import { GlCanvas } from './gl-canvas.js'; import { get_default_config_from_url, Streamer } from './streamer.js'; import shader from './shader.js'; import { supported_video_configs, max_video_config, } from './resolution.js'; const go_live_el = document.getElementById('go-live'); go_live_el.disabled = false; go_live_el.addEventListener('click', function () { if (this.checked) { start(); } else { stop(); } }); let canvas_el = document.getElementById('canvas'); const canvas_el_parent = canvas_el.parentNode; const canvas_proto = canvas_el.cloneNode(); const waiting_el = document.getElementById('waiting'); const error_alert_el = document.getElementById('error-alert'); const error_alert_el_parent = error_alert_el.parentNode; const error_alert_el_nextSibling = error_alert_el.nextSibling; error_alert_el_parent.removeChild(error_alert_el); const ffmpeg_lib_url_el = document.getElementById('ffmpeg-lib-url'); const initial_ffmpeg_lib_url = (localStorage.getItem('streamana-ffmpeg-lib-url') || '').trim(); if (initial_ffmpeg_lib_url) { ffmpeg_lib_url_el.value = initial_ffmpeg_lib_url; } ffmpeg_lib_url_el.addEventListener('change', function () { localStorage.setItem('streamana-ffmpeg-lib-url', this.value.trim()); set_ingestion(); }); const zoom_video_el = document.getElementById('zoom-video'); zoom_video_el.checked = !!localStorage.getItem('streamana-zoom-video'); zoom_video_el.addEventListener('change', function () { localStorage.setItem('streamana-zoom-video', this.checked ? 'true' : ''); }); const lock_portrait_el = document.getElementById('lock-portrait'); lock_portrait_el.checked = !!localStorage.getItem('streamana-lock-portrait'); lock_portrait_el.addEventListener('change', function () { localStorage.setItem('streamana-lock-portrait', this.checked ? 'true' : ''); }); const greyscale_el = document.getElementById('greyscale'); greyscale_el.checked = !!localStorage.getItem('streamana-greyscale'); greyscale_el.addEventListener('change', function () { localStorage.setItem('streamana-greyscale', this.checked ? 'true' : ''); }); let facing_mode = localStorage.getItem('streamana-facing-mode') || 'user'; function collapse_nav() { const collapse = bootstrap.Collapse.getInstance(document.getElementById('navbarToggleExternalContent')); if (collapse) { collapse.hide(); } } document.body.addEventListener('click', function (ev) { if (( === document.body) || ( === canvas_el_parent) || ( === canvas_el_parent)) { collapse_nav(); } }); const mic_el = document.getElementById('mic'); const mic_icon_el = document.getElementById('mic-icon'); if (!!localStorage.getItem('streamana-mic-on')) { mic_icon_el.classList.remove('off'); } mic_el.addEventListener('click', function () { mic_icon_el.classList.toggle('off'); }); function mic_save() { localStorage.setItem('streamana-mic-on', mic_icon_el.classList.contains('off') ? '' : 'true'); } mic_el.addEventListener('click', mic_save); const camera_el = document.getElementById('camera'); const camera_icon_el = document.getElementById('camera-icon'); if (!!localStorage.getItem('streamana-camera-on')) { camera_icon_el.classList.remove('off'); } camera_el.addEventListener('click', function () { camera_icon_el.classList.toggle('off'); }); function camera_save() { localStorage.setItem('streamana-camera-on', camera_icon_el.classList.contains('off') ? '' : 'true'); } camera_el.addEventListener('click', camera_save); const camera_swap_el = document.getElementById('camera-swap'); const ingestion_url_el = document.getElementById('ingestion-url'); const protocol_hls_el = document.getElementById('protocol-hls'); const protocol_dash_el = document.getElementById('protocol-dash'); const resolution_el = document.getElementById('resolution'); let streamer_config; let video_config; const video_configs = new Map(); function set_ingestion_protocol(protocol) { if (protocol === 'dash') { protocol_hls_el.checked = false; protocol_dash_el.checked = true; ffmpeg_lib_url_el.placeholder = protocol_dash_el.value; } else { protocol_hls_el.checked = true; protocol_dash_el.checked = false; ffmpeg_lib_url_el.placeholder = protocol_hls_el.value; } } set_ingestion_protocol(localStorage.getItem('streamana-ingestion-protocol')); protocol_hls_el.addEventListener('change', function () { ffmpeg_lib_url_el.placeholder = protocol_hls_el.value; set_ingestion(); }); protocol_dash_el.addEventListener('change', function () { ffmpeg_lib_url_el.placeholder = protocol_dash_el.value; set_ingestion(); }); resolution_el.addEventListener('change', function () { video_config = video_configs.get(this.value); localStorage.setItem('streamana-resolution', JSON.stringify({ width: video_config.width, height: video_config.height, ratio: video_config.ratio })); }); const busy_el = document.getElementById('busy'); async function set_ingestion() { busy_el.classList.remove('d-none'); try { const ffmpeg_lib_url = ffmpeg_lib_url_el.value.trim() || ffmpeg_lib_url_el.placeholder.trim(); const protocol = streamer_config ? streamer_config.protocol : null; streamer_config = get_default_config_from_url(ffmpeg_lib_url); set_ingestion_protocol(streamer_config.protocol); localStorage.setItem('streamana-ingestion-protocol', streamer_config.protocol); if (ffmpeg_lib_url_el.value.trim()) { protocol_hls_el.disabled = true; protocol_dash_el.disabled = true; } else { protocol_hls_el.disabled = false; protocol_dash_el.disabled = false; } if (streamer_config.protocol !== protocol) { ingestion_url_el.value = (localStorage.getItem( streamer_config.protocol === 'dash' ? 'streamana-dash-ingestion-url' : 'streamana-hls-ingestion-url') || '').trim(); } video_config = null; let preferred_resolution = localStorage.getItem('streamana-resolution'); if (preferred_resolution) { video_config = await max_video_config({ ...JSON.parse(preferred_resolution),, }, true); } if (!video_config) { video_config = await max_video_config({ width: 1280, height: 720, ratio: 16/9,, }, true); } const configs = (await supported_video_configs({, }, true)).filter(c => c.ratio >= 1); resolution_el.innerHTML = ''; for (let config of configs) { const option = document.createElement('option'); option.innerHTML = `${config.width}x${config.height} — ${config.label}`; option.selected = video_config && (config.label === video_config.label); resolution_el.appendChild(option); video_configs.set(option.innerText, config); } return streamer_config; } finally { busy_el.classList.add('d-none'); } } await set_ingestion(); document.body.classList.remove('d-none'); document.documentElement.classList.remove('busy'); let streamer; // ingestion url doesn't change when protocol changes due to ffmpeg_lib_url // why does clicking on menu close the menu after change ffmpeg_lib_url? async function start() { const ingestion_url = ingestion_url_el.value.trim(); if (!ingestion_url) { console.error('No ingestion URL'); go_live_el.checked = false; return; } localStorage.setItem( streamer_config.protocol === 'dash' ? 'streamana-dash-ingestion-url' : 'streamana-hls-ingestion-url', ingestion_url); if (!video_config) { console.error('No video config'); go_live_el.checked = false; return; } const ffmpeg_lib_url = ffmpeg_lib_url_el.value.trim() || ffmpeg_lib_url_el.placeholder.trim(); go_live_el.disabled = true; ingestion_url_el.disabled = true; ingestion_url_el.parentNode.classList.add('d-none'); ffmpeg_lib_url_el.disabled = true; lock_portrait_el.disabled = true; zoom_video_el.disabled = true; resolution_el.disabled = true; protocol_hls_el.disabled = true; protocol_dash_el.disabled = true; waiting_el.classList.remove('d-none'); mic_el.removeEventListener('click', mic_save); camera_el.removeEventListener('click', camera_save); collapse_nav(); canvas_el_parent.removeChild(canvas_el); canvas_el = canvas_proto.cloneNode(); canvas_el.classList.add('invisible'); canvas_el_parent.appendChild(canvas_el); if (error_alert_el.parentNode) { error_alert_el_parent.removeChild(error_alert_el); } // get video config aspect ratio console.log(`video config resolution: ${video_config.width}x${video_config.height}`); const ar_config = video_config.ratio; const ar_config_inv = 1/ar_config; const zoom_video = zoom_video_el.checked; const lock_portrait = /*screen.orientation.type.startsWith('portrait') &&*/ lock_portrait_el.checked; let audio_context, video_el, video_track, silence, audio_source, audio_dest, gl_canvas, canvas_stream, done = false; function cleanup(err) { if (err) { console.error(err); } if (done) { return; } done = true; mic_el.removeEventListener('click', media_toggle); if (!!localStorage.getItem('streamana-mic-on')) { mic_icon_el.classList.remove('off'); } else { mic_icon_el.classList.add('off'); } mic_el.addEventListener('click', mic_save); camera_el.removeEventListener('click', media_toggle); if (!!localStorage.getItem('streamana-camera-on')) { camera_icon_el.classList.remove('off'); } else { camera_icon_el.classList.add('off'); } camera_el.addEventListener('click', camera_save); greyscale_el.removeEventListener('change', greyscale); camera_swap_el.classList.add('d-none'); camera_swap_el.removeEventListener('click', about_face); canvas_el_parent.classList.add('mx-auto'); if (lock_portrait) { screen.orientation.unlock(); if (document.fullscreenElement) { document.exitFullscreen(); } } if (err) { error_alert_el_parent.insertBefore(error_alert_el, error_alert_el_nextSibling); error_alert_el.classList.add('show'); } if (audio_source) { if (audio_source.mediaStream) { for (let track of audio_source.mediaStream.getAudioTracks()) { track.stop(); } } audio_source.disconnect(); } if (audio_dest) { if ( { for (let track of { track.stop(); } } audio_dest.disconnect(); } if (silence) { silence.stop(); } if (audio_context) { audio_context.suspend().then(function () { audio_context.close(); });; } if (video_track) { video_track.stop(); } if (gl_canvas) { gl_canvas.destroy(); } if (canvas_stream) { for (let track of canvas_stream.getTracks()) { track.stop(); } } if (streamer) { streamer.end(!!err); streamer = null; } go_live_el.checked = false; go_live_el.disabled = false; ingestion_url_el.disabled = false; ingestion_url_el.parentNode.classList.remove('d-none'); ffmpeg_lib_url_el.disabled = false; lock_portrait_el.disabled = false; zoom_video_el.disabled = false; resolution_el.disabled = false; protocol_hls_el.disabled = ffmpeg_lib_url_el.value.trim(); protocol_dash_el.disabled = ffmpeg_lib_url_el.value.trim();; waiting_el.classList.add('d-none'); canvas_el.classList.add('d-none'); } function update() { // update the canvas if (!video_track) { gl_canvas.onLoop(); } else if ((video_el.videoWidth > 0) && (video_el.videoHeight > 0) && gl_canvas.onLoop()) { // get aspect ratio of video const ar_video = video_el.videoWidth / video_el.videoHeight; // Note: we need to use canvas_el_parent.parentNode.offsetWidth // to take into account margins let width, height; const ar_parent = canvas_el_parent.parentNode.offsetWidth / canvas_el_parent.offsetHeight; if (lock_portrait) { if (zoom_video) { if (ar_video < ar_config_inv) { if (ar_parent >= ar_video) { height = canvas_el_parent.offsetHeight * ar_config_inv; width = canvas_el_parent.offsetHeight; } else { height = canvas_el_parent.parentNode.offsetWidth / (video_config.width * ar_video / video_config.height); width = canvas_el_parent.parentNode.offsetWidth / ar_video; } } else if (ar_parent >= ar_video) { height = canvas_el_parent.offsetHeight * ar_video; width = canvas_el_parent.offsetHeight / (video_config.height / ar_video / video_config.width); } else { height = canvas_el_parent.parentNode.offsetWidth; width = canvas_el_parent.parentNode.offsetWidth / ar_config_inv; } } else if (ar_parent >= ar_config_inv) { height = canvas_el_parent.offsetHeight * ar_config_inv; width = canvas_el_parent.offsetHeight; } else { height = canvas_el_parent.parentNode.offsetWidth; width = canvas_el_parent.parentNode.offsetWidth / ar_config_inv; } } else if (zoom_video) { if (ar_video < ar_config) { if (ar_parent >= ar_video) { width = canvas_el_parent.offsetHeight * ar_config; height = canvas_el_parent.offsetHeight; } else { width = canvas_el_parent.parentNode.offsetWidth / (video_config.height * ar_video / video_config.width); height = canvas_el_parent.parentNode.offsetWidth / ar_video; } } else if (ar_parent >= ar_video) { width = canvas_el_parent.offsetHeight * ar_video; height = canvas_el_parent.offsetHeight / (video_config.width / ar_video / video_config.height); } else { width = canvas_el_parent.parentNode.offsetWidth; height = canvas_el_parent.parentNode.offsetWidth / ar_config; } } else if (ar_parent >= ar_config) { width = canvas_el_parent.offsetHeight * ar_config; height = canvas_el_parent.offsetHeight; } else { width = canvas_el_parent.parentNode.offsetWidth; height = canvas_el_parent.parentNode.offsetWidth / ar_config; } = `${width}px`; = `${height}px`; } } async function start_media(requested_facing_mode) { mic_el.removeEventListener('click', media_toggle); camera_el.removeEventListener('click', media_toggle); camera_swap_el.removeEventListener('click', about_face); async function finish() { await streamer.start(); mic_el.addEventListener('click', media_toggle); camera_el.addEventListener('click', media_toggle); camera_swap_el.addEventListener('click', about_face); } const need_audio = !mic_icon_el.classList.contains('off'); const need_video = !camera_icon_el.classList.contains('off'); stop_media(need_audio, need_video && (requested_facing_mode === facing_mode)); if (!need_audio && !need_video) { return await finish(); } const camera_video_constraints = { width: video_config.width, height: video_config.height, frameRate: { ideal:, max: }, facingMode: requested_facing_mode }; let media_stream; try { media_stream = await navigator.mediaDevices.getUserMedia({ audio: need_audio, video: need_video ? camera_video_constraints : false }); } catch (ex) { console.warn(`Failed to get user media (need_audio=${need_audio} need_video=${need_video})`); console.error(ex); if (need_audio && need_video) { console.warn("Retrying with only video"); try { media_stream = await navigator.mediaDevices.getUserMedia({ audio: false, video: camera_video_constraints }); } catch (ex) { console.warn('Failed to get user video, retrying with only audio'); console.error(ex); try { media_stream = await navigator.mediaDevices.getUserMedia({ audio: true, video: false }); } catch (ex) { console.warn('Failed to get user audio'); console.error(ex); } } } } function set_media(audio_tracks, video_tracks) { stop_media(false, false); if (need_audio) { if (audio_tracks.length > 0) { audio_source.disconnect(); audio_source = audio_dest.context.createMediaStreamSource(media_stream); audio_source.connect(audio_dest); } else { console.warn("No audio present, using silence"); mic_icon_el.classList.add('off'); } } if (need_video) { if (video_tracks.length > 0) { video_track = video_tracks[0]; facing_mode = video_track.getSettings().facingMode || 'user'; localStorage.setItem('streamana-facing-mode', facing_mode); gl_canvas.setUniform('u_active', true); } else { console.warn("No video present, using blank frames"); camera_icon_el.classList.add('off'); } } finish(); } if (!media_stream) { return set_media([], []); } // wait for stream to load (must come after gl_canvas.setTexture() since it // registers a loadeddata handler which then registers a play handler) video_el.addEventListener('loadeddata', function () { try { console.log(`video resolution: ${this.videoWidth}x${this.videoHeight}`); // start the stream; set_media(media_stream.getAudioTracks(), media_stream.getVideoTracks()); } catch (ex) { cleanup(ex); } }, { once: true }); // pass the stream from the camera to the video so it can render the frames video_el.srcObject = media_stream; } function stop_media(need_audio, need_video) { if ((audio_source !== silence) && !need_audio) { if (audio_source.mediaStream) { for (let track of audio_source.mediaStream.getAudioTracks()) { track.stop(); } } audio_source.disconnect(); audio_source = silence; audio_source.connect(audio_dest); } if (video_track && !need_video) { video_track.stop(); video_track = null; gl_canvas.setUniform('u_active', false); } } function about_face() { start_media(facing_mode == 'user' ? 'environment' : 'user'); } function media_toggle() { start_media(facing_mode); } function greyscale() { gl_canvas.setUniform('u_greyscale', this.checked); } try { // Safari requires us to create and resume an AudioContext in the click handler // and doesn't track async calls. audio_context = new AudioContext(); audio_context.resume(); // create video element which will be used for grabbing the frames to // write to a canvas so we can apply webgl shaders // also used to get the native video dimensions video_el = document.createElement('video'); video_el.muted = true; video_el.playsInline = true; video_el.crossOrigin = "anonymous"; // Safari on iOS requires us to play() in the click handler and doesn't // track async calls. So we play a blank video first. After that, the video // element is blessed for script-driven playback. video_el.src = 'empty.mp4'; await; canvas_el.addEventListener('webglcontextlost', cleanup); // set canvas dimensions to same as video config so its gets all the output canvas_el.width = video_config.width; canvas_el.height = video_config.height; // use glsl-canvas to make managing webgl stuff easier gl_canvas = new GlCanvas(canvas_el, { fragmentString: shader }); gl_canvas.on('error', cleanup); // tell canvas to use frames from video gl_canvas.setTexture('u_texture', video_el); // tell shader whether to greyscale gl_canvas.setUniform('u_greyscale', greyscale_el.checked); greyscale_el.addEventListener('change', greyscale); // tell shader camera hasn't started gl_canvas.setUniform('u_active', false); // check whether we're locking portrait mode or zooming (display without bars) if (lock_portrait) { // rotate the canvas canvas_el.classList.add('rotate'); canvas_el.classList.remove('mw-100', 'mh-100'); canvas_el_parent.classList.remove('mx-auto'); // lock to portrait mode try { await screen.orientation.lock('portrait'); } catch (ex) { if ( === 'SecurityError') { if (!document.fullscreenElement) { await document.documentElement.requestFullscreen(); } await screen.orientation.lock('portrait'); } else if ( !== 'NotSupportedError') { throw ex; } } } else if (zoom_video) { // we're going to remove the bars for local display only canvas_el.classList.add('zoom'); canvas_el.classList.remove('mw-100', 'mh-100'); canvas_el_parent.classList.remove('mx-auto'); } // if we're locked to portrait mode, tell the shader to rotate the video gl_canvas.setUniform('u_rotate', lock_portrait); // capture video from the canvas // Note: Safari on iOS doesn't get any data, might be related to // canvas_stream = canvas_el.captureStream(; // add audio to canvas stream audio_dest = audio_context.createMediaStreamDestination(); canvas_stream.addTrack([0]); // Note: createBufferSource is supposed to be used to create silence // but it doesn't keep the page active if it's hidden. // Use createConstantSource instead. Since this is a constant value, // it won't generate something that changes (such as a sine or sawtooth // waveform) and so is inaudible. This passes the browser's silence // detection, which must just check for zero values. // Note: WebAudio destination stream output is bugged on Safari: // // //const silence = audio_dest.context.createBufferSource(); silence = audio_dest.context.createConstantSource(); silence.start(); audio_source = silence; audio_source.connect(audio_dest); // Stream from the canvas stream to the ingestion URL streamer = new Streamer(canvas_stream, audio_context, ingestion_url, streamer_config, lock_portrait); streamer.addEventListener('run', () => console.log('Streamer running')); streamer.addEventListener('exit', ev => { const msg = `Streamer exited with status ${ev.detail.code}`; if (ev.detail.code === 0) { console.log(msg); cleanup(); } else { cleanup(msg); } }); streamer.addEventListener('error', cleanup); streamer.addEventListener('start', function () { if (done) { this.end(true); } waiting_el.classList.add('d-none'); camera_swap_el.classList.remove('d-none'); canvas_el.classList.remove('invisible'); go_live_el.disabled = false; update(); }); streamer.addEventListener('update', update); await start_media(facing_mode); } catch (ex) { return cleanup(ex); } } function stop() { go_live_el.disabled = true; streamer.end(); }