprintf("This Redis command is not allowed from script script: %s, &c", sha)
// withTx wraps the non-argument-checking part of command handling code in
// transaction logic.
func withTx(
m *Miniredis,
c *server.Peer,
cb txCmd,
) {
ctx := getCtx(c)
if ctx.nested {
// this is a call via Lua's .call(). It's already locked.
cb(c, ctx)
if inTx(ctx) {
addTxCmd(ctx, cb)
cb(c, ctx)
// done, wake up anyone who waits on anything.
// blockCmd is executed returns whether it is done
type blockCmd func(*server.Peer, *connCtx) bool
// blocking keeps trying a command until the callback returns true. Calls
// onTimeout after the timeout (or when we call this in a transaction).
func blocking(
m *Miniredis,
c *server.Peer,
timeout time.Duration,
cb blockCmd,
onTimeout func(*server.Peer),
) {
var (
ctx = getCtx(c)
if inTx(ctx) {
addTxCmd(ctx, func(c *server.Peer, ctx *connCtx) {
if !cb(c, ctx) {
localCtx, cancel := context.WithCancel(m.Ctx)
defer cancel()
timedOut := false
if timeout != 0 {
go setCondTimer(localCtx, m.signal, &timedOut, timeout)
go func() {
m.signal.Broadcast() // main loop might miss this signal
if !ctx.nested {
// this is a call via Lua's .call(). It's already locked.
defer m.Unlock()
for {
if c.Closed() {
if m.Ctx.Err() != nil {
done := cb(c, ctx)
if done {
if timedOut {
func setCondTimer(ctx context.Context, sig *sync.Cond, timedOut *bool, timeout time.Duration) {
dl := time.NewTimer(timeout)
defer dl.Stop()
select {
case <-dl.C:
sig.L.Lock() // for timedOut
*timedOut = true
sig.Broadcast() // main loop might miss this signal
case <-ctx.Done():
// formatBig formats a float the way redis does
func formatBig(v *big.Float) string {
// Format with %f and strip trailing 0s.
if v.IsInf() {
return "inf"
// if math.IsInf(v, -1) {
// return "-inf"
// }
return stripZeros(fmt.Sprintf("%.17f", v))
func stripZeros(sv string) string {
for strings.Contains(sv, ".") {
if sv[len(sv)-1] != '0' {
// Remove trailing 0s.
sv = sv[:len(sv)-1]
// Ends with a '.'.
if sv[len(sv)-1] == '.' {
sv = sv[:len(sv)-1]
return sv
// redisRange gives Go offsets for something l long with start/end in
// Redis semantics. Both start and end can be negative.
// Used for string range and list range things.
// The results can be used as: v[start:end]
// Note that GETRANGE (on a string key) never returns an empty string when end
// is a large negative number.
func redisRange(l, start, end int, stringSymantics bool) (int, int) {
if start < 0 {
start = l + start
if start < 0 {
start = 0
if start > l {
start = l
if end < 0 {
end = l + end
if end < 0 {
end = -1
if stringSymantics {
end = 0
if end < math.MaxInt32 {
end++ // end argument is inclusive in Redis.
if end > l {
end = l
if end < start {
return 0, 0
return start, end