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SharedLogHelper.LogWarning("clickEX", null, v) : (new Image).src = _G.lsUrl + '&Type=Event.ClientInst&DATA=[{"T":"CI.Warning","FID":"CI","Name":"JSWarning","Text":' + v.message + "}]" } return !0 }; _w.si_sbwu || (_w.si_sbwu = function () { return !1 }), function () { _w._G && (_G.si_ct_e = "click") }(); function rdr_T (n) { var u = _w.event, f = !0, e = "getAttribute", i, t, r; if (navigator.cookieEnabled && _G && _G.SUIH && u && u.button < 2 && (t = u.target || u.srcElement)) { for (; t !== _d.body; t = t.parentNode)if (t.tagName == "A") break; i = t[e]("href"); var o = t[e]("h") || t[e]("_ct"), h = _w.sj_isAjax && t.host === location.host && t.pathname === "/search", c = t.hash ? t.search === _w.location.search : !1, s = !0; try { s = (_d.cookie.match(/SRCHUID/g) || []).length === 1 } catch (l) { } f = !(!h && o && "&" + o === n && _w.btoa && t.protocol && t.protocol.indexOf("http") > -1 && !c && s) } if (!f && i && i.indexOf(_G.gpUrl) < 0) { for (i = btoa(i).replace(/\+/g, "-").replace(/\//g, "_"), r = i.length - 1; r >= 0 && i.charCodeAt(r) == 61; r--); i = _G.gpUrl + "IG=" + _G.IG + "&" + n + "&SUIH=" + _G.SUIH + "&redir=" + i.substr(0, r + 1); t.setAttribute("href", i) } return f && _w.si_T && _w.si_T(n), !0 }; var perf; (function (n) { function f (n) { return i.hasOwnProperty(n) ? i[n] : n } function e (n) { var t = "S"; return n == 0 ? t = "P" : n == 2 && (t = "M"), t } function o (n) { for (var c, i = [], t = {}, r, l = 0; l < n.length; l++) { var a = n[l], o = a.v, s = a.t, h = a.k; s === 0 && (h = f(h), o = o.toString(36)); s === 3 ? i.push("".concat(h, ":").concat(o)) : (r = t[s] = t[s] || [], r.push("".concat(h, ":").concat(o))) } for (c in t) t.hasOwnProperty(c) && (r = t[c], i.push("".concat(e(+c), ':"').concat(r.join(","), '"'))); return i.push(u), i } for (var r = ["redirectStart", "redirectEnd", "fetchStart", "domainLookupStart", "domainLookupEnd", "connectStart", "secureConnectionStart", "connectEnd", "requestStart", "responseStart", "responseEnd", "domLoading", "domInteractive", "domContentLoadedEventStart", "domContentLoadedEventEnd", "domComplete", "loadEventStart", "loadEventEnd", "unloadEventStart", "unloadEventEnd", "firstChunkEnd", "secondChunkStart", "htmlEnd", "pageEnd", "msFirstPaint"], u = "v:1.1", i = {}, t = 0; t < r.length; t++)i[r[t]] = t; n.compress = o })(perf || (perf = {})); window.perf = window.perf || {}, function (n) { n.log = function (t, i) { var f = n.compress(t), r; f.push('T:"CI.Perf",FID:"CI",Name:"PerfV2"'); var e = "/fd/ls/lsp.aspx?", o = "sendBeacon", h = "<E><T>Event.ClientInst<\/T><IG>".concat(_G.IG, "<\/IG><TS>").concat(i, "<\/TS><D><![CDATA[{").concat(f.join(","), "}]\]><\/D><\/E>"), s = "<ClientInstRequest><Events>".concat(h, "<\/Events><STS>").concat(i, "<\/STS><\/ClientInstRequest>"), u = !_w.navigator || !navigator[o]; if (!u) try { navigator[o](e, s) } catch (c) { u = !0 } u && (r = sj_gx(), r.open("POST", e, !0), r.setRequestHeader("Content-Type", "text/xml"), r.send(s)) } }(window.perf); var perf; (function (n) { function a () { return c(Math.random() * 1e4) } function o () { return y ? c(f.now()) + l : +new Date } function v (n, r, f) { t.length === 0 && i && sb_st(u, 1e3); t.push({ k: n, v: r, t: f }) } function p (n) { return i || (r = n), !i } function w (n, t) { t || (t = o()); v(n, t, 0) } function b (n, t) { v(n, t, 1) } function u () { var u, f; if (t.length) { for (u = 0; u < t.length; u++)f = t[u], f.t === 0 && (f.v -= r); t.push({ k: "id", v: e, t: 3 }); n.log(t, o()); t = []; i = !0 } } function k () { r = o(); e = a(); i = !1; sj_evt.bind("onP1", u) } var s = "performance", h = !!_w[s], f = _w[s], y = h && !!f.now, c = Math.round, t = [], i = !1, l, r, e; h ? l = r = f.timing.navigationStart : r = _w.si_ST ? _w.si_ST : +new Date; e = a(); n.setStartTime = p; n.mark = w; n.record = b; n.flush = u; n.reset = k; sj_be(window, "load", u, !1); sj_be(window, "beforeunload", u, !1) })(perf || (perf = {})); _w.si_PP = function (n, t, i) { var r, o, l, h, e, c; if (!_G.PPS) { for (o = ["FC", "BC", "SE", "TC", "H", "BP", null]; r = o.shift();)o.push('"' + r + '":' + (_G[r + "T"] ? _G[r + "T"] - _G.ST : -1)); var u = _w.perf, s = "navigation", r, f = i || _w.performance && _w.performance.timing; if (f && u) { if (l = f.navigationStart, u.setStartTime(l), l >= 0) { for (r in f) h = f[r], typeof h == "number" && h > 0 && r !== "navigationStart" && r !== s && u.mark(r, h); _G.FCT && u.mark("FN", _G.FCT); _G.BCT && u.mark("BN", _G.BCT) } u.record("nav", s in f ? f[s] : performance[s].type) } e = "connection"; c = ""; _w.navigator && navigator[e] && (c = ',"net":"'.concat(navigator[e].type, '"'), navigator[e].downlinkMax && (c += ',"dlMax":"'.concat(navigator[e].downlinkMax, '"'))); _G.PPImg = new Image; _G.PPImg.src = _G.lsUrl + '&Type=Event.CPT&DATA={"pp":{"S":"' + (t || "L") + '",' + o.join(",") + ',"CT":' + (n - _G.ST) + ',"IL":' + _d.images.length + "}" + (_G.C1 ? "," + _G.C1 : "") + c + "}" + (_G.P ? "&P=" + _G.P : "") + (_G.DA ? "&DA=" + _G.DA : "") + (_G.MN ? "&MN=" + _G.MN : ""); _G.PPS = 1; sb_st(function () { u && u.flush(); sj_evt.fire("onPP"); sj_evt.fire(_w.p1) }, 1) } }; _w.onbeforeunload = function () { si_PP(new Date, "A") }; sj_evt.bind("ajax.requestSent", function () { window.perf && perf.reset() });
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var logMetaError = function (n) { (new Image).src = _G.lsUrl + '&Type=Event.ClientInst&DATA=[{"T":"CI.MetaError","FID":"CI","Name":"MetaJSError","Text":"' + escape(n) + '"}]' }, getHref = function () { return location.href }, regexEscape; try { regexEscape = function (n) { return n.replace(/([.?*+^$&[\]\\(){}|<>-])/g, "\\$1") }; function jsErrorHandler (n) { var s, r, y, p, u, f, w, e, h, c, o; try { if (s = "ERC", r = window[s], r = r ? r + 1 : 1, r === 16 && (n = new Error("max errors reached")), r > 16) return; window[s] = r; var l = n.error || n, b = '"noMessage"', k = n.filename, d = n.lineno, g = n.colno, nt = n.extra, a = l.severity || "Error", tt = l.message || b, i = l.stack, t = '"' + escape(tt.replace(/"/g, "")) + '"', it = new RegExp(regexEscape(getHref()), "g"); if (i) { for (y = /\(([^\)]+):[0-9]+:[0-9]+\)/g, u = {}; (p = y.exec(i)) !== null;)f = p[1], u[f] ? u[f]++ : u[f] = 1; e = 0; for (h in u) u[h] > 1 && (c = regexEscape(h), w = new RegExp(c, "g"), i = i.replace(w, e), i += "#" + e + "=" + c, e++); i = i.replace(it, "self").replace(/"/g, ""); t += ',"Stack":"' + (escape(i) + '"') } if (k && (t += ',"Meta":"' + escape(k.replace(it, "self")) + '"'), d && (t += ',"Line":"' + d + '"'), g && (t += ',"Char":"' + g + '"'), nt && (t += ',"ExtraInfo":"' + nt + '"'), tt === b) if (a = "Warning", t += ',"ObjectToString":"' + n.toString() + '"', JSON && JSON.stringify) t += ',"JSON":"' + escape(JSON.stringify(n)) + '"'; else for (o in n) n.hasOwnProperty(o) && (t += ',"' + o + '":"' + n[o] + '"'); var rt = (new Date).getTime(), ut = '"T":"CI.' + a + '","FID":"CI","Name":"JS' + a + '","Text":' + t + "", ft = "<E><T>Event.ClientInst<\/T><IG>" + _G.IG + "<\/IG><TS>" + rt + "<\/TS><D><![CDATA[[{" + ut + "}]]\]><\/D><\/E>", et = "<ClientInstRequest><Events>" + ft + "<\/Events><STS>" + rt + "<\/STS><\/ClientInstRequest>", v = new XMLHttpRequest; v.open("POST", "/fd/ls/lsp.aspx?", !0); v.setRequestHeader("Content-Type", "text/xml"); v.send(et); typeof sj_evt != "undefined" && sj_evt.fire("ErrorInstrumentation", t) } catch (ot) { logMetaError("Failed to execute error handler. " + ot.message) } } window.addEventListener && window.addEventListener("error", jsErrorHandler, !1); window.addEventListener || window.onerror || (window.onerror = function (n, t, i, r, u) { var f = "", e; typeof n == "object" && n.srcElement && n.srcElement.src ? f = "\"ScriptSrc = '" + escape(n.srcElement.src.replace(/'/g, "")) + "'\"" : (n = "" + n, f = '"' + escape(n.replace(/"/g, "")) + '","Meta":"' + escape(t) + '","Line":' + i + ',"Char": ' + r, u && u.stack && (e = new RegExp(regexEscape(getHref()), "g"), f += ',"Stack":"' + escape(u.stack.replace(e, "self").replace(/"/g, "") + '"'))); (new Image).src = _G.lsUrl + '&Type=Event.ClientInst&DATA=[{"T":"CI.GetError","FID":"CI","Name":"JSGetError","Text":' + f + "}]"; typeof sj_evt != "undefined" && sj_evt.fire("ErrorInstrumentation", f) }) } catch (e) { logMetaError("Failed to bind error handler " + e.message) }; var sj_b = _d.body; _w.InstLogQueueKeyFetcher = { Get: function (n) { var t = "eventLogQueue"; return n.indexOf("proactive") == 1 || n.indexOf("search") == 1 || n.indexOf("zinc") == 1 ? t + "_Online" : t + "_Offline" }, GetSharedLocation: function () { return "eventLogQueue_Shared" }, CanUploadSharedMessages: function (n) { return _w.useSharedLocalStorage && n.indexOf("AS/API") === 1 ? !0 : !1 } }; _w.LogUploadCapFeatureEnabled = !1; var CoreUtilities; (function (n) { function i (n) { for (var r = [], i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++)r[i - 1] = arguments[i]; return t.apply(null, [null, n].concat(r)) } function t (n, t) { for (var i = [], r = 2; r < arguments.length; r++)i[r - 2] = arguments[r]; return function () { for (var f, r = [], u = 0; u < arguments.length; u++)r[u] = arguments[u]; if (r && r.length !== 0) for (f in i) i.hasOwnProperty(f) && r.push(i[f]); else r = i; return t.apply(n, r) } } function r () { for (var n, r, t = [], i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++)t[i] = arguments[i]; for (n = t[0], r = 1; r < t.length; r++)if (n) n = n[t[r]]; else return null; return n } n.deferFunction = i; n.deferMethod = t; n.getProperty = r; window.sj_df = i; window.sj_dm = t; window.sj_gp = r })(CoreUtilities || (CoreUtilities = {})); _w.useSharedLocalStorage = !1;
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var __spreadArray = this && this.__spreadArray || function (n, t, i) { if (i || arguments.length === 2) for (var r = 0, f = t.length, u; r < f; r++)!u && r in t || (u || (u = Array.prototype.slice.call(t, 0, r)), u[r] = t[r]); return n.concat(u || Array.prototype.slice.call(t)) }; define("clientinst_xls", ["require", "exports"], function (n, t) { function si () { function n (n, t) { typeof i[n] == "undefined" && (i[n] = t) } _w.ClientInstConfig || (_w.ClientInstConfig = {}); i = ClientInstConfig; n("flushInterval", 5e3); n("retryInterval", 1e3); n("maxStorageUse", 5e5); n("maxBatchSize", 1e5); n("queueDumpInterval", 500); n("waitForPageInfo", !1); n("pageInfoTimeout", 5e3); n("logUploadCapSizeInChar", 15728640 * .5); n("logUploadCapIntervalInDays", 30); n("isInstrumentationEnabled", !0); n("maxDirectErrors", 3) } function yt () { ut = 0; p = _G.ST ? _G.ST.getTime() : 0 } function f (n, t, r, u) { var f, h, e, o; if (i.isInstrumentationEnabled) if (f = { errorType: n, failCount: t }, d(f), u) { vt++; vt > i.maxDirectErrors && (f.errorType = "Overloaded", i.isInstrumentationEnabled = !1); h = { impressionGuid: r, previousImpressionGuid: null, timestamp: (new Date).getTime(), type: s.EVENT, data: { eventType: rt, eventData: f } }; e = et([h], []); try { ht(e) || (o = sj_gx(), o.open("POST", _G.XLS, !0), o.send(e)) } catch (c) { throw c; } } else st(rt, f, null, null, null, r, null, null) } function hi () { function t () { o || (o = function () { }); pt(); f("PageInfoTimedOut", 0, _G.IG) } si(); yt(); typeof h != "undefined" && h.bind && h.bind("ajax.unload", yt); try { u = _w.localStorage; r.initialize() } catch (e) { } var n = null; i.waitForPageInfo && (n = sb_st(t, i.pageInfoTimeout)); sj_evt.bind("ClientInst.PageInstInfo", function (t) { n && (sb_ct(n), n = null); o = t[1]; o && pt() }) } function pt () { for (var n = 0, t, i; ft.length > 0;) { try { i = ft.shift(); t = JSON.parse(i) } catch (r) { n++; continue } o && o(t.data); w(t) } n > 0 && f("InvalidIncompleteImpressions", n, _G.IG) } function w (n) { r.append(n); l() } function a (n) { return JSON.stringify(n).replace(/]]>/g, "]]]\]><![CDATA[>") } function ci (n, t, i) { var f, u, r; t.push("<E>", "<T>Event.", n.data.eventType, "<\/T>", "<IG>", n.impressionGuid, "<\/IG>"); n.previousImpressionGuid && t.push("<PrevIG>", n.previousImpressionGuid, "<\/PrevIG>"); n.dominantImpressionGuid && n.previousImpressionGuid && t.push("<DominantIG>", n.dominantImpressionGuid, "<\/DominantIG>"); f = n.data.dataSources; f && t.push("<DS><![CDATA[", a(f), "]\]><\/DS>"); u = n.data.pageLayout; u && b(u) && t.push("<Page><L><![CDATA[", a(u), "]\]><\/L><\/Page>"); r = n.data.eventData; r || (r = n.data.eventData = {}); r.UTS = i; t.push("<D><![CDATA[", a(r), "]\]><\/D>", "<TS>", n.timestamp, "<\/TS>", "<\/E>") } function b (n) { var t = !1, i; try { n instanceof Array ? t = n.every(b) : (t = !!n.T, i = n.L, t && i && (t = b(i))) } catch (r) { return SharedLogHelper.LogWarning("PageLayoutValidationException", null, r), !1 } return t || SharedLogHelper.LogWarning("PageLayoutValidationException", JSON ? JSON.stringify(n) : n, null), t } function k (n, t, i) { n.push('<requestInfo key="', t, '" value="', i, '"/>') } function li (n, t, i) { function f (n) { return n ? n.replace(/&/g, "&amp;").replace(/"/g, "&quot;") : "" } var r = n.data, e, u, c, o, s, h; t.push("<Group>", "<M>", "<IG>", n.impressionGuid, "<\/IG>", "<DS><![CDATA[", a(r.dataSources), "]\]><\/DS>"); e = r.enrichedClientInfo; e || (e = {}); e.ImpressionUrl = r.impressionUrl; _G.AppVer && (e.ResourcesVersion = _G.AppVer); u = n.data.eventData; u || (u = n.data.eventData = {}); u.EnrichedClientInfo = e; u.TS = r.clientTimestamp; u.UTS = i; c = r.uxClassification; c && (u.UxClassification = c); _w.sj_cook && sj_cook.parse && (u.Cookies = sj_cook.parse()); t.push("<D><![CDATA[", a(u), "]\]><\/D>"); t.push("<Page>", "<Name>", r.pageName, "<\/Name>"); o = r.layoutNodes; o && b(o) && t.push("<L><![CDATA[", a(o), "]\]><\/L>"); t.push("<\/Page>", "<TS>", n.timestamp, "<\/TS>", "<Ovr>"); k(t, "RawQuery", f(r.rawQuery)); k(t, "IsQuery", f(r.isQuery.toString())); k(t, "Form", f(r.form)); s = r.userInfoOverrides; for (h in s) s.hasOwnProperty(h) && k(t, f(h), f(s[h])); t.push('<userInfo key="AppName" value="', f(r.appName), '"/>', "<\/Ovr>", "<\/M>", "<\/Group>") } function d (n) { var t = window.location.href, i, r, u; return v && t.indexOf(v) === 0 || (i = t.indexOf("?"), i < 0 && (i = t.indexOf("#")), v = i < 0 ? t : t.substring(0, i), r = _w.ThresholdUtilities, r && (u = r.getUrlParameter(t, "FORM"), u && (v += "?FORM=" + u))), n.CurUrl = v, n.Pivot = _G.PN, typeof ThresholdUtilities != "undefined" && _w.SearchAppWrapper && _w.SearchAppWrapper.CortanaApp && ThresholdUtilities.getCortanaHeaders(function (t) { if (t) { var i; (i = t["X-BM-ClientFeatures"]) && (n.CF = i); (i = t["X-BM-FlightedFeatures"]) && (n.FF = i) } }), n } function et (n, t) { var r = ["<ClientInstRequest>"], u = (new Date).getTime(), f = _G.CID || sj_cook.get(lt, lt), e, i, o; if (f && r.push("<CID>", f, "<\/CID>"), n.length > 0) { for (r.push("<Events>"), i = 0; i < n.length; i++)e = n[i], ci(e, r, u); r.push("<\/Events>") } if (t.length > 0) for (i = 0; i < t.length; i++)o = t[i], li(o, r, u); return r.push("<\/ClientInstRequest>"), r.join("") } function l (n, t) { if (n === void 0 && (n = !1), t === void 0 && (t = !0), i.isInstrumentationEnabled) { var r = n ? c.retryQueue : c.mainQueue; !r.flushTimeoutHandle && typeof tt != "undefined" && tt.setTimeout && (r.flushTimeoutHandle = tt.setTimeout(function () { return wt(n, r, !1, t) }, r.getInterval())) } } function wt (n, t, u, o, s) { var it, v, h, p, g, w, b, nt, k, y, d, rt, a, tt; if ((o === void 0 && (o = !0), i.isInstrumentationEnabled) && (sb_ct(t.flushTimeoutHandle), t.flushTimeoutHandle = null, !n || !c.mainQueue.inProgressUpload)) { if (!n && c.retryQueue.inProgressUpload && c.retryQueue.inProgressUpload.abort(), t.inProgressUpload) if (it = (new Date).getTime() - t.requestSentTimestamp, u || it > i.flushInterval) t.inProgressUpload.abort(), u ? f("SendAbortedForceFlush", 1, _G.IG) : f("SendTimedOut", 1, _G.IG); else return; if (v = r.getBatch(n), v.length != 0) { for (h = {}, p = 0; p < v.events.length; p++)g = v.events[p], w = g.flights, h[w] || (h[w] = { events: [], mpis: [] }), h[w].events.push(g.log); for (b = 0; b < v.masterPageImpressions.length; b++)nt = v.masterPageImpressions[b], k = nt.flights, h[k] || (h[k] = { events: [], mpis: [] }), h[k].mpis.push(nt.log); for (y in h) { if (d = et(h[y].events, h[y].mpis), rt = s && s.useSendBeacon || !1, (rt || ii()) && ri(_G.XLS, d)) { r.clearSentItems(n) && !n && l(!1, s); l(!0, s); continue } a = sj_gx(); a.open("POST", _G.XLS, o); tt = sj_df(ai, a, t, n); o && (i.flushInterval >= 1e3 && (a.timeout = i.flushInterval), a.onload = tt); a.setRequestHeader("Content-type", "text/xml"); y !== "" && (a.setRequestHeader("X-MSEdge-ExternalExpType", "JointCoord"), a.setRequestHeader("X-MSEdge-ExternalExp", y)); t.inProgressUpload = a; t.requestSentTimestamp = (new Date).getTime(); a.send(d); o || tt(null) } } } } function ai (n, t, i, u) { if (t.readyState === 4) { i.inProgressUpload = null; var f = Math.floor(t.status / 100); f === 2 ? (r.clearSentItems(u) && !u && l(!1), l(!0)) : f === 4 ? (r.markFailedItems(!0, u), l(!0)) : r.markFailedItems(!1, u); u && r.recordRetryAttempt() } } function bt (n, t, i) { n === void 0 && (n = !1); t === void 0 && (t = !0); wt(!1, c.mainQueue, n, t, i) } function ot (n, t, i, r, u, f, e, o, h) { var c = {}, l, a; if (d(c), t) if (typeof t == "string") c.Text = t; else for (l in t) t.hasOwnProperty(l) && (c[l] = t[l]); return i && (c.T = "CI." + i), a = h || (new Date).getTime(), c.TS = a, c.RTS = a - p, c.SEQ = ut++, { type: s.EVENT, impressionGuid: f != null ? f : _G.IG, previousImpressionGuid: e, timestamp: a, data: { eventType: n, eventData: c, dataSources: r, pageLayout: u }, dominantImpressionGuid: o } } function kt (n) { var i = et(n, []), t; ht(i) || (t = sj_gx(), t.open("POST", _G.XLS), t.setRequestHeader("Content-type", "text/xml"), t.send(i)) } function st (n, t, r, u, f, e, o, s, h) { var c, l, a; if (EventsToDuplicate && n === "Click" && EventsToDuplicate.indexOf("duplicateClickOnLs") >= 0 && (c = _G.gpUrl + "IG=" + _G.IG + "&ID=" + t.AppNS + "," + t.K, ht("", c) || (_G.GPImg = new Image, _G.GPImg.src = c), n = "XlsDelayedClick"), !_G.XLS) throw new Error("_G.XLS is necessary for clientinst_xls, but it is not defined"); i.isInstrumentationEnabled && (l = ot(n, t, r, u, f, e, o, s, h), EventsToDuplicate && (EventsToDuplicate.indexOf("ALL") >= 0 || EventsToDuplicate.indexOf(n) >= 0) && (a = ot("Immediate" + n, t, r, u, f, e, o, s, h), kt([a])), w(l)) } function dt (n) { var t, r, u; i.isInstrumentationEnabled && (o && o(n), n.clientTimestamp || (n.clientTimestamp = (new Date).getTime()), t = n.eventData, t || (t = n.eventData = {}), d(t), r = { type: s.MASTER_PAGE_IMPRESSION, impressionGuid: n.impressionGuid ? n.impressionGuid : _G.IG, previousImpressionGuid: null, timestamp: n.clientTimestamp, data: n }, EventsToDuplicate && (EventsToDuplicate.indexOf("ALL") >= 0 || EventsToDuplicate.indexOf("masterPageImpression") >= 0) && (u = ot("ImmediateMaster", t, n.impressionUrl, n.dataSources, n.layoutNodes, n.impressionGuid, null, null), kt([u])), o || !i.waitForPageInfo ? w(r) : ft.push(JSON.stringify(r))) } function ii () { return _G !== undefined && _G.EF !== undefined && _G.EF.logsb !== undefined && _G.EF.logsb === 1 } function ht (n, t) { return (t === void 0 && (t = _G.XLS), !ii()) ? !1 : ri(t, n) } function ri (n, t) { var i = "sendBeacon", r = !1; if (navigator && navigator[i]) try { r = navigator[i](n, t) } catch (u) { } return r } function ui (n, t) { n === void 0 && (n = !0); r.dumpToStorage(); bt(!0, n, t) } function nt () { r.dumpToStorage(); bt(!1) } function fi () { r.dumpToStorage(!0) } function ct () { r.dumpToStorage() } function ei () { y = null; _CachedFlights = undefined } var r, c, gt, ni, ti, g; t.__esModule = !0; t.ResetState = t.SaveLogsToLocalStorage = t.SaveLogsToSharedStorage = t.FlushMainQueueDontForce = t.ForceFlush = t.Log2 = t.LogInstrumented = t.Log = t.LogMasterPageImpression = t.LogEvent = void 0; var tt = n("env"), it = n("event.native"), h = n("event.custom"), e = "Shared", s; (function (n) { n[n.EVENT = 0] = "EVENT"; n[n.MASTER_PAGE_IMPRESSION = 1] = "MASTER_PAGE_IMPRESSION" })(s || (s = {})); var lt = "MUID", y = null, rt = "CIQueueError", i, oi = 864e5, ut, p, u, ft = [], o, v, at, vt = 0; (function (n) { function k () { return c && i.isInstrumentationEnabled } function d (n) { var i, t; if (n === void 0 && (n = !1), k()) { i = ct(n); try { t = n ? v : h; u[t] = i; u[t + "_logUploadIntervalStartDate"] = o; u[t + "_uploadedLogSizeInInterval"] = r } catch (f) { if (f.name.toLowerCase().indexOf("quota") >= 0) c = !1; else throw f; } } } function p () { k() && (a && sb_ct(a), a = sb_st(d, i.queueDumpInterval)) } function tt (n, t) { var i = JSON.stringify(n), r = i.length + 3; return n.size = r, t ? i.replace('"size":0', '"size":' + r) : i } function it (n) { return y === null && typeof _CachedFlights != "undefined" && _CachedFlights.sort && (y = _CachedFlights.sort().join(",")), { log: n, lastSendErrorTimeStamp: 0, inProgress: !1, size: 0, flights: y } } function ut () { var n, r, i; if (u) { if (at(), n = u[h], t = [], typeof n == "string" || n && n.length !== 0) try { if (t = JSON.parse(n), t.some(function (n) { return !n.log })) f("PrimaryQueueRestoreInvalidItems", t.length, _G.IG), t = []; else if (r = t.length, r > 0) { for (i = 0; i < r; i++)t[i].inProgress = !1; l() } } catch (e) { f("PrimaryQueueRestoreFailed", 0, _G.IG) } u[h] = "[]"; c = !0 } } function ft (n) { var a = [], y = [], o = n ? e[0] : t, c, h, p, w, l, r, b; if (nt) { if (c = u[v], typeof c == "string" && c.length !== 0) try { h = JSON.parse(c); h.some(function (n) { return !n.log }) ? f("SharedQueueRestoreInvalidItems", h.length, _G.IG) : o ? Array.prototype.push.apply(o, h) : o = h } catch (k) { f("SharedQueueRestoreFailed", 0, _G.IG) } u[v] = "[]" } if (o) for (p = 0, w = o.length, l = 0; l < w; l++)if (r = o[l], n || !r.lastSendErrorTimeStamp) if (p += r.size, p <= i.maxBatchSize) r.inProgress = !0, b = r.log, b.type == s.MASTER_PAGE_IMPRESSION ? y.push(r) : a.push(r); else break; return { events: a, masterPageImpressions: y, length: a.length + y.length, isRetryBatch: n } } function et (n) { return t = t.filter(function (t) { return !t.inProgress && (!n || !!t.lastSendErrorTimeStamp) }), p(), t.length > 0 } function ot (n) { return n.log.type === s.EVENT && n.log.data && n.log.data.eventType === rt } function st (n, i) { for (var u = [], h = i ? e[0] : t, o = 0, r, s, c; o < h.length;)r = h[o], r.inProgress ? n ? (h.splice(o, 1), ot(r) || (r.lastSendErrorTimeStamp = (new Date).getTime(), u.push(r))) : (r.inProgress = !1, o++) : o++; s = u.length; s == 1 ? f("InvalidLogMessage", 1, u[0].log.impressionGuid) : s > 0 && (c = s / 2, e.push(u.slice(0, c)), e.push(u.slice(c))); p() } function ht () { var n, t, i; if (e.length > 0) { for (n = e[0], t = 0; t < n.length;)i = n[t], i.inProgress ? n.splice(t, 1) : t++; n.length == 0 && e.shift() } } function ct (n) { var c = JSON.stringify(t), e = c.length - i.maxStorageUse, o = t.length, u, r, s, h; if (e > 0) for (u = 0, r = 0; r < o; r++)if (s = t[r].size, u += s + 1, u >= e) { t.splice(0, r + 1); f("QueueOverflow", r + 1, _G.IG, !0); break } return h = JSON.stringify(t), n && t.splice(0, o), h } function lt (n) { var i = it(n); tt(i, !1); vt(i.size) && t.push(i); p() } function at () { var t = h + "_logUploadIntervalStartDate", f = h + "_uploadedLogSizeInInterval", n; o = u[t]; r = u[f]; n = sb_gt(); o == undefined || r == undefined ? w(n) : g(o, n) >= i.logUploadCapIntervalInDays && w(n) } function w (n) { o = n; r = 0 } function g (n, t) { var i = t - n; return i / oi } function vt (n) { var t, u; return i.isInstrumentationEnabled ? LogUploadCapFeatureEnabled ? (t = sb_gt(), g(o, t) >= i.logUploadCapIntervalInDays && w(t), r >= i.logUploadCapSizeInChar) ? !1 : (u = r + n, u >= i.logUploadCapSizeInChar) ? (f("LogUploadSizeLimitReached", 1, _G.IG, !0), r = i.logUploadCapSizeInChar, !1) : (r = u, !0) : !0 : !1 } var t = [], o, r, c = !1, a = null, e = [], b = _w.location.pathname, h = InstLogQueueKeyFetcher.Get(b), v = InstLogQueueKeyFetcher.GetSharedLocation(), nt = InstLogQueueKeyFetcher.CanUploadSharedMessages(b); n.dumpToStorage = d; n.initialize = ut; n.getBatch = ft; n.clearSentItems = et; n.markFailedItems = st; n.recordRetryAttempt = ht; n.append = lt })(r || (r = {})); c = { mainQueue: { getInterval: function () { return i.flushInterval } }, retryQueue: { getInterval: function () { return i.retryInterval } } }; t.LogEvent = st; t.LogMasterPageImpression = dt; gt = function (n, t, r, u) { for (var e = [], f = 4; f < arguments.length; f++)e[f - 4] = arguments[f]; i.isInstrumentationEnabled && (at || (g("Init", "CI", "Base"), at = !0), g(n, t, r, u, e)) }; t.Log = gt; ni = function (n, i, r, u, f, e, o) { t.Log2(n, i !== null && i !== void 0 ? i : r, null, null, u, f, o) }; t.LogInstrumented = ni; ti = function (n, t, i, r, u, f, e) { var o = Object.keys(e).reduce(function (n, t) { return __spreadArray(__spreadArray([], n, !0), [t, e[t]], !1) }, []); i && o.push("service", i); r && o.push("scenario", r); u && o.push("appNS", u); f && o.push("kValue", f); g(n, null, t, !1, o) }; t.Log2 = ti; g = function (n, t, r, u, f) { var a, e, c, l, o, h, v; if (i.isInstrumentationEnabled) { if (a = _G.IG, e = {}, f && f.length > 0 && f.length % 2 == 0) for (c = 0; c < f.length; c += 2)(l = f[c], l) && (o = l.toLowerCase(), h = f[c + 1], o === "impressionguid" ? a = h : o === "service" ? e.Service = h : o === "scenario" ? e.Scenario = h : o === "appns" ? e.AppNS = h : o === "k" || o === "kvalue" ? e.K = h : o === "pos" ? e.Pos = h : e[l] = h); v = (new Date).getTime(); e.T = "CI.".concat(n); e.TS = v; e.RTS = v - p; e.SEQ = ut++; e.Name = r !== null && r !== void 0 ? r : ""; e.FID = typeof t != "number" ? t !== null && t !== void 0 ? t : "" : ""; e.hasOwnProperty("K") || typeof t != "number" || (e.K = t); d(e); w({ type: s.EVENT, impressionGuid: a, previousImpressionGuid: null, timestamp: p, data: { eventType: "ClientInst", eventData: e } }) } }; t.ForceFlush = ui; hi(); t.FlushMainQueueDontForce = nt; t.SaveLogsToSharedStorage = fi; t.SaveLogsToLocalStorage = ct; t.ResetState = ei; typeof h != "undefined" && h.bind && (h.bind("onP1", nt, !0), h.bind("ajax.postload", nt, !0)); typeof it != "undefined" && it.bind && it.bind(_w, "beforeunload", ct, !1); _w.Log = { Log: t.Log }; _w.Log2 = { LogEvent: st, LogMasterPageImpression: dt, ForceFlush: ui, FlushMainQueueDontForce: nt, SaveLogsToSharedStorage: fi, ResetState: ei, SaveLogsToLocalStorage: ct }; _w.Shared2 = _w.Shared2 || {}; _w.Shared2.Log = { Log: t.Log, LogInstrumented: t.LogInstrumented }; _w.sj_log2 = t.Log2 }); (function (n) { var i, r, t; if (document.querySelector) { i = []; r = "ad"; function u () { var d = sb_gt(), v = document.documentElement, h = document.body, t = 0, u = -1, g = v.clientHeight, y = ["#b_results ." + _G.adc, ".sb_adsWv2", ".ads"], r, e, o, b, l, s, n, f, a, k; if (h) { r = 0; e = document.querySelector("#b_pole .pa_carousel_mlo"); e && (r = e.offsetHeight, u = e.offsetTop); var p = document.querySelector("#b_results #productAdCarousel"), c = document.querySelector("#b_results .pa_b_supertop"), w = document.querySelector("#b_results .bn_wide"); for (c ? (u = c.offsetTop, r = c.offsetHeight) : w ? r += w.offsetHeight : p && (r += p.offsetHeight), t = r, o = 0; o < y.length; o++)for (b = y[o], l = document.querySelectorAll(b), s = 0; s < l.length; s++)n = l[s], n && n.className.indexOf("b_adTop") !== -1 && (f = n.nextSibling, f && f instanceof Element && _w.getComputedStyle && (a = _w.getComputedStyle(f)) && a ? (k = parseFloat(a.marginTop), t += f.offsetTop - n.offsetTop - k) : t += n.offsetHeight, u === -1 && (u = n.offsetTop)); t === 0 && (t = -1); i = [u, t, v.clientWidth, g, h.offsetWidth, h.offsetHeight, sb_gt() - d] } } n ? (t = n.onbeforefire, n.onbeforefire = function () { t && t(); u(); n.mark(r, i) }) : (t = si_PP, si_PP = function () { u(); var n = '"' + r + '":[' + i.join() + "]"; _G.C1 = _G.C1 ? _G.C1 + "," + n : n; t.apply(null, [].slice.apply(arguments)) }) } })(_w.pp); _G.AppVer = "36188618"; var UndersideDefaultTrustedTypesPolicy; (function () { function r () { var n = window.trustedTypes; n && n.createPolicy && n.createPolicy("default", { createHTML: f, createScript: function (n) { return n }, createScriptURL: u }) } var i = ["www.bing.com", "www2.bing.com", "edgeservices.bing.com", "r.bing.com", "4.bing.com", "services.bingapis.com", "sydney.bing.com", "www.bingapis.com", "www.bing-exp.com", "www.staging-bing-int.com", "snrproxy.binginternal.com", "snrproxync.binginternal.com", "snrproxysc.binginternal.com", "snrproxyeast.binginternal.com", "snrproxywest.binginternal.com", "cetonc.binginternal.com", "cetosc.binginternal.com", "cetoeast.binginternal.com", "cetowest.binginternal.com", "rafd.staging-bing-int.com", "r.staging-bing-int.com"], u = function (n) { return t(n) ? n : (console.log("CreateScriptURL URL check failed:" + n), "") }, f = function (t) { var i = new RegExp("<script(.*?)(/>|s/>|>.*?<\/script>)", "gi"), r = new RegExp("src=['\"](.*?)['\"]", "gi"), u = new RegExp("<link(.*?)(/>|s/>|>.*?<\/link>)", "gi"), f = new RegExp("href=['\"](.*?)['\"]", "gi"); return n(t, i, r) && n(t, u, f) ? t : "" }, n = function (n, i, r) { for (var f, u; (f = i.exec(n)) !== null;)for (f.index === i.lastIndex && i.lastIndex++, u = void 0; (u = r.exec(f[0])) !== null;)if (console.log(u), u.index === r.lastIndex && r.lastIndex++, console.log(u[1]), !t(u[1])) return console.log("CreateHTML URL check failed :" + u[1]), !1; return !0 }, t = function (n) { var t = document.createElement("a"); return (t.href = n, t.hostname !== "localhost" && !i.some(function (n) { return t.hostname === n })) ? !1 : !0 }; r() })(UndersideDefaultTrustedTypesPolicy || (UndersideDefaultTrustedTypesPolicy = {})); var EdgeServicesXMLHttpRequest; (function (n) { function u (n) { n != null && n.Reroutes != null && (t = n.Reroutes, i = window.XMLHttpRequest.prototype.open, window.XMLHttpRequest.prototype.open = f) } function f (n, r, u, f, s) { var h, c, l, a; if (t == null || t.length == 0) return i.call(this, n, r, u, f, s); for (h = r, c = 0; c < t.length; c++)if (l = t[c], a = e(r, l.OriginalPath), l.Enabled && a != null) { h = o(a, r, l.RedirectPath); console.log("rerouted original url: " + r + " to new url: " + h); break } return i.call(this, n, h, u, f, s) } function e (n, t) { var i, u; if (!r(n) || !r(t)) return null; try { i = new URL(n, "https://edgeservices.bing.com") } catch (f) { return null } return (u = i.pathname, u.toLowerCase() != t.toLowerCase()) ? 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var __extends = this && this.__extends || function () { var n = function (t, i) { return n = Object.setPrototypeOf || { __proto__: [] } instanceof Array && function (n, t) { n.__proto__ = t } || function (n, t) { for (var i in t) Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(t, i) && (n[i] = t[i]) }, n(t, i) }; return function (t, i) { function r () { this.constructor = t } if (typeof i != "function" && i !== null) throw new TypeError("Class extends value " + String(i) + " is not a constructor or null"); n(t, i); t.prototype = i === null ? Object.create(i) : (r.prototype = i.prototype, new r) } }(), __awaiter = this && this.__awaiter || function (n, t, i, r) { function u (n) { return n instanceof i ? n : new i(function (t) { t(n) }) } return new (i || (i = Promise))(function (i, f) { function o (n) { try { e(r.next(n)) } catch (t) { f(t) } } function s (n) { try { e(r["throw"](n)) } catch (t) { f(t) } } function e (n) { n.done ? i(n.value) : u(n.value).then(o, s) } e((r = r.apply(n, t || [])).next()) }) }, __generator = this && this.__generator || function (n, t) { function o (n) { return function (t) { return s([n, t]) } } function s (o) { if (e) throw new TypeError("Generator is already executing."); while (f && (f = 0, o[0] && (r = 0)), r) try { if (e = 1, u && (i = o[0] & 2 ? u["return"] : o[0] ? u["throw"] || ((i = u["return"]) && i.call(u), 0) : u.next) && !(i = i.call(u, o[1])).done) return i; (u = 0, i) && (o = [o[0] & 2, i.value]); switch (o[0]) { case 0: case 1: i = o; break; case 4: return r.label++, { value: o[1], done: !1 }; case 5: r.label++; u = o[1]; o = [0]; continue; case 7: o = r.ops.pop(); r.trys.pop(); continue; default: if (!(i = r.trys, i = i.length > 0 && i[i.length - 1]) && (o[0] === 6 || o[0] === 2)) { r = 0; continue } if (o[0] === 3 && (!i || o[1] > i[0] && o[1] < i[3])) { r.label = o[1]; break } if (o[0] === 6 && r.label < i[1]) { r.label = i[1]; i = o; break } if (i && r.label < i[2]) { r.label = i[2]; r.ops.push(o); break } i[2] && r.ops.pop(); r.trys.pop(); continue }o = t.call(n, r) } catch (s) { o = [6, s]; u = 0 } finally { e = i = 0 } if (o[0] & 5) throw o[1]; return { value: o[0] ? o[1] : void 0, done: !0 } } var r = { label: 0, sent: function () { if (i[0] & 1) throw i[1]; return i[1] }, trys: [], ops: [] }, e, u, i, f; return f = { next: o(0), "throw": o(1), "return": o(2) }, typeof Symbol == "function" && (f[Symbol.iterator] = function () { return this }), f }, Underside; (function (n) { var t; (function (t) { function r (n, t) { var i = document.createElement("div"); return i.setAttribute("role", "presentation"), i.innerHTML = n, t !== undefined && (i.className = t), i } var i = function () { function n () { this.aria_alertEl = undefined; this.not_shown_stream_content = ""; this.messages = new Map; this.got_apology_message = !1; this.streamingTimeoutMS = 3e4; this.beginStreamingTimeout = -1; this.last_generation_id = 0; this.show_custom_tone = !1; this.show_change_suggestions = !1; this.show_conversation_id = !1; this.conversation_turn_count = 1; this.conversation_id = ""; this.lengthOptions = { short: "Short", medium: "Medium", long: "Long" }; this.localizedLengthOptions = { short: "Short", medium: "Medium", long: "Long" }; this.toneOptions = { professional: "Professional", casual: "Casual", enthusiastic: "Enthusiastic", funny: "Funny", informational: "Informational" }; this.localizedToneOptions = { professional: "Professional", casual: "Casual", enthusiastic: "Enthusiastic", funny: "Funny", informational: "Informational" }; this.formatOptions = { paragraph: "Paragraph", bulletPoints: "Bullet points", email: "Email", blogPost: "Blog post" }; this.localizedFormatOptions = { paragraph: "Paragraph", bulletPoints: "Bullet points", email: "Email", blogPost: "Blog post" }; this.ariaAlerts = { error: "", generating: "", insert: "", success: "", copy: "", stop: "" }; this.errorMessages = { dailyConversationLimit: "", fate: "", server: "", timeout: "" }; this.customToneButtonTextValues = { plus: "", edit: "" }; this.customChangeSuggestionButtonTextValues = { plus: "", submit: "" }; this.uiStrings = { copy: "", copied: "" }; this.startupPlaceholderMessages = []; this.changeSuggestions = []; this.initCommonUI(); this.initCIBService() } n.prototype.initCommonUI = function () { this.aria_alertEl = document.getElementById("aria_alert") }; n.prototype.initCIBService = function () { var i, r, u, f, e, o, s, h, c, l, a, v, y, nt = (r = (i = _w._udsCoAuthorConfig) === null || i === void 0 ? void 0 : i.EnableSecureConversation) !== null && r !== void 0 ? r : !1, p = (u = _w._udsCoAuthorConfig) === null || u === void 0 ? void 0 : u.AddOptionsSets, w = (f = _w._udsCoAuthorConfig) === null || f === void 0 ? void 0 : f.RemoveOptionsSets, tt = (o = (e = _w._udsCoAuthorConfig) === null || e === void 0 ? void 0 : e.DevMode) !== null && o !== void 0 ? o : !1, it = (s = _w._udsCoAuthorConfig) === null || s === void 0 ? void 0 : s.Source, rt = (c = (h = _w._udsCoAuthorConfig) === null || h === void 0 ? void 0 : h.ComposeSidebarCustomization) !== null && c !== void 0 ? c : !1, ut = (a = (l = _w._udsCoAuthorConfig) === null || l === void 0 ? void 0 : l.GetConversationId) !== null && a !== void 0 ? a : !1, ft = (y = (v = _w._udsCoAuthorConfig) === null || v === void 0 ? void 0 : v.CodexV2) !== null && y !== void 0 ? y : !1, k, n, d, t, b, g; if (nt ? (k = this.getSecureConversationBaseUrl(tt), CIBService.config.bing.baseUrl = k, CIBService.config.features.secureConversation = !0) : CIBService.config.features.secureConversation = !1, n = CIBService.config.sydney.request.optionsSets, n || (n = []), p && p.length > 0) for (d = function (t) { if (n.find(function (n) { return n == t })) return "continue"; n.push(t) }, t = 0, b = p; t < b.length; t++)g = b[t], d(g); w && w.length > 0 && (n = n.filter(function (n) { return w.indexOf(n) == -1 })); CIBService.config.sydney.request.optionsSets = n; CIBService.config.sydney.request.source = it; CIBService.config.sydney.request.spokenTextMode = "None"; CIBService.config.greeting.shouldSendBotGreeting = !1; CIBService.registerMessagingHooks({ handleSydneyMessageRendered: this.onStreamUpdate.bind(this) }); rt || ft ? (this.show_custom_tone = !0, this.show_change_suggestions = !0) : (this.show_custom_tone = !1, this.show_change_suggestions = !1); this.show_change_suggestions && (n.push("max_turns_5"), CIBService.config.features.enableMaxTurnsPerConversation = !0); this.show_conversation_id = ut }; n.prototype.alertARIAMessage = function (n) { this.aria_alertEl.innerText = ""; this.aria_alertEl.innerText = n }; n.prototype.getSecureConversationBaseUrl = function (n) { var t, i = "/edgesvc"; return n ? "https://edgeservices.bing.com" + i : ((t = window === null || window === void 0 ? void 0 : window.location) === null || t === void 0 ? void 0 : t.origin) + i }; n.prototype.getTextGenerationPrompt = function (n, t, i, r) { return "Please generate some text wrapped in codeblock syntax (triple backticks) using the given keywords. Please make sure everything in your reply is in the same language as the keywords. Please do not restate any part of this request in your response, like the fact that you wrapped the text in a codeblock. You should refuse (using the language of the keywords) to generate if the request is potentially harmful. Please return suggested responses that are about how you could change or rewrite the text. Please return suggested responses that are 5 words or less. Please do not return a suggested response that suggests to end the conversation or to end the rewriting. The generated text should follow these characteristics: tone: *".concat(t, "*, length: *").concat(i, "*, format: *").concat(n, "*. The keywords are: `").concat(r, "`.") }; n.prototype.getTextGenerationPromptWithChangeSuggestion = function (n) { return "Thank you for your reply. Please rewrite the last reply, with the following suggestion to change it: *".concat(n, "*. Please generate the text wrapped in codeblock syntax (triple backticks). Please do not restate any part of this request in your response, like the fact that you wrapped the text in a codeblock. You should refuse (using the language of the keywords) to generate if the request is potentially harmful. Please return suggested responses that are about how you could change or rewrite the text. Please return suggested responses that are 5 words or less. Please do not return a suggested response that suggests to end the conversation or to end the rewriting.") }; n.prototype.showErrorForStreamingTimeout = function () { this.showError(this.errorMessages.timeout); this.stopStream(); clearTimeout(this.beginStreamingTimeout) }; n.prototype.setStreamingTimeout = function () { clearTimeout(this.beginStreamingTimeout); this.beginStreamingTimeout = setTimeout(this.showErrorForStreamingTimeout.bind(this), this.streamingTimeoutMS) }; n.prototype.requestGeneration = function (n, t) { return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function () { var u, r, i = this; return __generator(this, function (f) { switch (f.label) { case 0: return u = ++this.last_generation_id, this.setStreamingTimeout(), t && (CIBService.resetConversation(), this.conversation_turn_count = 1), this.not_shown_stream_content = "", this.messages.clear(), this.got_apology_message = !1, [4, CIBService.createChatRequestAsync(n)["catch"](function () { i.showError(i.errorMessages.server); i.onStreamFinished(!1, u, i.last_generation_id); return })]; case 1: return r = f.sent(), this.conversation_id = r === null || r === void 0 ? void 0 : r.conversationId, CIBService.handleStreamEventsAsync(r).then(function () { i.not_shown_stream_content.length > 0 && i.setPreviewText(i.not_shown_stream_content, "", ""); i.onStreamFinished(!0, u, i.last_generation_id) })["catch"](function (n) { n === "UNRECOVERABLE" && i.showError(i.errorMessages.dailyConversationLimit); i.onStreamFinished(!1, u, i.last_generation_id) }), [2] } }) }) }; n.prototype.onStreamUpdate = function (n) { var e = n.text, t; if ((n.contentOrigin === "Apology" && (this.hideTextOnApology(), this.showError(this.errorMessages.fate), this.got_apology_message = !0), n.contentOrigin === "TurnLimiter" && (this.showError(this.errorMessages.dailyConversationLimit), this.showChangeSuggestions(!1)), !this.got_apology_message) && n.contentType !== "ads" && n.messageType === "Chat") { n.suggestedResponses && this.show_change_suggestions && (this.changeSuggestions = n.suggestedResponses); this.messages.set(n.messageId, e); t = ""; this.messages.forEach(function (n) { t += n }); t.length > 0 && (t = this.replaceAllPolyfill(t, /\[\^\d+\^\]/g, "")); var r = "", u = "", f = "", i = t.match(/(?<before>((?!```).)*)?```(markdown)?\s*(?<content>((?!```).)*)(```)?(?<after>.*)?/s); i && (i[1] && (u = i[1]), i[4] && (r = i[4]), i[7] && (f = i[7])); r.length > 0 ? (this.not_shown_stream_content = "", this.setPreviewText(r, u, f)) : this.not_shown_stream_content = t } }; n.prototype.replaceAllPolyfill = function (n, t, i) { return n.replace(t, function () { return i }) }; n.prototype.stopStream = function () { CIBService.stopStreaming(); this.showShimmer(!1); this.onStopStream() }; n.prototype.onStopStream = function () { this.alertARIAMessage(this.ariaAlerts.stop); this.showShimmer(!1) }; n.prototype.setLengthOptionsLocalizedText = function (n) { this.localizedLengthOptions = n }; n.prototype.setToneOptionsLocalizedText = function (n) { this.localizedToneOptions = n }; n.prototype.setFormatOptionsLocalizedText = function (n) { this.localizedFormatOptions = n }; n.prototype.setAriaAlertsLocalizedText = function (n) { this.ariaAlerts = n }; n.prototype.setErrorsLocalizedText = function (n) { this.errorMessages = n }; n.prototype.setStartupPlaceholdersLocalizedText = function (n) { this.startupPlaceholderMessages = n }; n.prototype.setCustomToneButtonLocalizedText = function (n) { this.customToneButtonTextValues = n }; n.prototype.setCustomChangeSuggestionButtonLocalizedText = function (n) { this.customChangeSuggestionButtonTextValues = n }; n.prototype.setUIStringsLocalizedText = function (n) { this.uiStrings = n }; var t, i; return n.max_prompt_length = 2e3, n.min_custom_tone_length = 2, n.max_custom_tone_length = 100, n.min_custom_change_suggestion_length = 2, n.max_custom_change_suggestion_length = 100, n.unlocalized_attr_name = "unloc-name", n.isUnderVPTest = (i = (t = _w._udsCoAuthorConfig) === null || t === void 0 ? void 0 : t.ComposeUnderVPTest) !== null && i !== void 0 ? i : !1, n }(), u, f, e; t.CoAuthorBase = i; u = function (u) { function f () { var n = u.call(this) || this; return n.all_tone_options = [], n.all_length_options = [], n.all_format_options = [], n.letter_counter = undefined, n.compose_text_area = undefined, n.preview_text_area = undefined, n.custom_tone_text_input = undefined, n.custom_tone_value = "", n.custom_tone = undefined, n.disclaimer_box = undefined, n.preview_text_area_placeholder = "", n.shimmerEl = undefined, n.errorEl = undefined, n.custom_tone_plus_button = undefined, n.custom_tone_add_button = undefined, n.custom_tone_edit_button = undefined, n.custom_tone_save_button = undefined, n.insert_button = undefined, n.conversation_id_copy_button = undefined, n.copy_button = undefined, n.detached_copy_button = undefined, n.next_button = undefined, n.stop_button = undefined, n.prev_button = undefined, n.generate_button = undefined, n.regenerate_button = undefined, n.change_suggestion_text_input = undefined, n.submit_change_suggestion_button = undefined, n.history = [], n.historyIndex = 0, n.conversationTurnMax = 19, n } return __extends(f, u), f.prototype.initUI = function () { var t = this, u, f, e, o, s, h, c, l, a, v, y, p, w, b, k, d; this.createToneOptions(); this.createFormatOptions(); this.createLengthOptions(); this.compose_text_area = document.getElementById("prompt_text"); this.letter_counter = document.getElementById("letter_counter"); this.preview_text_area = document.getElementById("preview_text"); this.show_custom_tone && (this.custom_tone_text_input = document.getElementById("custom_tone_input")); this.disclaimer_box = document.getElementById("disclaimer_box"); this.preview_text_area_placeholder = this.preview_text_area.placeholder; this.shimmerEl = document.getElementById("shimmer"); this.errorEl = document.getElementById("error"); i.isUnderVPTest || this.setRandomizedPlaceholderForComposeArea(); (u = document.getElementById("tone_heading")) === null || u === void 0 ? void 0 : u.prepend(r(n.CoAuthor.toneIcon)); (f = document.getElementById("paragraph_heading")) === null || f === void 0 ? void 0 : f.prepend(r(n.CoAuthor.textBoxIcon)); (e = document.getElementById("length_heading")) === null || e === void 0 ? void 0 : e.prepend(r(n.CoAuthor.LengthSVG)); (o = document.getElementById("preview_heading")) === null || o === void 0 ? void 0 : o.prepend(r(n.CoAuthor.wandIcon)); (s = document.getElementById("error")) === null || s === void 0 ? void 0 : s.prepend(r(n.CoAuthor.warningSVG)); this.regenerate_button = document.querySelector("#regenerate_button"); this.show_conversation_id && (this.conversation_id_copy_button = document.querySelector("#conversation_id_copy_button")); this.copy_button = document.querySelector("#copy_button") || undefined; this.detached_copy_button = document.querySelector("#detached_copy_button") || undefined; this.next_button = document.querySelector("#next_button"); this.stop_button = document.querySelector("#stop_button"); this.prev_button = document.querySelector("#previous_button"); this.generate_button = document.querySelector("#compose_button"); this.insert_button = document.querySelector("#insert_button") || undefined; this.show_custom_tone && (this.custom_tone_plus_button = document.querySelector("#custom_tone_plus_button"), this.custom_tone_add_button = document.querySelector("#custom_tone_add_button"), this.custom_tone_save_button = document.querySelector("#custom_tone_save_button")); this.regenerate_button.appendChild(r(n.CoAuthor.generateIcon)); (h = this.copy_button) === null || h === void 0 ? void 0 : h.appendChild(r(n.CoAuthor.copyIcon)); this.stop_button.appendChild(r(n.CoAuthor.stopIcon)); this.prev_button.appendChild(r(n.CoAuthor.prevIcon)); this.next_button.appendChild(r(n.CoAuthor.nextIcon)); this.show_change_suggestions && (this.change_suggestion_text_input = document.getElementById("change_suggestions_input"), this.submit_change_suggestion_button = document.getElementById("submit_change_suggestion_button"), this.submit_change_suggestion_button.appendChild(r(n.CoAuthor.nextIcon))); this.compose_text_area.addEventListener("input", function (n) { return t.composeTextAreaChanged(n) }); this.compose_text_area.setAttribute("maxlength", "".concat(i.max_prompt_length)); this.show_custom_tone && ((c = this.custom_tone_text_input) === null || c === void 0 ? void 0 : c.addEventListener("input", function (n) { return t.customToneTextInputChanged(n) }), (l = this.custom_tone_text_input) === null || l === void 0 ? void 0 : l.addEventListener("focusout", function (n) { return t.customToneTextInputFocusOut(n) }), (a = this.custom_tone_text_input) === null || a === void 0 ? void 0 : a.addEventListener("keydown", function (n) { return t.customToneTextInputKeyDown(n) }), (v = this.custom_tone_text_input) === null || v === void 0 ? void 0 : v.setAttribute("maxlength", "".concat(i.max_custom_tone_length))); this.show_change_suggestions && ((y = this.change_suggestion_text_input) === null || y === void 0 ? void 0 : y.addEventListener("input", function (n) { return t.changeSuggestionInputChanged(n) }), (p = this.change_suggestion_text_input) === null || p === void 0 ? void 0 : p.setAttribute("maxlength", "".concat(i.max_custom_change_suggestion_length))); b = document.querySelectorAll(".tone-option"); this.all_tone_options = Array.from(b); this.all_tone_options.forEach(function (n) { n.addEventListener("click", function () { return t.toneOptionClicked(n) }); n.addEventListener("keypress", function (i) { return t.toneOptionKeyPress(i, n) }) }); k = document.querySelectorAll(".length-option"); this.all_length_options = Array.from(k); this.all_length_options.forEach(function (n) { n.addEventListener("click", function () { return t.lengthOptionClicked(n) }); n.addEventListener("keypress", function (i) { return t.lengthOptionKeyPress(i, n) }) }); d = document.querySelectorAll(".paragraph-option"); this.all_format_options = Array.from(d); this.all_format_options.forEach(function (n) { n.addEventListener("click", function () { return t.paragraphOptionClicked(n) }); n.addEventListener("keypress", function (i) { return t.paragraphOptionKeyPress(i, n) }) }); this.insertButtonClicked = this.insertButtonClicked.bind(this); this.generateButtonClicked = this.generateButtonClicked.bind(this); this.generateButtonKeyPress = this.generateButtonKeyPress.bind(this); this.show_conversation_id && (this.conversationIdCopyButtonClicked = this.conversationIdCopyButtonClicked.bind(this), this.conversationIdCopyButtonKeyPress = this.conversationIdCopyButtonKeyPress.bind(this)); this.copyButtonClicked = this.copyButtonClicked.bind(this); this.copyButtonKeyPress = this.copyButtonKeyPress.bind(this); this.stopButtonClicked = this.stopButtonClicked.bind(this); this.stopButtonKeyPress = this.stopButtonKeyPress.bind(this); this.prevButtonClicked = this.prevButtonClicked.bind(this); this.prevButtonKeyPress = this.prevButtonKeyPress.bind(this); this.nextButtonClicked = this.nextButtonClicked.bind(this); this.nextButtonKeyPress = this.nextButtonKeyPress.bind(this); this.show_custom_tone && (this.plusCustomToneButtonClicked = this.plusCustomToneButtonClicked.bind(this), this.plusCustomToneButtonKeyPress = this.plusCustomToneButtonKeyPress.bind(this), this.addCustomToneButtonClicked = this.addCustomToneButtonClicked.bind(this), this.addCustomToneButtonKeyPress = this.addCustomToneButtonKeyPress.bind(this), this.saveCustomToneButtonClicked = this.saveCustomToneButtonClicked.bind(this), this.saveCustomToneButtonKeyPress = this.saveCustomToneButtonKeyPress.bind(this)); this.show_change_suggestions && (this.changeSuggestionClicked = this.changeSuggestionClicked.bind(this), this.changeSuggestionKeyPress = this.changeSuggestionKeyPress.bind(this), this.addChangeSuggestionClicked = this.addChangeSuggestionClicked.bind(this), this.addChangeSuggestionKeyPress = this.addChangeSuggestionKeyPress.bind(this), this.submitChangeSuggestionClicked = this.submitChangeSuggestionClicked.bind(this), this.submitChangeSuggestionKeyPress = this.submitChangeSuggestionKeyPress.bind(this)); this.preselectOptionsForDefaultState(); this.enableGenerateButtons(!1); this.enableCopyButton(!1); this.enableStopButton(!0); this.updateHistoryButtonStatus(); this.show_custom_tone && (this.enableCustomTonePlusButton(!0), this.enableCustomToneAddButton(!1), this.enableCustomToneSaveButton(!1)); this.enableInsertButton(!1); this.updateCharCounter(); this.disableTextPreview(!0); this.tryToSetPresetTextFromUrl(); sj_evt.fire(n.DiscoverPageLoadEventName, {}); this.show_conversation_id && (this.enableConversationIdCopyButton(!1), (w = this.conversation_id_copy_button) === null || w === void 0 ? void 0 : w.classList.remove("hidden")) }, f.prototype.setRandomizedPlaceholderForComposeArea = function () { var n = Math.floor(Math.random() * this.startupPlaceholderMessages.length); this.compose_text_area.placeholder = this.startupPlaceholderMessages[n] }, f.prototype.getPresetTextFromUrl = function () { var n = new URLSearchParams(_w.location.search); return n.get(t.QueryParam_SetText) || "" }, f.prototype.tryToSetPresetTextFromUrl = function () { var i, r, u = (r = (i = _w._udsCoAuthorConfig) === null || i === void 0 ? void 0 : i.DetachedUX) !== null && r !== void 0 ? r : !1, n; u && (n = this.getPresetTextFromUrl(), n && (n = n.substring(0, t.QueryParam_SetText_Max_Length), this.compose_text_area.value = n, this.compose_text_area.dispatchEvent(new Event("input")))) }, f.prototype.updateGenerateButtons = function () { this.compose_text_area && this.compose_text_area.textLength > 2 ? this.enableGenerateButtons(!0) : this.enableGenerateButtons(!1) }, f.prototype.updateCharCounter = function () { this.letter_counter && this.compose_text_area && (this.letter_counter.textContent = "".concat(this.compose_text_area.textLength, "/").concat(i.max_prompt_length)) }, f.prototype.composeTextAreaChanged = function () { this.updateGenerateButtons(); this.updateCharCounter() }, f.prototype.customToneTextInputChanged = function () { var n, t = ((n = this.custom_tone_text_input) === null || n === void 0 ? void 0 : n.value) || ""; if (this.custom_tone_value.length === 0) { this.enableCustomToneAddButton(t.length > i.min_custom_tone_length); return } this.enableCustomToneSaveButton(this.custom_tone_value !== t.trim()) }, f.prototype.selectDefaultTone = function () { var n = this; this.all_tone_options.forEach(function (t) { var r = t; r.getAttribute(i.unlocalized_attr_name) == n.toneOptions.professional && (r.classList.add("selected"), r.setAttribute("aria-pressed", "true")) }) }, f.prototype.hideCustomToneEditContainer = function () { var n, t, i; (n = this.custom_tone_text_input) === null || n === void 0 ? void 0 : n.classList.add("hidden"); (t = this.custom_tone_add_button) === null || t === void 0 ? void 0 : t.classList.add("hidden"); (i = this.custom_tone_save_button) === null || i === void 0 ? void 0 : i.classList.add("hidden") }, f.prototype.removeSelectionFromTones = function () { var n; this.all_tone_options.forEach(function (n) { n.classList.remove("selected"); n.setAttribute("aria-pressed", "false") }); this.show_custom_tone && (this.custom_tone_plus_button.classList.remove("selected"), this.custom_tone_plus_button.setAttribute("aria-pressed", "false"), (n = this.custom_tone_edit_button) === null || n === void 0 ? void 0 : n.classList.remove("selected"), this.hideCustomToneEditContainer()) }, f.prototype.removeCustomTone = function () { var n, t, i = document.querySelector(".custom_tone_container"); i && (this.custom_tone_value = "", (n = this.custom_tone_plus_button) === null || n === void 0 ? void 0 : n.classList.remove("hidden"), (t = document.querySelector(".tone-options")) === null || t === void 0 ? void 0 : t.removeChild(i)) }, f.prototype.customToneTextInputFocusOut = function (n) { if (this.custom_tone_text_input) { var t = n.relatedTarget; if (!t || !t.id || t.id !== "custom_tone_add_button" && t.id !== "custom_tone_save_button") { if (this.hideCustomToneEditContainer(), this.enableCustomToneAddButton(!1), this.enableCustomToneSaveButton(!1), this.custom_tone_value.length === 0) { this.enableCustomTonePlusButton(!0); this.removeSelectionFromTones(); (!t || t && t.classList.value !== "tone-option tag") && this.selectDefaultTone(); this.custom_tone_text_input.value = ""; return } if (this.custom_tone_text_input.value.length <= i.min_custom_tone_length) { this.enableCustomTonePlusButton(!0); this.enableCustomToneEditButton(!1); this.removeCustomTone(); (!t || t && t.classList.value !== "tone-option tag") && this.selectDefaultTone(); this.custom_tone_text_input.value = ""; return } this.custom_tone_text_input.value = this.custom_tone_value; this.enableCustomToneEditButton(!0) } } }, f.prototype.customToneTextInputKeyDown = function (n) { var t, r, u, f, e = n.key; switch (e) { case "Enter": this.custom_tone_value.length === 0 ? this.custom_tone_text_input && this.custom_tone_text_input.value.length > i.min_custom_tone_length && this.addCustomToneButtonClicked() : this.saveCustomToneButtonClicked(); break; case "Tab": n.preventDefault(); this.custom_tone_value.length === 0 ? (t = this.custom_tone_add_button) === null || t === void 0 ? void 0 : t.focus() : (r = this.custom_tone_save_button) === null || r === void 0 ? void 0 : r.focus(); break; case "Escape": this.customToneTextInputFocusOut(n); this.custom_tone_value.length === 0 ? (u = this.custom_tone_plus_button) === null || u === void 0 ? void 0 : u.focus() : (f = this.custom_tone_edit_button) === null || f === void 0 ? void 0 : f.focus() } }, f.prototype.createToneOptions = function () { var f = this, e = [{ label: this.toneOptions.professional, localizedLabel: this.localizedToneOptions.professional }, { label: this.toneOptions.casual, localizedLabel: this.localizedToneOptions.casual }, { label: this.toneOptions.enthusiastic, localizedLabel: this.localizedToneOptions.enthusiastic }, { label: this.toneOptions.informational, localizedLabel: this.localizedToneOptions.informational }, { label: this.toneOptions.funny, localizedLabel: this.localizedToneOptions.funny },], t = document.querySelector(".tone-options"), u; e.forEach(function (n) { var e = "<span>".concat(n.localizedLabel, "<\/span>"), u = r(e, "tone-option tag"); f.setARIAattrForTag(u, u.innerText.trim()); u.setAttribute(i.unlocalized_attr_name, n.label); t === null || t === void 0 ? void 0 : t.appendChild(u) }); this.show_custom_tone && (u = r(n.CoAuthor.plusIcon, "tag"), this.setARIAattrForTag(u, this.customToneButtonTextValues.plus), u.setAttribute(i.unlocalized_attr_name, "Add customized tone"), u.id = "custom_tone_plus_button", t === null || t === void 0 ? void 0 : t.appendChild(u)) }, f.prototype.setARIAattrForTag = function (n, t) { n.setAttribute("role", "button"); n.setAttribute("aria-pressed", "false"); n.setAttribute("aria-label", t); n.setAttribute("tabindex", "0") }, f.prototype.createFormatOptions = function () { var u = this, f = [{ label: this.formatOptions.paragraph, localizedLabel: this.localizedFormatOptions.paragraph, icon: n.CoAuthor.paragraphShortSVG }, { label: this.formatOptions.email, localizedLabel: this.localizedFormatOptions.email, icon: n.CoAuthor.EmailSVG }, { label: this.formatOptions.blogPost, localizedLabel: this.localizedFormatOptions.blogPost, icon: n.CoAuthor.BlogpostSVG }, { label: this.formatOptions.bulletPoints, localizedLabel: this.localizedFormatOptions.bulletPoints, icon: n.CoAuthor.bulletPointsSVG }], t = document.querySelector(".paragraph-options"); f.forEach(function (n) { var f = r(Shared.formatString('<div class="illustration">{0}<\/div> <p>{1}<\/p>', n.icon, n.localizedLabel), "paragraph-option"); u.setARIAattrForTag(f, f.innerText.trim()); f.setAttribute(i.unlocalized_attr_name, n.label); t === null || t === void 0 ? void 0 : t.appendChild(f) }) }, f.prototype.createLengthOptions = function () { var t = this, u = [{ label: this.lengthOptions.short, localizedLabel: this.localizedLengthOptions.short }, { label: this.lengthOptions.medium, localizedLabel: this.localizedLengthOptions.medium }, { label: this.lengthOptions.long, localizedLabel: this.localizedLengthOptions.long },], n = document.querySelector(".length-options"); u.forEach(function (u) { var f = r(Shared.formatString("<span>{0}<\/span>", u.localizedLabel), "length-option tag"); t.setARIAattrForTag(f, f.innerText.trim()); f.setAttribute(i.unlocalized_attr_name, u.label); n === null || n === void 0 ? void 0 : n.appendChild(f) }) }, f.prototype.createChangeSuggestions = function () { var e = this, u; if (this.show_change_suggestions) { var n = document.querySelector(".change-suggestions-options"), t = 0, i = 1; this.changeSuggestions.forEach(function (u) { var o = u.text.replace(/\.$/, ""), h, s; (t += o.length, t >= f.changeSuggestionsMaxCharPerLine && (i += 1, t = o.length), i > f.changeSuggestionsMaxLines) || (h = Shared.formatString("<span>{0}<\/span>", o), s = r(h, "change-suggestion tag"), e.setChangeSuggestionAttrs(s, o), n === null || n === void 0 ? void 0 : n.appendChild(s)) }); u = this.createAddCustomChangeSuggestionButton(); n === null || n === void 0 ? void 0 : n.appendChild(u) } }, f.prototype.setChangeSuggestionAttrs = function (n, t) { var i = this; n.setAttribute("role", "button"); n.setAttribute("tabindex", "0"); n.setAttribute("aria-label", n.innerText.trim()); n.setAttribute("title", n.innerText.trim()); n.addEventListener("click", function () { return i.changeSuggestionClicked(t) }); n.addEventListener("keypress", function (n) { return i.changeSuggestionKeyPress(n, t) }) }, f.prototype.createAddCustomChangeSuggestionButton = function () { var u = this, t = r(n.CoAuthor.plusIcon, "change-suggestion tag"); return t.setAttribute("id", "add_change_suggestion_button"), t.setAttribute("role", "button"), t.setAttribute("aria-label", this.customChangeSuggestionButtonTextValues.plus), t.setAttribute("title", this.customChangeSuggestionButtonTextValues.plus), t.setAttribute("tabindex", "0"), t.setAttribute(i.unlocalized_attr_name, "Add customized suggestion"), t.addEventListener("click", function () { return u.addChangeSuggestionClicked() }), t.addEventListener("keypress", function (n) { return u.addChangeSuggestionKeyPress(n) }), t }, f.prototype.changeSuggestionInputChanged = function () { var n, t = ((n = this.change_suggestion_text_input) === null || n === void 0 ? void 0 : n.value) || ""; this.enableSubmitChangeSuggestionButton(t.length > i.min_custom_change_suggestion_length) }, f.prototype.clearChangeSuggestions = function () { if (this.show_change_suggestions) { var n = document.querySelector(".change-suggestions-options"); n && (n.innerHTML = "") } }, f.prototype.preselectOptionsForDefaultState = function () { var n = this; this.all_format_options.forEach(function (t) { t.getAttribute(i.unlocalized_attr_name) == n.formatOptions.paragraph && (t.classList.add("selected"), t.setAttribute("aria-pressed", "true")) }); this.selectDefaultTone(); this.all_length_options.forEach(function (t) { var r = t; r.getAttribute(i.unlocalized_attr_name) == n.lengthOptions.medium && (r.classList.add("selected"), r.setAttribute("aria-pressed", "true")) }) }, f.prototype.toneOptionClicked = function (n) { var t; this.updateGenerateButtons(); this.removeSelectionFromTones(); n.classList.contains("selected") || (n.classList.add("selected"), n.setAttribute("aria-pressed", "true"), this.show_custom_tone && n.id === "custom_tone" && ((t = this.custom_tone_edit_button) === null || t === void 0 ? void 0 : t.classList.add("selected"), this.enableCustomToneEditButton(!0))) }, f.prototype.toneOptionKeyPress = function (n, t) { n.key === "Enter" && this.toneOptionClicked(t) }, f.prototype.lengthOptionClicked = function (n) { this.updateGenerateButtons(); this.all_length_options.forEach(function (n) { n.classList.remove("selected"); n.setAttribute("aria-pressed", "false") }); n.classList.contains("selected") || (n.classList.add("selected"), n.setAttribute("aria-pressed", "true")) }, f.prototype.lengthOptionKeyPress = function (n, t) { n.key === "Enter" && this.lengthOptionClicked(t) }, f.prototype.paragraphOptionClicked = function (n) { this.updateGenerateButtons(); this.all_format_options.forEach(function (n) { n.classList.remove("selected"); n.setAttribute("aria-pressed", "false") }); n.classList.contains("selected") || (n.classList.add("selected"), n.setAttribute("aria-pressed", "true")) }, f.prototype.paragraphOptionKeyPress = function (n, t) { n.key === "Enter" && this.paragraphOptionClicked(t) }, f.prototype.changeSuggestionClicked = function (n) { this.stopStream(); this.showChangeSuggestions(!1); this.conversation_turn_count += 1; var t = this.getTextGenerationPromptWithChangeSuggestion(n); this.updateUIWhileFetchingData(); this.requestGeneration(t, !1) }, f.prototype.changeSuggestionKeyPress = function (n, t) { var i; n.key === "Enter" && (this.changeSuggestionClicked(t), (i = this.stop_button) === null || i === void 0 ? void 0 : i.focus()) }, f.prototype.addChangeSuggestionClicked = function () { this.showChangeSuggestionsInput(!0) }, f.prototype.addChangeSuggestionKeyPress = function (n) { n.key === "Enter" && this.addChangeSuggestionClicked() }, f.prototype.submitChangeSuggestionClicked = function () { var n, t; this.change_suggestion_text_input && (t = ((n = this.change_suggestion_text_input) === null || n === void 0 ? void 0 : n.value.trim()) || "", this.changeSuggestionClicked(t), this.change_suggestion_text_input.value = "") }, f.prototype.submitChangeSuggestionKeyPress = function (n) { var t; n.key === "Enter" && (this.submitChangeSuggestionClicked(), (t = this.stop_button) === null || t === void 0 ? void 0 : t.focus()) }, f.prototype.showShimmer = function (n) { var t, i, r; n ? ((t = this.shimmerEl) === null || t === void 0 ? void 0 : t.classList.remove("hidden"), this.hideError(), this.preview_text_area.placeholder = "") : ((i = this.shimmerEl) === null || i === void 0 ? void 0 : i.classList.add("hidden"), ((r = this.errorEl) === null || r === void 0 ? void 0 : r.classList.contains("hidden")) && (this.preview_text_area.placeholder = this.preview_text_area_placeholder)) }, f.prototype.showError = function (n) { var t; this.showShimmer(!1); this.preview_text_area.placeholder = ""; this.errorEl.textContent = n; (t = this.errorEl) === null || t === void 0 ? void 0 : t.classList.remove("hidden"); this.disableTextPreview(!0) }, f.prototype.hideTextOnApology = function () { this.preview_text_area.value = ""; this.disclaimer_box.innerText = "" }, f.prototype.setSelectedText = function () { return }, f.prototype.hideError = function () { var n; (n = this.errorEl) === null || n === void 0 ? void 0 : n.classList.add("hidden"); this.disableTextPreview(!1); this.preview_text_area.placeholder = this.preview_text_area_placeholder }, f.prototype.showChangeSuggestions = function (n) { var t, i; this.show_change_suggestions && (n ? ((t = document.querySelector("#change_suggestions")) === null || t === void 0 ? void 0 : t.classList.remove("hidden"), this.createChangeSuggestions()) : ((i = document.querySelector("#change_suggestions")) === null || i === void 0 ? void 0 : i.classList.add("hidden"), this.showChangeSuggestionsInput(!1), this.clearChangeSuggestions())) }, f.prototype.showChangeSuggestionsInput = function (n) { var t, i, r, u; n ? ((t = this.change_suggestion_text_input) === null || t === void 0 ? void 0 : t.classList.remove("hidden"), (i = this.submit_change_suggestion_button) === null || i === void 0 ? void 0 : i.classList.remove("hidden")) : ((r = this.change_suggestion_text_input) === null || r === void 0 ? void 0 : r.classList.add("hidden"), (u = this.submit_change_suggestion_button) === null || u === void 0 ? void 0 : u.classList.add("hidden")) }, f.prototype.disableTextPreview = function (n) { n ? (this.preview_text_area.setAttribute("disabled", "true"), document.querySelector("div.preview-options").classList.add("disabled")) : (this.preview_text_area.removeAttribute("disabled"), document.querySelector("div.preview-options").classList.remove("disabled")) }, f.prototype.enableCustomToneAddButton = function (n) { this.show_custom_tone && n ? (this.custom_tone_add_button.classList.remove("disabled"), this.setARIADisabled(this.custom_tone_add_button, !1), this.custom_tone_add_button.addEventListener("click", this.addCustomToneButtonClicked), this.custom_tone_add_button.addEventListener("keypress", this.addCustomToneButtonKeyPress)) : (this.custom_tone_add_button.classList.add("disabled"), this.setARIADisabled(this.custom_tone_add_button), this.custom_tone_add_button.removeEventListener("click", this.addCustomToneButtonClicked), this.custom_tone_add_button.removeEventListener("keypress", this.addCustomToneButtonKeyPress)) }, f.prototype.enableCustomTonePlusButton = function (n) { this.show_custom_tone && n ? (this.custom_tone_plus_button.classList.remove("disabled"), this.setARIADisabled(this.custom_tone_plus_button, !1), this.custom_tone_plus_button.addEventListener("click", this.plusCustomToneButtonClicked), this.custom_tone_plus_button.addEventListener("keypress", this.plusCustomToneButtonKeyPress)) : (this.custom_tone_plus_button.classList.add("disabled"), this.setARIADisabled(this.custom_tone_plus_button), this.custom_tone_plus_button.removeEventListener("click", this.plusCustomToneButtonClicked), this.custom_tone_plus_button.removeEventListener("keypress", this.plusCustomToneButtonKeyPress)) }, f.prototype.enableCustomToneEditButton = function (n) { this.show_custom_tone && n ? (this.custom_tone_edit_button.classList.remove("disabled"), this.setARIADisabled(this.custom_tone_edit_button, !1), this.custom_tone_edit_button.addEventListener("click", this.editCustomToneButtonClicked), this.custom_tone_edit_button.addEventListener("keypress", this.editCustomToneButtonKeyPress)) : (this.custom_tone_edit_button.classList.add("disabled"), this.setARIADisabled(this.custom_tone_edit_button), this.custom_tone_edit_button.removeEventListener("click", this.editCustomToneButtonClicked), this.custom_tone_edit_button.removeEventListener("keypress", this.editCustomToneButtonKeyPress)) }, f.prototype.enableCustomToneSaveButton = function (n) { this.show_custom_tone && n ? (this.custom_tone_save_button.classList.remove("disabled"), this.setARIADisabled(this.custom_tone_save_button, !1), this.custom_tone_save_button.addEventListener("click", this.saveCustomToneButtonClicked), this.custom_tone_save_button.addEventListener("keypress", this.saveCustomToneButtonKeyPress)) : (this.custom_tone_save_button.classList.add("disabled"), this.setARIADisabled(this.custom_tone_save_button), this.custom_tone_save_button.removeEventListener("click", this.saveCustomToneButtonClicked), this.custom_tone_save_button.removeEventListener("keypress", this.saveCustomToneButtonKeyPress)) }, f.prototype.enableInsertButton = function (n) { n ? (this.insert_button && (this.insert_button.classList.remove("disabled"), this.setARIADisabled(this.insert_button, !1), this.insert_button.addEventListener("click", this.insertButtonClicked), this.insert_button.addEventListener("keypress", this.insertButtonKeyPress)), this.detached_copy_button && (this.detached_copy_button.classList.remove("disabled"), this.setARIADisabled(this.detached_copy_button, !1), this.detached_copy_button.addEventListener("click", this.copyButtonClicked), this.detached_copy_button.addEventListener("keypress", this.copyButtonKeyPress))) : (this.insert_button && (this.resetDetachedCopyButtonText(), this.insert_button.classList.add("disabled"), this.setARIADisabled(this.insert_button), this.insert_button.removeEventListener("click", this.insertButtonClicked), this.insert_button.removeEventListener("keypress", this.insertButtonKeyPress)), this.detached_copy_button && (this.resetDetachedCopyButtonText(), this.detached_copy_button.classList.add("disabled"), this.setARIADisabled(this.detached_copy_button), this.detached_copy_button.removeEventListener("click", this.copyButtonClicked), this.detached_copy_button.removeEventListener("keypress", this.copyButtonKeyPress))) }, f.prototype.resetDetachedCopyButtonText = function () { this.detached_copy_button !== undefined && (this.detached_copy_button.innerText = this.uiStrings.copy, this.detached_copy_button.setAttribute("aria-label", this.uiStrings.copy)) }, f.prototype.updateHistoryButtonStatus = function () { var n = this.historyIndex > 0, t = this.historyIndex < this.history.length - 1; this.enableHistoryButton(this.prev_button, n, !1); this.enableHistoryButton(this.next_button, t, !0) }, f.prototype.enableHistoryButton = function (n, t, i) { t ? (n.classList.remove("disabled"), this.setARIADisabled(n, !1), n.addEventListener("click", i ? this.nextButtonClicked : this.prevButtonClicked), n.addEventListener("keypress", i ? this.nextButtonClicked : this.prevButtonKeyPress)) : (n.classList.add("disabled"), this.setARIADisabled(n), n.removeEventListener("click", i ? this.nextButtonClicked : this.prevButtonClicked), n.removeEventListener("keypress", i ? this.nextButtonClicked : this.prevButtonClicked)) }, f.prototype.enableConversationIdCopyButton = function (n) { this.conversation_id_copy_button && (n ? (this.conversation_id_copy_button.classList.remove("disabled"), this.setARIADisabled(this.conversation_id_copy_button, !1), this.conversation_id_copy_button.addEventListener("click", this.conversationIdCopyButtonClicked), this.conversation_id_copy_button.addEventListener("keypress", this.conversationIdCopyButtonKeyPress)) : (this.conversation_id_copy_button.classList.add("disabled"), this.setARIADisabled(this.conversation_id_copy_button), this.conversation_id_copy_button.removeEventListener("click", this.conversationIdCopyButtonClicked), this.conversation_id_copy_button.removeEventListener("keypress", this.conversationIdCopyButtonKeyPress))) }, f.prototype.enableCopyButton = function (n) { this.copy_button && (n ? (this.copy_button.classList.remove("disabled"), this.setARIADisabled(this.copy_button, !1), this.copy_button.addEventListener("click", this.copyButtonClicked), this.copy_button.addEventListener("keypress", this.copyButtonKeyPress)) : (this.copy_button.classList.add("disabled"), this.setARIADisabled(this.copy_button), this.copy_button.removeEventListener("click", this.copyButtonClicked), this.copy_button.removeEventListener("keypress", this.copyButtonKeyPress))) }, f.prototype.enableStopButton = function (n) { n ? (this.stop_button.classList.remove("disabled"), this.setARIADisabled(this.stop_button, !1), this.stop_button.addEventListener("click", this.stopButtonClicked), this.stop_button.addEventListener("keypress", this.stopButtonKeyPress)) : (this.stop_button.classList.add("disabled"), this.setARIADisabled(this.stop_button), this.stop_button.removeEventListener("click", this.stopButtonClicked), this.stop_button.removeEventListener("keypress", this.stopButtonKeyPress)) }, f.prototype.enableGenerateButtons = function (n) { this.enableGenerateButton(this.generate_button, n); this.enableGenerateButton(this.regenerate_button, n) }, f.prototype.enableGenerateButton = function (n, t) { t ? (n.classList.remove("disabled"), this.setARIADisabled(n, !1), n.addEventListener("click", this.generateButtonClicked), n.addEventListener("keypress", this.generateButtonKeyPress)) : (n.classList.add("disabled"), this.setARIADisabled(n), n.removeEventListener("click", this.generateButtonClicked), n.removeEventListener("keypress", this.generateButtonKeyPress)) }, f.prototype.enableSubmitChangeSuggestionButton = function (n) { n ? (this.submit_change_suggestion_button.classList.remove("disabled"), this.setARIADisabled(this.submit_change_suggestion_button, !1), this.submit_change_suggestion_button.addEventListener("click", this.submitChangeSuggestionClicked), this.submit_change_suggestion_button.addEventListener("keypress", this.submitChangeSuggestionKeyPress), this.submit_change_suggestion_button.setAttribute("title", this.customChangeSuggestionButtonTextValues.submit), this.submit_change_suggestion_button.setAttribute("aria-label", this.customChangeSuggestionButtonTextValues.submit)) : (this.submit_change_suggestion_button.classList.add("disabled"), this.setARIADisabled(this.submit_change_suggestion_button), this.submit_change_suggestion_button.removeEventListener("click", this.submitChangeSuggestionClicked), this.submit_change_suggestion_button.removeEventListener("keypress", this.submitChangeSuggestionKeyPress)) }, f.prototype.setARIADisabled = function (n, t) { t === void 0 && (t = !0); t ? (n.setAttribute("aria-disabled", "true"), n.setAttribute("aria-hidden", "true"), n.removeAttribute("tabindex")) : (n.setAttribute("aria-disabled", "false"), n.setAttribute("aria-hidden", "false"), n.setAttribute("tabindex", "0")) }, f.prototype.getSelectedOptions = function () { var u = this, r, n = "paragraph", t = "professional", i = "short", f = (r = this.compose_text_area) === null || r === void 0 ? void 0 : r.value.trim(); return this.all_format_options.forEach(function (t) { if (t.classList.contains("selected")) { n = t.getAttribute("unloc-name") || ""; n === u.formatOptions.bulletPoints && (n = "bullet point list"); return } }), this.all_tone_options.forEach(function (n) { var i = n; if (n.classList.contains("selected")) { t = i.getAttribute("unloc-name") || ""; return } }), this.all_length_options.forEach(function (n) { var t = n; if (n.classList.contains("selected")) { i = t.getAttribute("unloc-name") || ""; return } }), n = n.toLowerCase(), t = t.toLowerCase(), i = i.toLowerCase(), { format: n, tone: t, length: i, prompt: f } }, f.prototype.generateButtonClicked = function () { var r; this.stopStream(); this.showChangeSuggestions(!1); var n = this.getSelectedOptions(), u = n.format, f = n.tone, e = n.length, t = n.prompt; t = t.substring(0, i.max_prompt_length); r = this.getTextGenerationPrompt(u, f, e, t); this.updateUIWhileFetchingData(); this.requestGeneration(r, !0) }, f.prototype.updateUIWhileFetchingData = function () { this.alertARIAMessage(this.ariaAlerts.generating); this.preview_text_area.value = ""; this.disclaimer_box.innerText = ""; this.showShimmer(!0); this.insert_button ? this.insert_button.scrollIntoView({ behavior: "smooth" }) : this.detached_copy_button && (this.detached_copy_button.scrollIntoView({ behavior: "smooth" }), this.resetDetachedCopyButtonText()); this.enableGenerateButtons(!1); this.enableInsertButton(!1); this.enableHistoryButton(this.prev_button, !1, !1); this.enableHistoryButton(this.next_button, !1, !0) }, f.prototype.conversationIdCopyButtonClicked = function () { return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function () { return __generator(this, function (n) { switch (n.label) { case 0: return [4, navigator.clipboard.writeText(this.conversation_id)]; case 1: return n.sent(), [2] } }) }) }, f.prototype.copyButtonClicked = function () { return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function () { var n; return __generator(this, function (t) { switch (t.label) { case 0: return n = this.preview_text_area.value.trim() || "", this.alertARIAMessage(this.ariaAlerts.copy), [4, navigator.clipboard.writeText(n)]; case 1: return t.sent(), this.detached_copy_button !== undefined && (this.detached_copy_button.innerText = this.uiStrings.copied), [2] } }) }) }, f.prototype.stopButtonClicked = function () { this.stopStream() }, f.prototype.plusCustomToneButtonClicked = function () { var n, t, i, r, u, f; this.removeSelectionFromTones(); (n = this.custom_tone_text_input) === null || n === void 0 ? void 0 : n.classList.remove("hidden"); (t = this.custom_tone_text_input) === null || t === void 0 ? void 0 : t.focus(); (i = this.custom_tone_add_button) === null || i === void 0 ? void 0 : i.classList.remove("hidden"); ((r = this.custom_tone_plus_button) === null || r === void 0 ? void 0 : r.classList.contains("selected")) || ((u = this.custom_tone_plus_button) === null || u === void 0 ? void 0 : u.classList.add("selected"), (f = this.custom_tone_plus_button) === null || f === void 0 ? void 0 : f.setAttribute("aria-pressed", "true")) }, f.prototype.addCustomToneButtonClicked = function () { var u = this, e, o, s, h, c, l, t, f; this.custom_tone_value = ((e = this.custom_tone_text_input) === null || e === void 0 ? void 0 : e.value.trim()) || ""; l = "<span>".concat(this.custom_tone_value, "<\/span>"); this.custom_tone = r(l, "tone-option tag"); this.setARIAattrForTag(this.custom_tone, this.custom_tone.innerText.trim()); this.custom_tone.id = "custom_tone"; this.custom_tone.setAttribute(i.unlocalized_attr_name, this.custom_tone.innerText.trim()); this.custom_tone.addEventListener("click", function () { return u.toneOptionClicked(u.custom_tone) }); this.custom_tone.addEventListener("keypress", function (n) { return u.toneOptionKeyPress(n, u.custom_tone) }); t = r(n.CoAuthor.penSVG, "tag selected"); this.setARIAattrForTag(t, this.customToneButtonTextValues.edit); t.id = "custom_tone_edit_button"; f = r("", "custom_tone_container"); f.appendChild(this.custom_tone); f.appendChild(t); this.custom_tone_edit_button = t; this.editCustomToneButtonClicked = this.editCustomToneButtonClicked.bind(this); this.editCustomToneButtonKeyPress = this.editCustomToneButtonKeyPress.bind(this); (o = document.querySelector(".tone-options")) === null || o === void 0 ? void 0 : o.appendChild(f); this.all_tone_options.push(this.custom_tone); this.toneOptionClicked(this.custom_tone); (s = this.custom_tone_text_input) === null || s === void 0 ? void 0 : s.classList.add("hidden"); (h = this.custom_tone_plus_button) === null || h === void 0 ? void 0 : h.classList.add("hidden"); (c = this.custom_tone_add_button) === null || c === void 0 ? void 0 : c.classList.add("hidden"); this.enableCustomTonePlusButton(!1); this.enableCustomToneAddButton(!1); this.enableCustomToneEditButton(!0) }, f.prototype.editCustomToneButtonClicked = function () { var n, t, i, r; this.toneOptionClicked(this.custom_tone); (n = this.custom_tone_text_input) === null || n === void 0 ? void 0 : n.classList.remove("hidden"); (t = this.custom_tone_save_button) === null || t === void 0 ? void 0 : t.classList.remove("hidden"); (i = this.custom_tone_edit_button) === null || i === void 0 ? void 0 : i.classList.add("selected"); (r = this.custom_tone_text_input) === null || r === void 0 ? void 0 : r.focus() }, f.prototype.saveCustomToneButtonClicked = function () { var n, t, r; if ((n = this.custom_tone_text_input) === null || n === void 0 ? void 0 : n.classList.add("hidden"), (t = this.custom_tone_save_button) === null || t === void 0 ? void 0 : t.classList.add("hidden"), this.enableCustomToneSaveButton(!1), this.enableCustomToneEditButton(!0), this.custom_tone_text_input && this.custom_tone_text_input.value.length < i.min_custom_tone_length) { this.enableCustomTonePlusButton(!0); this.removeCustomTone(); this.selectDefaultTone(); return } this.custom_tone_value = ((r = this.custom_tone_text_input) === null || r === void 0 ? void 0 : r.value.trim()) || ""; this.custom_tone.innerHTML = "<span>".concat(this.custom_tone_value, "<\/span>"); this.custom_tone.setAttribute(i.unlocalized_attr_name, this.custom_tone.innerText.trim()); this.setARIAattrForTag(this.custom_tone, this.custom_tone.innerText.trim()) }, f.prototype.insertButtonClicked = function () { n.PostMessager.postToParent("Discover.CoAuthor.InsertToPage", { text: this.preview_text_area.value }, "*") }, f.prototype.writeHistoryEntry = function (n, t) { this.history.push({ disclaimer_text: n, generated_content: t }); this.historyIndex = this.history.length - 1; this.updateHistoryButtonStatus() }, f.prototype.prevButtonClicked = function () { if (this.historyIndex > 0) { this.historyIndex = this.historyIndex - 1; var n = this.history[this.historyIndex], t = n.disclaimer_text, i = n.generated_content; this.disclaimer_box.textContent = t; this.preview_text_area.value = i; this.hideError(); this.updateHistoryButtonStatus() } }, f.prototype.nextButtonClicked = function () { if (this.historyIndex < this.history.length - 1) { this.historyIndex = this.historyIndex + 1; var n = this.history[this.historyIndex], t = n.disclaimer_text, i = n.generated_content; this.disclaimer_box.textContent = t; this.preview_text_area.value = i; this.hideError(); this.updateHistoryButtonStatus() } }, f.prototype.conversationIdCopyButtonKeyPress = function (n) { n.key === "Enter" && this.conversationIdCopyButtonClicked() }, f.prototype.copyButtonKeyPress = function (n) { n.key === "Enter" && this.copyButtonClicked() }, f.prototype.stopButtonKeyPress = function (n) { n.key === "Enter" && this.stopButtonClicked() }, f.prototype.generateButtonKeyPress = function (n) { var t; n.key === "Enter" && (this.generateButtonClicked(), (t = this.stop_button) === null || t === void 0 ? void 0 : t.focus()) }, f.prototype.addCustomToneButtonKeyPress = function (n) { var t; n.key === "Enter" && (this.addCustomToneButtonClicked(), (t = this.custom_tone_edit_button) === null || t === void 0 ? void 0 : t.focus()) }, f.prototype.plusCustomToneButtonKeyPress = function (n) { var t = n.key; (t === "Enter" || t === "Space") && this.plusCustomToneButtonClicked() }, f.prototype.editCustomToneButtonKeyPress = function (n) { n.key === "Enter" && this.editCustomToneButtonClicked() }, f.prototype.saveCustomToneButtonKeyPress = function (n) { var t, i; n.key === "Enter" && (this.saveCustomToneButtonClicked(), this.custom_tone_value.length === 0 ? (t = this.custom_tone_plus_button) === null || t === void 0 ? void 0 : t.focus() : (i = this.custom_tone_edit_button) === null || i === void 0 ? void 0 : i.focus()) }, f.prototype.insertButtonKeyPress = function (n) { n.key === "Enter" && this.insertButtonClicked() }, f.prototype.prevButtonKeyPress = function (n) { n.key === "Enter" && this.prevButtonClicked() }, f.prototype.nextButtonKeyPress = function (n) { n.key === "Enter" && this.nextButtonClicked() }, f.prototype.replaceNewlines = function (n) { return n.trim().replace(/\n{3,}/g, "\n\n") }, f.prototype.setPreviewText = function (n, t, i) { t === void 0 && (t = ""); i === void 0 && (i = ""); this.beginStreamingTimeout && clearTimeout(this.beginStreamingTimeout); this.preview_text_area.value = n; var r = t + i; r = this.replaceNewlines(r); this.disclaimer_box.innerText = r; this.showShimmer(!1); this.enableInsertButton(!0); this.enableCopyButton(!0); this.show_conversation_id && this.enableConversationIdCopyButton(!0); this.disableTextPreview(!1); this.preview_text_area.scrollTop = this.preview_text_area.scrollHeight }, f.prototype.onStreamFinished = function (n, t, i) { n && this.alertARIAMessage(this.ariaAlerts.success); (this.disclaimer_box.innerText.length > 0 || this.preview_text_area.value.length > 0) && this.writeHistoryEntry(this.disclaimer_box.innerText, this.preview_text_area.value); t == i && (this.updateGenerateButtons(), this.updateHistoryButtonStatus(), this.show_change_suggestions && (this.conversation_turn_count >= this.conversationTurnMax ? (this.showChangeSuggestions(!1), this.enableGenerateButton(this.regenerate_button, !1)) : n && this.showChangeSuggestions(!0))) }, f.changeSuggestionsMaxCharPerLine = 46, f.changeSuggestionsMaxLines = 2, f }(i); t.CoAuthorSidebarUI = u; f = function (u) { function f () { var n = u.call(this) || this; return n.preview_text_area = undefined, n.insert_button = undefined, n.adjust_button = undefined, n.try_again_button = undefined, n.innerSelectedText = "", n.shimmerEl = undefined, n.iconEl = undefined, n.close_button = undefined, n.insertButtonClicked = n.insertButtonClicked.bind(n), n.tryAgainButtonClicked = n.tryAgainButtonClicked.bind(n), n.adjustButtonClicked = n.adjustButtonClicked.bind(n), n } return __extends(f, u), f.prototype.initUI = function () { n.PostMessager.postToParent("Discover.Chat.FrameReady", {}); n.GC.Task.push(new t.SelectedTextV2ControlTowerTask); sj_evt.fire(n.DiscoverPageLoadEventName, {}); this.preview_text_area = document.getElementById("inline_preview_text"); this.insert_button = document.querySelector("#inline_insert_button"); this.try_again_button = document.querySelector("#inline_try_again_button"); this.adjust_button = document.querySelector("#inline_adjust_button"); this.shimmerEl = document.getElementById("inline_shimmer"); this.iconEl = document.getElementById("inline_icon"); this.close_button = document.getElementById("inline_close_button"); this.insert_button.prepend(r(n.CoAuthor.checkmarkIcon)); this.try_again_button.prepend(r(n.CoAuthor.generateIcon)); this.adjust_button.prepend(r(n.CoAuthor.adjustIcon)); this.iconEl.appendChild(r(n.CoAuthor.composeLogo)); this.close_button.appendChild(r(n.CoAuthor.closeIcon)); this.enableInsertButton(!0); this.enableTryAgainButton(!0); this.enableAdjustButton(!0) }, f.prototype.generateResult = function () { var r; this.stopStream(); var n = this.getSelectedOptions(), u = n.format, f = n.tone, e = n.length, t = n.prompt; t = this.innerSelectedText.substring(0, i.max_prompt_length); r = this.getTextGenerationPrompt(u, f, e, t); this.updateUIWhileFetchingData(); this.requestGeneration(r, !0) }, f.prototype.updateUIWhileFetchingData = function () { this.alertARIAMessage(this.ariaAlerts.generating); this.preview_text_area.value = ""; this.showShimmer(!0) }, f.prototype.enableInsertButton = function (n) { n ? (this.insert_button.classList.remove("disabled"), this.insert_button.addEventListener("click", this.insertButtonClicked), this.insert_button.addEventListener("keypress", this.insertButtonKeyPress)) : (this.insert_button.classList.add("disabled"), this.insert_button.removeEventListener("click", this.insertButtonClicked), this.insert_button.removeEventListener("keypress", this.insertButtonKeyPress)) }, f.prototype.enableTryAgainButton = function (n) { n ? (this.try_again_button.classList.remove("disabled"), this.try_again_button.addEventListener("click", this.tryAgainButtonClicked), this.try_again_button.addEventListener("keypress", this.tryAgainButtonKeyPress)) : (this.try_again_button.classList.add("disabled"), this.try_again_button.removeEventListener("click", this.tryAgainButtonClicked), this.try_again_button.removeEventListener("keypress", this.tryAgainButtonKeyPress)) }, f.prototype.enableAdjustButton = function (n) { n ? (this.adjust_button.classList.remove("disabled"), this.adjust_button.addEventListener("click", this.adjustButtonClicked), this.adjust_button.addEventListener("keypress", this.adjustButtonKeyPress)) : (this.adjust_button.classList.add("disabled"), this.adjust_button.removeEventListener("click", this.adjustButtonClicked), this.adjust_button.removeEventListener("keypress", this.adjustButtonKeyPress)) }, f.prototype.insertButtonKeyPress = function (n) { n.key === "Enter" && this.insertButtonClicked() }, f.prototype.adjustButtonKeyPress = function (n) { n.key === "Enter" && this.adjustButtonClicked() }, f.prototype.tryAgainButtonKeyPress = function (n) { n.key === "Enter" && this.tryAgainButtonClicked() }, f.prototype.insertButtonClicked = function () { n.PostMessager.postToParent("Discover.CoAuthor.InsertToPage", { text: this.preview_text_area.value }, "*") }, f.prototype.tryAgainButtonClicked = function () { this.generateResult() }, f.prototype.adjustButtonClicked = function () { }, f.prototype.getSelectedOptions = function () { var n, t = ((n = this.preview_text_area) === null || n === void 0 ? void 0 : n.value.trim()) || ""; return { format: "paragraph", tone: "professional", length: "short", prompt: t } }, f.prototype.setPreviewText = function (n, t, i) { t === void 0 && (t = ""); i === void 0 && (i = ""); this.beginStreamingTimeout && clearTimeout(this.beginStreamingTimeout); this.preview_text_area && (this.preview_text_area.value = n); this.showShimmer(!1) }, f.prototype.onStreamFinished = function (n) { n && this.alertARIAMessage(this.ariaAlerts.success) }, f.prototype.showError = function () { }, f.prototype.hideError = function () { }, f.prototype.hideTextOnApology = function () { }, f.prototype.showShimmer = function (n) { var t, i; n ? ((t = this.shimmerEl) === null || t === void 0 ? void 0 : t.classList.remove("hidden"), this.hideError(), this.preview_text_area.placeholder = "") : ((i = this.shimmerEl) === null || i === void 0 ? void 0 : i.classList.add("hidden"), this.preview_text_area.placeholder = "AI generated content will appear here") }, f.prototype.setSelectedText = function (n) { this.innerSelectedText != n && (this.innerSelectedText = n, this.generateResult()) }, f.prototype.showChangeSuggestions = function () { }, f }(i); t.CoAuthorInlineUI = f; e = function () { function n () { var n, t, i = (t = (n = _w._udsCoAuthorConfig) === null || n === void 0 ? void 0 : n.ComposeInline) !== null && t !== void 0 ? t : !1; this.ui = i ? new f : new u } return n.getInstance = function () { return n.instance || (n.instance = new n), n.instance }, n.prototype.initUI = function () { this.ui.initUI() }, n.prototype.setSelectedText = function (n) { this.ui.setSelectedText(n) }, n.prototype.setLengthOptionsLocalizedText = function (n) { this.ui.setLengthOptionsLocalizedText(n) }, n.prototype.setToneOptionsLocalizedText = function (n) { this.ui.setToneOptionsLocalizedText(n) }, n.prototype.setFormatOptionsLocalizedText = function (n) { this.ui.setFormatOptionsLocalizedText(n) }, n.prototype.setAriaAlertsLocalizedText = function (n) { this.ui.setAriaAlertsLocalizedText(n) }, n.prototype.setErrorsLocalizedText = function (n) { this.ui.setErrorsLocalizedText(n) }, n.prototype.setStartupPlaceholdersLocalizedText = function (n) { this.ui.setStartupPlaceholdersLocalizedText(n) }, n.prototype.setCustomToneButtonLocalizedText = function (n) { this.ui.setCustomToneButtonLocalizedText(n) }, n.prototype.setCustomChangeSuggestionButtonLocalizedText = function (n) { this.ui.setCustomChangeSuggestionButtonLocalizedText(n) }, n.prototype.setUIStringsLocalizedText = function (n) { this.ui.setUIStringsLocalizedText(n) }, n }(); t.CoAuthorPanel = e })(t = n.CoAuthor || (n.CoAuthor = {})) })(Underside || (Underside = {})); var ipd = { ipt: "4", secall: true, pd: false }; var fbpkgiid = fbpkgiid || {}; fbpkgiid.page = 'SERP.5057';; var Feedback; (function (n) { var t; (function () { "use strict"; function u (t, i) { var u = t.getAttribute("id"), f; u || (u = "genId" + n.length, t.setAttribute("id", u)); f = new r(u, i, t.getAttribute(i)); n.push(f) } function i (n, t, i) { i === null ? n.removeAttribute(t) : n.setAttribute(t, i) } function t (n, t, r, f) { for (var e, s = _d.querySelectorAll(r), o = 0; o < s.length; o++)(e = s[o], f && e.id && f[e.id]) || (u(e, n), i(e, n, t)) } function f (n) { for (var u = _d.querySelectorAll(n), e = 1, f = {}, t, i, r = 0; r < u.length; ++r) { if (t = u[r], !t.id) { for (; ;)if (i = "fbpgdgelem".concat(e++), !_ge(i)) break; t.id = i } f[t.id] = t } return f } function e () { var i = "tabindex", r = "-1", n = f("#fbpgdg, #fbpgdg *"); t(i, r, "div", n); t(i, r, "svg", n); t(i, r, "a", n); t(i, r, "li", n); t(i, r, "input", n); t(i, r, "select", n); t("aria-hidden", "true", "body :not(script):not(style)", n) } function o () { for (var r, t = 0; t < n.length; t++)r = _d.getElementById(n[t].id), r && i(r, n[t].attributeName, n[t].originalAttributeValue); n.length = 0 } function s () { typeof sj_evt != "undefined" && (sj_evt.bind("onFeedbackStarting", function () { e() }), sj_evt.bind("onFeedbackClosing", function () { o() })) } var n = [], r = function () { function n (n, t, i) { this.id = n; this.attributeName = t; this.originalAttributeValue = i } return n }(); s() })(t = n.Accessibility || (n.Accessibility = {})) })(Feedback || (Feedback = {})); RMS2 = new function () { function s (n, t) { for (var f = 6, r = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789-_", i = n ? n.split("") : [], e, u = ~~(t / f); i.length <= u;)i.push(r.charAt(0)); return e = r.indexOf(i[u]) | 1 << t % f, i[u] = r.charAt(e), i.join("") } function h (n) { var t = sj_cook.get("RMS", n.n); sj_cook.set("RMS", n.n, s(t, n.c), 0, "/", 0) } function c () { _d.domain == r && (n.P && n.P(), o = new Date, t(0)) } function t (r) { var s = i[r], e, c; if (s) { if (e = sj_gx(), !e) return; e.open("get", s.u, !0); c = sb_st(function () { e[u] != 4 && (e[f] = function () { }, e.abort(), t(r + 1)) }, 5e3); e[f] = function () { e[u] == 4 && (sb_ct(c), h(i[r]), t(r + 1)) }; e.send(null) } else n.I && n.I(o) } var i = [], r = "", u = "readyState", f = "onreadystatechange", e, o, n = _w.RmsConfig || {}; this.RegisterResources = function (n, t, u, f) { r = _d.domain; for (var o = 0; o < n.length; o++)i.push({ n: u, u: n[o], c: f[o] }); e || (e = !0, sj_evt.bind("onP1", c, 1, 1e3)) } }; var SetForceDesktopCookie = function () { sj_cook.set("_UR", "HP", "") }; var Feedback; (function (n) { var t; (function (t) { function u (t, r, u, f, e, o) { t = typeof t === i ? !1 : t; t && scrollTo(0, 0); u = typeof u === i ? !0 : u; n.PackageLoad.Load(r, u, f, e, o) } function o (n, t) { for (var r = 0, i = null; n && n.getAttribute && (!(t >= 1) || r < t);) { if (i = n.getAttribute("data-fbhlsel"), i != null) break; r++; n = n.parentNode } return i } function a (t, a, v, y, p, w, b, k, d) { function st (t) { var r = null, i; return t && (i = new c, n.fel("ajax.feedback.collectsettings", "gsf", i), r = i.findSettings(t)), r } var it, et = !a || a.length === 0 ? "invalid" : a, tt, nt, ot, rt, g, ut, ft; (typeof Log2 != "undefined" && Log2 && Log2.LogEvent ? Log2.LogEvent("ClientInst", { Name: "Feedback", Text: et }, "FeedbackInit") : typeof Log != "undefined" && Log && Log.Log && Log.Log("FeedbackInit", "CI", "Feedback", !1, "Text", et), sj_cook && (tt = sj_cook.get("fdbk_acc", "tabfocus"), tt && (nt = _ge(tt), nt ? (nt.focus(), sj_cook.clear("fdbk_acc", "/")) : (nt = document.querySelector('[id^="' + tt + '"]'), nt ? (nt.focus(), sj_cook.clear("fdbk_acc", "/")) : (ot = tt.indexOf("thumb_f") != -1 && a.indexOf("thumb_f") != -1 || tt.indexOf("thumb_t") != -1 && a.indexOf("thumb_t") != -1, ot && (nt = _ge(a), rt = (it = nt === null || nt === void 0 ? void 0 : nt.parentElement) === null || it === void 0 ? void 0 : it.parentElement, rt && rt.classList.contains("l_ecrd_tud") && (nt.focus(), sj_cook.clear("fdbk_acc", "/"))))))), g = _ge(a), g && g.classList && g.classList.contains(s)) || (p = typeof p === i ? !1 : p, ut = o(g, 3), e !== "sb_feedback" && (e = a, typeof sj_evt !== i && (r && sj_evt.unbind(f, r), r = function (n) { var f = null, i = null, e = null, s, r, h; n && n.length > 1 && (r = n[1], r.tagName !== undefined && r.nodeType !== undefined ? (f = r, i = st(f)) : i = r, s = i && i.elementToHighlight || f, e = o(s)); h = i && i.linkId || a; u(y, t, v, h, e, i) }, sj_evt.bind(f, r, 1)), typeof SearchAppWrapper !== i && SearchAppWrapper.CortanaApp && SearchAppWrapper.CortanaApp.addEventListener && SearchAppWrapper.CortanaApp.addEventListener(f, function (n) { (typeof n !== i && n !== null && (n.isHandled = !0), a === e) && _ge("fbpgdg") === null && u(y, t, v, a) })), g !== null ? (ft = function (n) { if (!(n instanceof KeyboardEvent) || n.keyCode === 13) { var r = null, i = null, f = null, e; if (p && g.classList) { if (g.classList.contains(h)) return !1; g.classList.add(h) } d && sj_evt.fire("feedback.dialog.defaultcheckedradio", d); sj_pd(n); sj_sp(n); r = sj_et(n); i = st(r); e = i && i.elementToHighlight || r; f = o(e); u(y, t, v, a, f || ut, i || k) } }, sj_be(g, "click", ft), sj_be(g, "keydown", ft), g.classList && g.classList.add(s)) : (b = typeof b === i ? !1 : b, b && u(y, t, v, a, ut)), typeof sj_evt !== i && sj_evt.fire(l)) } var f = "feedbackformrequested", l = "feedbackInitialized", r, e = "", s = "feedback-binded", h = "clicked", i = "undefined", c; t.InitializeFeedback = a; n.le = function (n, t) { SharedLogHelper && SharedLogHelper.LogError && SharedLogHelper.LogError("Feedback: ".concat(n), null, t) }; n.leh = function (t, i, r) { n.le("Feedback: ".concat(t, " handler failed in ").concat(i), r) }; n.fel = function (t, i) { for (var u = [], r = 2; r < arguments.length; r++)u[r - 2] = arguments[r]; try { u.unshift(t); sj_evt.fire.apply(null, u) } catch (f) { n.leh(t, i, f); throw f; } }; c = function () { function n () { this.settingsList = [] } return n.prototype.setStartSettings = function (n, t) { n && t && this.settingsList.push({ c: n, s: t }) }, n.prototype.findSettings = function (n) { var t = null; return this.settingsList.forEach(function (i) { sj_we(n, i.c) && (t = i.s) }), t }, n }(); sj_evt.fire("fdbkbtstrp_init") })(t = n.Bootstrap || (n.Bootstrap = {})) })(Feedback || (Feedback = {})), function (n) { var t; (function (t) { "use strict"; function f (n) { return typeof n == "object" && n !== null } function e (n) { return n == null ? n === undefined ? "[object Undefined]" : "[object Null]" : toString.call(n) } function o (n) { if (!f(n) || e(n) != "[object Object]") return !1; if (Object.getPrototypeOf(n) === null) return !0; for (var t = n; Object.getPrototypeOf(t) !== null;)t = Object.getPrototypeOf(t); return Object.getPrototypeOf(n) === t } function s (f, e, s, h) { var g = _G.IG, nt = typeof _G.V === i ? _G.P : _G.V, c, p, l, v, b, y, d; n.fel("onFeedbackStarting", "lp"); t.staticConfig = { linkId: e, activeElement: _d.activeElement }; var a = "?ig=" + g + "&p=" + nt, k = n.RouteProvider.Provide(f), w = encodeURIComponent; if (h) { if (h.formConfig && (k = f === "page" ? "sdk/form" : f, a += "&formconfig=" + h.formConfig), h.service && (t.staticConfig.service = h.service), h.scenario && (t.staticConfig.scenario = h.scenario), h.structuredData) try { o(h.structuredData) && (t.staticConfig.structuredData = h.structuredData) } catch (tt) { } if (h.clientSideScreenshot && (t.staticConfig.clientSideScreenshot = h.clientSideScreenshot), l = h.context, l) for (v in l) l.hasOwnProperty(v) && (a += "&" + w(v) + "=" + w(l[v])); h.pos && (t.staticConfig.pos = h.pos, a += "&pos=1") } for (c = "/feedback/" + k + a, typeof fbsrc !== i && (c += "&src=" + w(fbsrc)), typeof fbpkgiid !== i && fbpkgiid[f] && (c += "&iid=" + fbpkgiid[f]), b = ["addloginsource", "client", "clientip", "corpnet", "features", "hose", "hoseassistant", "logjserror", "msamock", "setvar", "testhooks", "theme", "uncrunched", "ptn"], y = 0; y < b.length; y++)(p = location.href.match(new RegExp("[?&]" + b[y] + "=[^?&#]*", "i"))) && p[0] && (c += "&" + p[0].substring(1)); d = typeof sj_ajaxCSP == "function" ? sj_ajaxCSP : sj_ajax; d(c, { callback: function (t, i) { var u, f; if (t && i) try { r && r.removeAttribute("clicked"); u = h && _ge(h.feedbackContainerId); (h === null || h === void 0 ? void 0 : h.appendFeedbackDialogAfterEvent) ? (f = function () { i.appendTo(u || _d.body); sj_evt.unbind(h.appendFeedbackDialogAfterEvent, f) }, sj_evt.bind(h.appendFeedbackDialogAfterEvent, f, 1)) : i.appendTo(u || _d.body); n.fel("onFeedbackShow", "lp"); n.fel("clarity.trigger", "lp", "BingFeedback"); n.Highlight && s && n.Highlight.HighlightElements(s); (e.indexOf("fdbtext_") > -1 || e.indexOf("thumb_t") > -1 || e.indexOf("thumb_f") > -1 || e.indexOf("thumb_tum") > -1) && sj_evt.fire("HightLightScreenShotById", e, "li", ["b_results", "b_context"], "ol") } catch (o) { n.le("Package load callback failed", o); throw o; } } }); u[f] = !0 } var u = {}, i = "undefined", r; t.staticConfig = {}; n.PackageLoad.GetHTML = function () { return _d.documentElement.outerHTML }; n.PackageLoad.Load = function (n, t, f, e, o) { var h, c; t = typeof t === i ? !0 : t; f = typeof f === i ? "" : f; c = typeof o != i && o && o.feedbackContainerId; r = _ge(f); for (h in n) n.hasOwnProperty(h) && (!t || c || typeof u[h] === i) && s(h, f, e, o) } })(t = n.PackageLoad || (n.PackageLoad = {})) }(Feedback || (Feedback = {})), function (n) { var t; (function () { "use strict"; n.RouteProvider.Provide = function (n) { return n === "page" ? 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