2021-11-05 15:53:23 +02:00

595 lines
16 KiB

package caire
import (
pigo ""
//go:embed data/facefinder
var classifier embed.FS
var (
g *gif.GIF
xCount int
yCount int
resizeBothSide = false // used to tell that the image is resized both verticlaly and horizontally
isGif = false
// SeamCarver interface defines the Resize method.
// This needs to be implemented by every struct which declares a Resize method.
type SeamCarver interface {
Resize(*image.NRGBA) (image.Image, error)
// shrinkFn is a generic function used to shrink an image.
type shrinkFn func(*Carver, *image.NRGBA) (*image.NRGBA, error)
// enlargeFn is a generic function used to enlarge an image.
type enlargeFn func(*Carver, *image.NRGBA) (*image.NRGBA, error)
// Processor options
type Processor struct {
SobelThreshold int
BlurRadius int
NewWidth int
NewHeight int
Percentage bool
Square bool
Debug bool
FaceDetect bool
FaceAngle float64
PigoFaceDetector *pigo.Pigo
var (
shrinkHorizFn shrinkFn
shrinkVertFn shrinkFn
enlargeHorizFn enlargeFn
enlargeVertFn enlargeFn
// Resize implements the Resize method of the Carver interface.
// It returns the concrete resize operation method.
func Resize(s SeamCarver, img *image.NRGBA) (image.Image, error) {
return s.Resize(img)
// Resize is the main entry point for the image resize operation.
// The new image can be resized either horizontally or vertically (or both).
// Depending on the provided options the image can be either reduced or enlarged.
func (p *Processor) Resize(img *image.NRGBA) (image.Image, error) {
var c = NewCarver(img.Bounds().Dx(), img.Bounds().Dy())
var (
newImg image.Image
newWidth int
newHeight int
pw, ph int
err error
xCount, yCount = 0, 0
if p.NewWidth > c.Width {
newWidth = p.NewWidth - (p.NewWidth - (p.NewWidth - c.Width))
} else {
newWidth = c.Width - (c.Width - (c.Width - p.NewWidth))
if p.NewHeight > c.Height {
newHeight = p.NewHeight - (p.NewHeight - (p.NewHeight - c.Height))
} else {
newHeight = c.Height - (c.Height - (c.Height - p.NewHeight))
if p.NewWidth == 0 {
newWidth = p.NewWidth
if p.NewHeight == 0 {
newHeight = p.NewHeight
// shrinkHorizFn calls itself iteratively and shrink the image horizontally.
// If the image is resized on both X and Y axis it calls the shrink and enlarge
// function intermitently up until the desired dimension is reached.
// We are opting for this solution instead of resizing the image secventially,
// because we can merge more seamlessly together the horizontal and vertical seams.
shrinkHorizFn = func(c *Carver, img *image.NRGBA) (*image.NRGBA, error) {
dx, dy := img.Bounds().Dx(), img.Bounds().Dy()
if dx > p.NewWidth {
img, err = p.shrink(c, img)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if p.NewHeight > 0 && p.NewHeight != dy {
if p.NewHeight <= dy {
img, _ = shrinkVertFn(c, img)
} else {
img, _ = enlargeVertFn(c, img)
} else {
img, _ = shrinkHorizFn(c, img)
return img, nil
// enlargeHorizFn calls itself iteratively and enlarge the image horizontally.
enlargeHorizFn = func(c *Carver, img *image.NRGBA) (*image.NRGBA, error) {
dx, dy := img.Bounds().Dx(), img.Bounds().Dy()
if dx < p.NewWidth {
img, err = p.enlarge(c, img)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if p.NewHeight > 0 && p.NewHeight != dy {
if p.NewHeight <= dy {
img, _ = shrinkVertFn(c, img)
} else {
img, _ = enlargeVertFn(c, img)
} else {
img, _ = enlargeHorizFn(c, img)
return img, nil
// shrinkVertFn calls itself iteratively and shrink the image vertically.
shrinkVertFn = func(c *Carver, img *image.NRGBA) (*image.NRGBA, error) {
dx, dy := img.Bounds().Dx(), img.Bounds().Dy()
// If the image is resized on both side we need to rotate the image
// each time we are invoking the shrink function.
// Otherwise if we are resizing the image on one side only we can invoke
// the rotating function only once, right before calling this function.
if resizeBothSide {
img = c.RotateImage90(img)
if dy > p.NewHeight {
img, err = p.shrink(c, img)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if resizeBothSide {
img = c.RotateImage270(img)
if p.NewWidth > 0 && p.NewWidth != dx {
if p.NewWidth <= dx {
img, _ = shrinkHorizFn(c, img)
} else {
img, _ = enlargeHorizFn(c, img)
} else {
img, _ = shrinkVertFn(c, img)
} else {
if resizeBothSide {
img = c.RotateImage270(img)
return img, nil
// shrinkVertFn calls itself iteratively and enlarge the image vertically.
enlargeVertFn = func(c *Carver, img *image.NRGBA) (*image.NRGBA, error) {
dx, dy := img.Bounds().Dx(), img.Bounds().Dy()
if resizeBothSide {
img = c.RotateImage90(img)
if dy < p.NewHeight {
img, err = p.enlarge(c, img)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if resizeBothSide {
img = c.RotateImage270(img)
if p.NewWidth > 0 && p.NewWidth != dx {
if p.NewWidth <= dx {
img, _ = shrinkHorizFn(c, img)
} else {
img, _ = enlargeHorizFn(c, img)
} else {
img, _ = enlargeVertFn(c, img)
} else {
if resizeBothSide {
img = c.RotateImage270(img)
return img, nil
if p.NewWidth != 0 && p.NewHeight != 0 {
resizeBothSide = true
if p.Percentage || p.Square {
// When square option is used the image will be resized to a square based on the shortest edge.
pw = c.Width - c.Height
ph = c.Height - c.Width
// In case pw and ph is zero, it means that the target image is square.
// In this case we can simply resize the image without running the carving operation.
if pw == 0 && ph == 0 {
return imaging.Resize(img, p.NewWidth, p.NewHeight, imaging.Lanczos), nil
if p.Square {
// Calling the image rescale method only when both a new width and height is provided.
if p.NewWidth != 0 && p.NewHeight != 0 {
p.NewWidth = min(p.NewWidth, p.NewHeight)
p.NewHeight = p.NewWidth
newImg = p.calculateFitness(img, c)
if newImg != nil {
dst := image.NewNRGBA(newImg.Bounds())
draw.Draw(dst, newImg.Bounds(), newImg, image.ZP, draw.Src)
img = dst
nw, nh := img.Bounds().Dx(), img.Bounds().Dy()
if nw > nh {
pw = nw - nh
ph = 0
} else {
ph = nh - nw
pw = 0
p.NewWidth = min(nw, nh)
p.NewHeight = p.NewWidth
} else {
return nil, errors.New("please provide a new WIDTH and HEIGHT when using the square option")
// Use the Percentage flag only to shrink and image.
if p.Percentage {
// Calculate the new image size based on the provided percentage.
pw = c.Width - int(float64(c.Width)-(float64(p.NewWidth)/100*float64(c.Width)))
ph = c.Height - int(float64(c.Height)-(float64(p.NewHeight)/100*float64(c.Height)))
p.NewWidth = absint(c.Width - pw)
p.NewHeight = absint(c.Height - ph)
if pw > newWidth || ph > newHeight {
return nil, errors.New("the generated image size should be less than the original image size")
dx, dy := img.Bounds().Dx(), img.Bounds().Dy()
if p.NewWidth > 0 {
if p.NewWidth <= dx {
img, _ = shrinkHorizFn(c, img)
} else {
img, _ = enlargeHorizFn(c, img)
if p.NewHeight > 0 {
if p.NewHeight <= dy {
if !resizeBothSide {
img = c.RotateImage90(img)
img, _ = shrinkVertFn(c, img)
if !resizeBothSide {
img = c.RotateImage270(img)
} else {
if !resizeBothSide {
img = c.RotateImage90(img)
img, _ = enlargeVertFn(c, img)
if !resizeBothSide {
img = c.RotateImage270(img)
} else {
// Rescale the image when it's resized both horizontally and vertically.
// First the image is scaled down or up by preserving the image aspect ratio,
// then the seam carving algorithm is applied only to the remaining pixels.
// Scale the width and height by the smaller factor (i.e Min(wScaleFactor, hScaleFactor))
// Example: input: 5000x2500, scale: 2160x1080, final target: 1920x1080
if (c.Width > p.NewWidth && c.Height > p.NewHeight) &&
(p.NewWidth != 0 && p.NewHeight != 0) {
newImg = p.calculateFitness(img, c)
dx0, dy0 := img.Bounds().Max.X, img.Bounds().Max.Y
dx1, dy1 := newImg.Bounds().Max.X, newImg.Bounds().Max.Y
// Rescale the image when the new image width or height are preserved,
// otherwise it might happen, that the generated image size
// does not match with the requested image size.
if !((p.NewWidth == 0 && dx0 == dx1) || (p.NewHeight == 0 && dy0 == dy1)) {
dst := image.NewNRGBA(newImg.Bounds())
draw.Draw(dst, newImg.Bounds(), newImg, image.ZP, draw.Src)
img = dst
// Run the carver function if the desired image width is not identical with the rescaled image width.
if newWidth > 0 && p.NewWidth != c.Width {
if p.NewWidth > c.Width {
img, _ = enlargeHorizFn(c, img)
} else {
img, _ = shrinkHorizFn(c, img)
// Run the carver function if the desired image height is not identical with the rescaled image height.
if newHeight > 0 && p.NewHeight != c.Height {
if p.NewHeight > c.Height {
if !resizeBothSide {
img = c.RotateImage90(img)
img, _ = enlargeVertFn(c, img)
if !resizeBothSide {
img = c.RotateImage270(img)
} else {
if !resizeBothSide {
img = c.RotateImage90(img)
img, _ = shrinkVertFn(c, img)
if !resizeBothSide {
img = c.RotateImage270(img)
return img, nil
// calculateFitness iteratively try to find the best image aspect ratio for the rescale.
func (p *Processor) calculateFitness(img *image.NRGBA, c *Carver) *image.NRGBA {
var (
w = float64(c.Width)
h = float64(c.Height)
nw = float64(p.NewWidth)
nh = float64(p.NewHeight)
newImg *image.NRGBA
wsf := w / nw
hsf := h / nh
sw := math.Round(w / math.Min(wsf, hsf))
sh := math.Round(h / math.Min(wsf, hsf))
if sw <= sh {
newImg = imaging.Resize(img, 0, int(sw), imaging.Lanczos)
} else {
newImg = imaging.Resize(img, 0, int(sh), imaging.Lanczos)
dx, dy := newImg.Bounds().Max.X, newImg.Bounds().Max.Y
c.Width = dx
c.Height = dy
if int(sw) < p.NewWidth || int(sh) < p.NewHeight {
img = p.calculateFitness(newImg, c)
return newImg
// Process encodes the resized image into an io.Writer interface.
// We are using the io package, since we can provide different input and output types,
// as long as they implement the io.Reader and io.Writer interface.
func (p *Processor) Process(r io.Reader, w io.Writer) error {
var err error
// Instantiate a new Pigo object in case the face detection option is used.
p.PigoFaceDetector = pigo.NewPigo()
if p.FaceDetect {
cascadeFile, err := classifier.ReadFile("data/facefinder")
if err != nil {
return errors.New(fmt.Sprintf("error reading the cascade file: %v", err))
// Unpack the binary file. This will return the number of cascade trees,
// the tree depth, the threshold and the prediction from tree's leaf nodes.
p.PigoFaceDetector, err = p.PigoFaceDetector.Unpack(cascadeFile)
if err != nil {
return errors.New(fmt.Sprintf("Error reading the cascade file: %v\n", err))
g = new(gif.GIF)
src, _, err := image.Decode(r)
if err != nil {
return err
img := p.imgToNRGBA(src)
switch w.(type) {
case *os.File:
ext := filepath.Ext(w.(*os.File).Name())
switch ext {
case "", ".jpg", ".jpeg":
res, err := Resize(p, img)
if err != nil {
return err
return jpeg.Encode(w, res, &jpeg.Options{Quality: 100})
case ".png":
res, err := Resize(p, img)
if err != nil {
return err
return png.Encode(w, res)
case ".bmp":
res, err := Resize(p, img)
if err != nil {
return err
return bmp.Encode(w, res)
case ".gif":
isGif = true
_, err := Resize(p, img)
if err != nil {
return err
return writeGifToFile(w.(*os.File).Name())
return errors.New("unsupported image format")
res, err := Resize(p, img)
if err != nil {
return err
return jpeg.Encode(w, res, &jpeg.Options{Quality: 100})
return nil
// shrink reduces the image dimension either horizontally or vertically.
func (p *Processor) shrink(c *Carver, img *image.NRGBA) (*image.NRGBA, error) {
width, height := img.Bounds().Max.X, img.Bounds().Max.Y
c = NewCarver(width, height)
if err := c.ComputeSeams(img, p); err != nil {
return nil, err
seams := c.FindLowestEnergySeams()
img = c.RemoveSeam(img, seams, p.Debug)
if isGif {
g = encodeImageToGif(img)
return img, nil
// enlarge increases the image dimension either horizontally or vertically.
func (p *Processor) enlarge(c *Carver, img *image.NRGBA) (*image.NRGBA, error) {
width, height := img.Bounds().Max.X, img.Bounds().Max.Y
c = NewCarver(width, height)
if err := c.ComputeSeams(img, p); err != nil {
return nil, err
seams := c.FindLowestEnergySeams()
img = c.AddSeam(img, seams, p.Debug)
return img, nil
// imgToNRGBA converts any image type to *image.NRGBA with min-point at (0, 0).
func (p *Processor) imgToNRGBA(img image.Image) *image.NRGBA {
srcBounds := img.Bounds()
if srcBounds.Min.X == 0 && srcBounds.Min.Y == 0 {
if src0, ok := img.(*image.NRGBA); ok {
return src0
srcMinX := srcBounds.Min.X
srcMinY := srcBounds.Min.Y
dstBounds := srcBounds.Sub(srcBounds.Min)
dstW := dstBounds.Dx()
dstH := dstBounds.Dy()
dst := image.NewNRGBA(dstBounds)
switch src := img.(type) {
case *image.NRGBA:
rowSize := srcBounds.Dx() * 4
for dstY := 0; dstY < dstH; dstY++ {
di := dst.PixOffset(0, dstY)
si := src.PixOffset(srcMinX, srcMinY+dstY)
for dstX := 0; dstX < dstW; dstX++ {
copy(dst.Pix[di:di+rowSize], src.Pix[si:si+rowSize])
case *image.YCbCr:
for dstY := 0; dstY < dstH; dstY++ {
di := dst.PixOffset(0, dstY)
for dstX := 0; dstX < dstW; dstX++ {
srcX := srcMinX + dstX
srcY := srcMinY + dstY
siy := src.YOffset(srcX, srcY)
sic := src.COffset(srcX, srcY)
r, g, b := color.YCbCrToRGB(src.Y[siy], src.Cb[sic], src.Cr[sic])
dst.Pix[di+0] = r
dst.Pix[di+1] = g
dst.Pix[di+2] = b
dst.Pix[di+3] = 0xff
di += 4
for dstY := 0; dstY < dstH; dstY++ {
di := dst.PixOffset(0, dstY)
for dstX := 0; dstX < dstW; dstX++ {
c := color.NRGBAModel.Convert(img.At(srcMinX+dstX, srcMinY+dstY)).(color.NRGBA)
dst.Pix[di+0] = c.R
dst.Pix[di+1] = c.G
dst.Pix[di+2] = c.B
dst.Pix[di+3] = c.A
di += 4
return dst
// encodeImageToGif encodes the provided image to a Gif file.
func encodeImageToGif(src image.Image) *gif.GIF {
bounds := src.Bounds()
dst := image.NewPaletted(image.Rect(0, 0, bounds.Dx()-xCount, bounds.Dy()-yCount), palette.Plan9)
draw.Draw(dst, src.Bounds(), src, image.Point{}, draw.Src)
g.Image = append(g.Image, dst)
g.Delay = append(g.Delay, 0)
return g
// writeGifToFile writes the encoded Gif file to the destination file.
func writeGifToFile(path string) error {
f, err := os.Create(path)
if err != nil {
return err
defer f.Close()
return gif.EncodeAll(f, g)
// absint returns the absolute value of i.
func absint(i int) int {
if i < 0 {
return -i
return i
// max returns the maximum value of two numbers of type int.
func max(v1, v2 int) int {
if v1 > v2 {
return v1
return v2
// min returns the minimum value of two numbers of type int.
func min(v1, v2 int) int {
if v1 < v2 {
return v1
return v2