2015-12-14 21:39:19 -05:00

265 lines
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Executable File

.. _language_bindings:
OpenALPR is available as a C/C++ library and has bindings in C#, Java, and Python. Additionally, the software can be used as a "black box" that can process video streams and make the data available to another system (using any programming language).
First, download or compile the OpenALPR library onto your target platform. Make sure that the software runs by testing it using the alpr command-line executable. Pre-compiled binaries are available for 32/64-bit Windows and Ubuntu Linux.
1. Add "alpr.h" as an include file to your project.
2. Include the openalpr.dll (Windows) or (Unix) file with your binaries
3. Include all other required shared libraries
4. Put the openalpr.conf and runtime_data directory in the same location as the binaries. Alternatively, you can specify the location of the runtime_data in openalpr.conf or directly in the code.
Below is a simple usage example of using the OpenALPR library:
.. code-block:: c++
// Initialize the library using United States style license plates.
// You can use other countries/regions as well (for example: "eu", "au", or "kr")
alpr::Alpr openalpr("us", "/path/to/openalpr.conf");
// Optionally specify the top N possible plates to return (with confidences). Default is 10
// Optionally, provide the library with a region for pattern matching. This improves accuracy by
// comparing the plate text with the regional pattern.
// Make sure the library loaded before continuing.
// For example, it could fail if the config/runtime_data is not found
if (openalpr.isLoaded() == false)
std::cerr << "Error loading OpenALPR" << std::endl;
return 1;
// Recognize an image file. You could alternatively provide the image bytes in-memory.
alpr::AlprResults results = openalpr.recognize("/path/to/image.jpg");
// Iterate through the results. There may be multiple plates in an image,
// and each plate return sthe top N candidates.
for (int i = 0; i < results.plates.size(); i++)
alpr::AlprPlateResult plate = results.plates[i];
std::cout << "plate" << i << ": " << plate.topNPlates.size() << " results" << std::endl;
for (int k = 0; k < plate.topNPlates.size(); k++)
alpr::AlprPlate candidate = plate.topNPlates[k];
std::cout << " - " << candidate.characters << "\t confidence: " << candidate.overall_confidence;
std::cout << "\t pattern_match: " << candidate.matches_template << std::endl;
C# and VB.NET
.. code-block:: c#
using openalprnet;
var alpr = new AlprNet("us", "/path/to/openalpr.conf", "/path/to/runtime_data");
if (!alpr.IsLoaded())
Console.WriteLine("OpenAlpr failed to load!");
// Optionally apply pattern matching for a particular region
alpr.DefaultRegion = "md";
var results = alpr.Recognize("/path/to/image.jpg");
foreach (var result in results.Plates)
Console.WriteLine("Plate {0}: {1} result(s)", i++, result.TopNPlates.Count);
Console.WriteLine(" Processing Time: {0} msec(s)", result.ProcessingTimeMs);
foreach (var plate in result.TopNPlates)
Console.WriteLine(" - {0}\t Confidence: {1}\tMatches Template: {2}", plate.Characters,
plate.OverallConfidence, plate.MatchesTemplate);
.. code-block:: python
from openalpr import Alpr
alpr = Alpr("us", "/path/to/openalpr.conf", "/path/to/runtime_data")
if not alpr.is_loaded():
print("Error loading OpenALPR")
results = alpr.recognize_file("/path/to/image.jpg")
i = 0
for plate in results['results']:
i += 1
print("Plate #%d" % i)
print(" %12s %12s" % ("Plate", "Confidence"))
for candidate in plate['candidates']:
prefix = "-"
if candidate['matches_template']:
prefix = "*"
print(" %s %12s%12f" % (prefix, candidate['plate'], candidate['confidence']))
# Call when completely done to release memory
.. code-block:: java
import com.openalpr.jni.Alpr;
import com.openalpr.jni.AlprPlate;
import com.openalpr.jni.AlprPlateResult;
import com.openalpr.jni.AlprResults;
Alpr alpr = new Alpr("us", "/path/to/openalpr.conf", "/path/to/runtime_data");
// Set top N candidates returned to 20
// Set pattern to Maryland
AlprResults results = alpr.recognize("/path/to/image.jpg");
System.out.format(" %-15s%-8s\n", "Plate Number", "Confidence");
for (AlprPlateResult result : results.getPlates())
for (AlprPlate plate : result.getTopNPlates()) {
if (plate.isMatchesTemplate())
System.out.print(" * ");
System.out.print(" - ");
System.out.format("%-15s%-8f\n", plate.getCharacters(), plate.getOverallConfidence());
// Make sure to call this to release memory
A Node.js binding to OpenALPR is available here:
The source code is available here:
.. _alpr_web_service:
Docker-Based Web Service (Commercial)
The OpenALPR Library Docker container provides the OpenALPR image processing as a web service. In this mode, images are sent to OpenALPR via HTTP POST, and OpenALPR responds with the metadata describing all license plates in the image. This docker image exposes port 8080.
Requests into this service are sent as HTTP POST requests to:
The post should contain this parameter:
image - A file containing a JPEG image
Results will be sent back in the following JSON format:
.. code-block:: json
"data_type": "alpr_results",
"epoch_time": 1448299357883,
"img_height": 480,
"img_width": 640,
"results": [
"plate": "AKS4329",
"confidence": 86.457352,
"region_confidence": 95,
"region": "ga",
"plate_index": 0,
"processing_time_ms": 84.982811,
"candidates": [
"matches_template": 0,
"plate": "AKS43Z9",
"confidence": 88.429092
"matches_template": 1,
"plate": "AKS4329",
"confidence": 86.457352
"matches_template": 0,
"plate": "AKS3Z9",
"confidence": 79.028625
"matches_template": 0,
"plate": "AKS329",
"confidence": 77.056877
"coordinates": [
"y": 128,
"x": 286
"y": 129,
"x": 360
"y": 159,
"x": 360
"y": 157,
"x": 286
"matches_template": 1,
"requested_topn": 20
"version": 2,
"processing_time_ms": 172.226624,
"regions_of_interest": []
OpenALPR Agent
OpenALPR can also be configured as a "black box" that makes data available to other systems. When configured in this mode, OpenALPR is installed as a Linux daemon, and is configured to monitor one or more MJPEG video streams. It automatically processes the images and produces JSON data describing the license plates found int he images. This data can either be pushed to another server (as an HTTP POST) or pulled from another server (via beanstalkd queue).
More information about the OpenALPR agent is available here: :ref:`alprd`