
274 lines
6.4 KiB

package astiav
//#cgo pkg-config: libavcodec libavformat
//#include <libavcodec/avcodec.h>
//#include <libavformat/avformat.h>
import "C"
import (
// https://github.com/FFmpeg/FFmpeg/blob/n5.0/libavformat/avformat.h#L1202
type FormatContext struct {
c *C.struct_AVFormatContext
func newFormatContextFromC(c *C.struct_AVFormatContext) *FormatContext {
if c == nil {
return nil
fc := &FormatContext{c: c}
return fc
var _ Classer = (*FormatContext)(nil)
func AllocFormatContext() *FormatContext {
return newFormatContextFromC(C.avformat_alloc_context())
func AllocOutputFormatContext(of *OutputFormat, formatName, filename string) (*FormatContext, error) {
fonc := (*C.char)(nil)
if len(formatName) > 0 {
fonc = C.CString(formatName)
defer C.free(unsafe.Pointer(fonc))
finc := (*C.char)(nil)
if len(filename) > 0 {
finc = C.CString(filename)
defer C.free(unsafe.Pointer(finc))
var ofc *C.struct_AVOutputFormat
if of != nil {
ofc = of.c
var fcc *C.struct_AVFormatContext
if err := newError(C.avformat_alloc_output_context2(&fcc, ofc, fonc, finc)); err != nil {
return nil, err
return newFormatContextFromC(fcc), nil
func (fc *FormatContext) Free() {
func (fc *FormatContext) BitRate() int64 {
return int64(fc.c.bit_rate)
func (fc *FormatContext) Class() *Class {
return newClassFromC(unsafe.Pointer(fc.c))
func (fc *FormatContext) CtxFlags() FormatContextCtxFlags {
return FormatContextCtxFlags(fc.c.ctx_flags)
func (fc *FormatContext) Duration() int64 {
return int64(fc.c.duration)
func (fc *FormatContext) EventFlags() FormatEventFlags {
return FormatEventFlags(fc.c.event_flags)
func (fc *FormatContext) Flags() FormatContextFlags {
return FormatContextFlags(fc.c.flags)
func (fc *FormatContext) SetFlags(f FormatContextFlags) {
fc.c.flags = C.int(f)
func (fc *FormatContext) SetInterruptCallback() IOInterrupter {
i := newDefaultIOInterrupter()
fc.c.interrupt_callback = i.c
return i
func (fc *FormatContext) InputFormat() *InputFormat {
return newInputFormatFromC(fc.c.iformat)
func (fc *FormatContext) IOFlags() IOContextFlags {
return IOContextFlags(fc.c.avio_flags)
func (fc *FormatContext) MaxAnalyzeDuration() int64 {
return int64(fc.c.max_analyze_duration)
func (fc *FormatContext) Metadata() *Dictionary {
return newDictionaryFromC(fc.c.metadata)
func (fc *FormatContext) NbStreams() int {
return int(fc.c.nb_streams)
func (fc *FormatContext) OutputFormat() *OutputFormat {
return newOutputFormatFromC(fc.c.oformat)
func (fc *FormatContext) Pb() *IOContext {
// If the io context has been created using the format context's OpenInput() method, we need to
// make sure to return the same go struct as the one stored in classers
if c, ok := classers.get(unsafe.Pointer(fc.c.pb)); ok {
if v, ok := c.(*IOContext); ok {
return v
return newIOContextFromC(fc.c.pb)
func (fc *FormatContext) SetPb(i *IOContext) {
fc.c.pb = i.c
func (fc *FormatContext) StartTime() int64 {
return int64(fc.c.start_time)
func (fc *FormatContext) Streams() (ss []*Stream) {
scs := (*[(math.MaxInt32 - 1) / unsafe.Sizeof((*C.struct_AVStream)(nil))](*C.struct_AVStream))(unsafe.Pointer(fc.c.streams))
for i := 0; i < fc.NbStreams(); i++ {
ss = append(ss, newStreamFromC(scs[i]))
func (fc *FormatContext) StrictStdCompliance() StrictStdCompliance {
return StrictStdCompliance(fc.c.strict_std_compliance)
func (fc *FormatContext) SetStrictStdCompliance(strictStdCompliance StrictStdCompliance) {
fc.c.strict_std_compliance = C.int(strictStdCompliance)
func (fc *FormatContext) OpenInput(url string, fmt *InputFormat, d *Dictionary) error {
var urlc *C.char
if url != "" {
urlc = C.CString(url)
defer C.free(unsafe.Pointer(urlc))
var dc **C.struct_AVDictionary
if d != nil {
dc = &d.c
var fmtc *C.struct_AVInputFormat
if fmt != nil {
fmtc = fmt.c
if err := newError(C.avformat_open_input(&fc.c, urlc, fmtc, dc)); err != nil {
return err
if pb := fc.Pb(); pb != nil {
return nil
func (fc *FormatContext) CloseInput() {
if pb := fc.Pb(); pb != nil {
if fc.c != nil {
func (fc *FormatContext) NewStream(c *Codec) *Stream {
var cc *C.struct_AVCodec
if c != nil {
cc = c.c
return newStreamFromC(C.avformat_new_stream(fc.c, cc))
func (fc *FormatContext) FindStreamInfo(d *Dictionary) error {
var dc **C.struct_AVDictionary
if d != nil {
dc = &d.c
return newError(C.avformat_find_stream_info(fc.c, dc))
func (fc *FormatContext) ReadFrame(p *Packet) error {
var pc *C.struct_AVPacket
if p != nil {
pc = p.c
return newError(C.av_read_frame(fc.c, pc))
func (fc *FormatContext) SeekFrame(streamIndex int, timestamp int64, f SeekFlags) error {
return newError(C.av_seek_frame(fc.c, C.int(streamIndex), C.int64_t(timestamp), C.int(f)))
func (fc *FormatContext) Flush() error {
return newError(C.avformat_flush(fc.c))
func (fc *FormatContext) WriteHeader(d *Dictionary) error {
var dc **C.struct_AVDictionary
if d != nil {
dc = &d.c
return newError(C.avformat_write_header(fc.c, dc))
func (fc *FormatContext) WriteFrame(p *Packet) error {
var pc *C.struct_AVPacket
if p != nil {
pc = p.c
return newError(C.av_write_frame(fc.c, pc))
func (fc *FormatContext) WriteInterleavedFrame(p *Packet) error {
var pc *C.struct_AVPacket
if p != nil {
pc = p.c
return newError(C.av_interleaved_write_frame(fc.c, pc))
func (fc *FormatContext) WriteTrailer() error {
return newError(C.av_write_trailer(fc.c))
func (fc *FormatContext) GuessSampleAspectRatio(s *Stream, f *Frame) Rational {
var cf *C.struct_AVFrame
if f != nil {
cf = f.c
return newRationalFromC(C.av_guess_sample_aspect_ratio(fc.c, s.c, cf))
func (fc *FormatContext) GuessFrameRate(s *Stream, f *Frame) Rational {
var cf *C.struct_AVFrame
if f != nil {
cf = f.c
return newRationalFromC(C.av_guess_frame_rate(fc.c, s.c, cf))
func (fc *FormatContext) SDPCreate() (string, error) {
return sdpCreate([]*FormatContext{fc})
func sdpCreate(fcs []*FormatContext) (string, error) {
return stringFromC(1024, func(buf *C.char, size C.size_t) error {
fccs := []*C.struct_AVFormatContext{}
for _, fc := range fcs {
fccs = append(fccs, fc.c)
return newError(C.av_sdp_create(&fccs[0], C.int(len(fcs)), buf, C.int(size)))