2024-06-18 18:09:39 +08:00

232 lines
6.7 KiB

package stats
import (
snet ""
type NetStats struct {
LastSent uint64
LastRecv uint64
LastTime time.Time
// Stats contains statistical data on CPU and memory usage
type Stats struct {
Timestamp time.Time `json:"timestamp"`
SvrCPUUsage float64 `json:"svrCPUUsage"` // Overall CPU usage rate
SvrMemoryPct float64 `json:"svrMemoryPct"` // Total memory
LoadAverage [2]float64 `json:"loadAverage"` // 1, 5 minutes average load
CPUUsage float64 `json:"CPUUsage"` // Current process's CPU usage rate
MemoryUsage float64 `json:"memoryUsage"` // Current process's memory usage
MemoryUsagePct float64 `json.json:"memoryUsagePct"` // Current process's memory usage percentage
ThreadCount int `json:"threadCount"` // Current process's thread count
Goroutines int `json:"goroutines"` // Number of Go coroutines
HeapAlloc float64 `json:"heapAlloc"` // Memory allocated in the heap currently
HeapSys float64 `json:"heapSys"` // Total heap memory obtained from the system
HeapInuse float64 `json:"heapInuse"` // Heap memory in use
HeapPct float64 `json:"heapPct"` // Percentage of heap memory obtained from the system
LoginCount int `json:"loginCount"` // Online users
GuestCount int `json.json:"guestCount"` // Visitors
Connections int `json:"connections"` // Current process's network connections
SentRate float64 `json:"sentRate"` // Sending rate KB/s
RecvRate float64 `json:"recvRate"` // Receiving rate KB/s
MaxMemoryUsage float64 `json:"maxMemoryUsage"` // Maximum memory
MaxGoroutines int `json:"maxGoroutines"` // Maximum coroutines
// Collector manages the collection and storage of statistical data
type Collector struct {
mu sync.Mutex // mu
stats []Stats // Slice for storing statistical data
netStats NetStats // transmission rate
capacity int // Maximum capacity of the slice
interval2 time.Duration
var capacity = 30
var once sync.Once
var collectorInstance *Collector
func InitStatsCollector() *Collector {
once.Do(func() {
collectorInstance = &Collector{
stats: make([]Stats, 0, capacity),
capacity: capacity,
return collectorInstance
// Collect starts collecting statistical data
func (sc *Collector) Collect(interval time.Duration) {
go func() {
sc.doCollect(100 * time.Millisecond)
for {
func (sc *Collector) doCollect(interval time.Duration) {
currentStats := Stats{}
if ws.Hub == nil {
// User data
currentStats.LoginCount = ws.Hub.LoginCount
currentStats.GuestCount = ws.Hub.GuestCount
// Get CPU usage rate
cpuPercentages, err := cpu.Percent(interval, false)
if err == nil && len(cpuPercentages) > 0 {
currentStats.SvrCPUUsage = cpuPercentages[0]
// Get average load
avgLoad, err := load.Avg()
if err == nil {
currentStats.LoadAverage = [2]float64{avgLoad.Load1, avgLoad.Load5}
// Get network interface statistics
netIOCounters, err := snet.IOCounters(true)
if err == nil {
var totalBytesSent, totalBytesRecv uint64
for _, counter := range netIOCounters {
totalBytesSent += counter.BytesSent
totalBytesRecv += counter.BytesRecv
currentTime := time.Now()
if !sc.netStats.LastTime.IsZero() {
// Calculate time difference (seconds)
duration := currentTime.Sub(sc.netStats.LastTime).Seconds()
// Calculate byte differences and convert to KB
sentDiff := float64(totalBytesSent-sc.netStats.LastSent) / 1024.0
recvDiff := float64(totalBytesRecv-sc.netStats.LastRecv) / 1024.0
// Calculate rate per second
currentStats.SentRate = sentDiff / duration
currentStats.RecvRate = recvDiff / duration
// Update the last statistics
sc.netStats.LastSent = totalBytesSent
sc.netStats.LastRecv = totalBytesRecv
sc.netStats.LastTime = currentTime
// Get memory statistics
vmem, err := mem.VirtualMemory()
if err == nil {
currentStats.SvrMemoryPct = vmem.UsedPercent
// Get current process ID and process object
pid := os.Getpid()
proc, err := process.NewProcess(int32(pid))
if err == nil {
// Get current process's CPU usage rate
procPercent, err := proc.Percent(interval)
if err == nil {
currentStats.CPUUsage = procPercent
// Get current process's memory statistics
memInfo, err := proc.MemoryInfo()
if err == nil && memInfo != nil {
currentStats.MemoryUsage = formatMegabytes(bytesToMegabytes(memInfo.RSS)) // RSS is Resident Set Size
vmem, err := mem.VirtualMemory()
if err == nil {
currentStats.MemoryUsagePct = float64(memInfo.RSS) / float64(vmem.Total) * 100
if currentStats.MemoryUsage > currentStats.MaxMemoryUsage {
currentStats.MaxMemoryUsage = currentStats.MemoryUsage
// Get current process's thread count
threads, err := proc.NumThreads()
if err == nil {
currentStats.ThreadCount = int(threads)
// Get current process's network connection information
connections, err := snet.ConnectionsPid("all", int32(pid))
if err == nil {
currentStats.Connections = len(connections)
// Get Go runtime memory statistics
var memStats runtime.MemStats
currentStats.Goroutines = runtime.NumGoroutine()
currentStats.HeapAlloc = formatMegabytes(bytesToMegabytes(memStats.HeapAlloc))
currentStats.HeapSys = formatMegabytes(bytesToMegabytes(memStats.HeapSys))
currentStats.HeapInuse = formatMegabytes(bytesToMegabytes(memStats.HeapInuse))
if currentStats.Goroutines > currentStats.MaxGoroutines {
currentStats.MaxGoroutines = currentStats.Goroutines
// Get heap memory usage
if currentStats.HeapSys > 0 {
currentStats.HeapPct = currentStats.HeapInuse / currentStats.HeapSys * 100
// Timestamp when statistics are completed
currentStats.Timestamp = time.Now()
// Lock and update statistical data
sc.stats = append(sc.stats, currentStats)
if len(sc.stats) > sc.capacity {
sc.stats = sc.stats[1:]
// Publish data
ws.Hub.PubSub.Pub("sys:status", currentStats)
// GetStats returns all the collected statistical data
func (sc *Collector) GetStats() []Stats {
// Return a copy of the slice to avoid external modification
statsCopy := make([]Stats, len(sc.stats))
copy(statsCopy, sc.stats)
return statsCopy
func bytesToMegabytes(bytes uint64) float64 {
return float64(bytes) / 1024.0 / 1024.0
func formatMegabytes(mb float64) float64 {
return math.Round(mb*100) / 100