Steven Hartland 026a1d9a9c
chore: lint and naming refactor (#475)
Enable more linters, address the issues and do a major naming refactor
to use golang lower camelCase identifiers for types, functions, methods
and variable names.

* Clean up inline generation so it doesn't rely on temporary variables.
* Remove unused functions generated by
2022-12-04 21:49:38 +00:00

199 lines
5.8 KiB

package otto
import (
// bind.
func Test_underscore_functions_0(t *testing.T) {
tt(t, func() {
test := underscoreTest()
test("bind", function() {
var context = {name : 'moe'};
var func = function(arg) { return "name: " + ( || arg); };
var bound = _.bind(func, context);
equal(bound(), 'name: moe', 'can bind a function to a context');
bound = _(func).bind(context);
equal(bound(), 'name: moe', 'can do OO-style binding');
bound = _.bind(func, null, 'curly');
equal(bound(), 'name: curly', 'can bind without specifying a context');
func = function(salutation, name) { return salutation + ': ' + name; };
func = _.bind(func, this, 'hello');
equal(func('moe'), 'hello: moe', 'the function was partially applied in advance');
func = _.bind(func, this, 'curly');
equal(func(), 'hello: curly', 'the function was completely applied in advance');
func = function(salutation, firstname, lastname) { return salutation + ': ' + firstname + ' ' + lastname; };
func = _.bind(func, this, 'hello', 'moe', 'curly');
equal(func(), 'hello: moe curly', 'the function was partially applied in advance and can accept multiple arguments');
func = function(context, message) { equal(this, context, message); };
_.bind(func, 0, 0, 'can bind a function to <0>')();
_.bind(func, '', '', 'can bind a function to an empty string')();
_.bind(func, false, false, 'can bind a function to <false>')();
// These tests are only meaningful when using a browser without a native bind function
// To test this with a modern browser, set underscore's nativeBind to undefined
var F = function () { return this; };
var Boundf = _.bind(F, {hello: "moe curly"});
equal(Boundf().hello, "moe curly", "When called without the new operator, it's OK to be bound to the context");
// partial.
func Test_underscore_functions_1(t *testing.T) {
tt(t, func() {
test := underscoreTest()
test("partial", function() {
var obj = {name: 'moe'};
var func = function() { return + ' ' + _.toArray(arguments).join(' '); };
obj.func = _.partial(func, 'a', 'b');
equal(obj.func('c', 'd'), 'moe a b c d', 'can partially apply');
// bindAll.
func Test_underscore_functions_2(t *testing.T) {
tt(t, func() {
test := underscoreTest()
test("bindAll", function() {
var curly = {name : 'curly'}, moe = {
name : 'moe',
getName : function() { return 'name: ' +; },
sayHi : function() { return 'hi: ' +; }
curly.getName = moe.getName;
_.bindAll(moe, 'getName', 'sayHi');
curly.sayHi = moe.sayHi;
equal(curly.getName(), 'name: curly', 'unbound function is bound to current object');
equal(curly.sayHi(), 'hi: moe', 'bound function is still bound to original object');
// memoize.
func Test_underscore_functions_3(t *testing.T) {
tt(t, func() {
test := underscoreTest()
test("memoize", function() {
var fib = function(n) {
return n < 2 ? n : fib(n - 1) + fib(n - 2);
var fastFib = _.memoize(fib);
equal(fib(10), 55, 'a memoized version of fibonacci produces identical results');
equal(fastFib(10), 55, 'a memoized version of fibonacci produces identical results');
var o = function(str) {
return str;
var fastO = _.memoize(o);
equal(o('toString'), 'toString', 'checks hasOwnProperty');
equal(fastO('toString'), 'toString', 'checks hasOwnProperty');
// once.
func Test_underscore_functions_4(t *testing.T) {
tt(t, func() {
test := underscoreTest()
test("once", function() {
var num = 0;
var increment = _.once(function(){ num++; });
equal(num, 1);
// wrap.
func Test_underscore_functions_5(t *testing.T) {
tt(t, func() {
test := underscoreTest()
test("wrap", function() {
var greet = function(name){ return "hi: " + name; };
var backwards = _.wrap(greet, function(func, name){ return func(name) + ' ' + name.split('').reverse().join(''); });
equal(backwards('moe'), 'hi: moe eom', 'wrapped the saluation function');
var inner = function(){ return "Hello "; };
var obj = {name : "Moe"};
obj.hi = _.wrap(inner, function(fn){ return fn() +; });
equal(obj.hi(), "Hello Moe");
var noop = function(){};
var wrapped = _.wrap(noop, function(fn){ return, 0); });
var ret = wrapped(['whats', 'your'], 'vector', 'victor');
deepEqual(ret, [noop, ['whats', 'your'], 'vector', 'victor']);
// compose.
func Test_underscore_functions_6(t *testing.T) {
tt(t, func() {
test := underscoreTest()
test("compose", function() {
var greet = function(name){ return "hi: " + name; };
var exclaim = function(sentence){ return sentence + '!'; };
var composed = _.compose(exclaim, greet);
equal(composed('moe'), 'hi: moe!', 'can compose a function that takes another');
composed = _.compose(greet, exclaim);
equal(composed('moe'), 'hi: moe!', 'in this case, the functions are also commutative');
// after.
func Test_underscore_functions_7(t *testing.T) {
tt(t, func() {
test := underscoreTest()
test("after", function() {
var testAfter = function(afterAmount, timesCalled) {
var afterCalled = 0;
var after = _.after(afterAmount, function() {
while (timesCalled--) after();
return afterCalled;
equal(testAfter(5, 5), 1, "after(N) should fire after being called N times");
equal(testAfter(5, 4), 0, "after(N) should not fire unless called N times");
equal(testAfter(0, 1), 1, "after(0) should fire immediately");