var Lib; (function (n) { var t; (function (n) { function u(n, t) { var r, i; if (t == null || n == null) throw new TypeError('Null element passed to Lib.CssClass'); if (n.indexOf) return n.indexOf(t); for (r = n.length, i = 0; i < r; i++) if (n[i] === t) return i; return -1; } function f(n, u) { if (n == null) throw new TypeError('Null element passed to Lib.CssClass. add className:' + u); if (!i(n, u)) if (r && n.classList) n.classList.add(u); else { var f = t(n) + ' ' + u; o(n, f); } } function e(n, f) { var e, s, h; if (n == null) throw new TypeError('Null element passed to Lib.CssClass. remove className:' + f); i(n, f) && (r && n.classList ? n.classList.remove(f) : ((e = t(n).split(' ')), (s = u(e, f)), s >= 0 && e.splice(s, 1), (h = e.join(' ')), o(n, h))); } function s(n, t) { if (n == null) throw new TypeError('Null element passed to Lib.CssClass. toggle className:' + t); r && n.classList ? n.classList.toggle(t) : i(n, t) ? e(n, t) : f(n, t); } function i(n, i) { var f, e; if (n == null) throw new TypeError('Null element passed to Lib.CssClass. contains className:' + i); return r && n.classList ? n.classList.contains(i) : ((f = t(n)), f) ? ((e = f.split(' ')), u(e, i) >= 0) : !1; } function h(n, i) { var f, e, r, u, o; if (n.getElementsByClassName) return n.getElementsByClassName(i); for (f = n.getElementsByTagName('*'), e = [], r = 0; r < f.length; r++) (u = f[r]), u && ((o = t(u)), o && o.indexOf(i) !== -1 && e.push(u)); return e; } function o(n, t) { n instanceof SVGElement ? n.setAttribute('class', t) : (n.className = t); } function t(n) { return n instanceof SVGElement ? n.getAttribute('class') : n.className; } var r = typeof document.body.classList != 'undefined'; n.add = f; n.remove = e; n.toggle = s; n.contains = i; n.getElementByClassName = h; n.getClassAttribute = t; })((t = n.CssClass || (n.CssClass = {}))); })(Lib || (Lib = {})); function getBrowserWidth() { var t = _d.documentElement, n = Math.round(_w.innerWidth || t.clientWidth); return n < 100 && (n = 1496), n; } function getBrowserHeight() { var t = _d.documentElement, n = Math.round(_w.innerHeight || t.clientHeight); return n < 100 && (n = 796), n; } function getBrowserScrollWidth() { var n = Math.round(_d.body.clientWidth); return n < 100 && (n = 1496), n; } function getBrowserScrollHeight() { var n = Math.round(_d.body.clientHeight); return n < 100 && (n = 796), n; } window.ClientObserver = { getBrowserWidth: getBrowserWidth, getBrowserHeight: getBrowserHeight, getBrowserScrollWidth: getBrowserScrollWidth, getBrowserScrollHeight: getBrowserScrollHeight, }; function getCookie(name) { const v = document.cookie.match('(^|;) ?' + name + '=([^;]*)(;|$)'); return v ? v[2] : null; } function setCookie(name, value, minutes = 0, path = '/', domain = '') { let cookie = name + '=' + value + ';path=' + path; if (domain) { cookie += ';domain=' + domain; } if (minutes > 0) { const d = new Date(); d.setTime(d.getTime() + minutes * 60 * 1000); cookie += ';expires=' + d.toUTCString(); } document.cookie = cookie; } async function registerSW() { if ('serviceWorker' in navigator && workbox) { const wb = new workbox.Workbox('sw.js'); wb.addEventListener('activated', (event) => { // console.log(`离线就绪 : `); // console.log(`activated : `, event); // console.log(`activated isUpdate : `, event.isUpdate); if (event.isUpdate) { // 更新 console.log(`sw 有更新,reload() `); wb.messageSkipWaiting(); window.location.reload(true); } }); wb.addEventListener('waiting', (event) => { console.log(`waiting : `, event); }); wb.addEventListener('externalwaiting', (event) => { console.log(`externalwaiting : `, event); }); const swRegistration = await wb.register({ immediate: false }); const swVersion = await wb.messageSW({ type: 'GET_VERSION' }); console.log('Service Worker Version:', swVersion); } } registerSW(); const sleep = (timeout) => new Promise((resolve, reject) => setTimeout(resolve, timeout)); function getConversationExpiry() { const B = new Date(); return B.setMinutes(B.getMinutes() +, B; } const maxTryCreateConversationIdCount = 10; async function tryCreateConversationId(trycount = 0) { if (trycount >= maxTryCreateConversationIdCount) { console.log(`已重试 ${trycount} 次,自动创建停止`); return; } const conversationRes = await fetch('/turing/conversation/create', { credentials: 'include', }).then(async (res) => { if (res.status === 200 && +res.headers.get('content-length') > 0) { return await res.json(); } else { return 'error'; } }); if (conversationRes?.result?.value === 'Success') { console.log('成功创建会话ID : ', conversationRes.conversationId); CIB.manager.conversation.updateId(conversationRes.conversationId, getConversationExpiry(), conversationRes.clientId, conversationRes.conversationSignature); } else { await sleep(300); trycount += 1; console.log(`开始第 ${trycount} 次重试创建会话ID`); tryCreateConversationId(trycount); } } (function () { var config = { cookLoc: {} }; sj_evt.bind( 'sydFSC.init', () => { var SydFSCModule = false ? SydneyFullScreenConvMob : SydneyFullScreenConv; if (SydFSCModule && SydFSCModule.initWithWaitlistUpdate) { SydFSCModule.initWithWaitlistUpdate(config, 10); // todo 反馈暂时无法使用,先移除 document .querySelector('cib-serp') .shadowRoot.querySelector('cib-conversation') .shadowRoot.querySelector('cib-welcome-container') .shadowRoot.querySelector('.learn-tog-item') .remove(); document.querySelector('cib-serp').shadowRoot.querySelector('cib-serp-feedback').remove(); // 移除顶部背景遮挡 document.querySelector('cib-serp').shadowRoot.querySelector('cib-conversation').shadowRoot.querySelector('.scroller > .top').style.display = 'none'; // 移除顶部边距 document .querySelector('cib-serp') .shadowRoot.querySelector('cib-conversation') .shadowRoot.querySelector('.scroller > .scroller-positioner > .content').style.paddingTop = 0; // 用户 cookie const userCookieName = '_U'; const userCookieVal = getCookie(userCookieName); const chatLoginBgEle = document.querySelector('.chat-login-bg'); if (!userCookieVal) { // = 'flex'; tryCreateConversationId(); } else { document.querySelector('.chat-login-inp-cookie').value = userCookieVal; } document.querySelector('.chat-login-btn-save').onclick = function () { const cookie = document.querySelector('.chat-login-inp-cookie').value; if (cookie) { setCookie(userCookieName, cookie, 7 * 24 * 60); = 'none'; } // else { // setCookie(userCookieName, '', -1); // } }; document.querySelector('.chat-login-btn-cancel').onclick = function () { = 'none'; }; document.querySelector('.nav__title-setting').onclick = function () { = 'flex'; }; } }, true ); })();'showSydFSC');