2023-05-06 17:47:45 +08:00

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var Lib;
(function (n) {
var t;
(function (n) {
function u(n, t) {
var r, i;
if (t == null || n == null) throw new TypeError('Null element passed to Lib.CssClass');
if (n.indexOf) return n.indexOf(t);
for (r = n.length, i = 0; i < r; i++) if (n[i] === t) return i;
return -1;
function f(n, u) {
if (n == null) throw new TypeError('Null element passed to Lib.CssClass. add className:' + u);
if (!i(n, u))
if (r && n.classList) n.classList.add(u);
else {
var f = t(n) + ' ' + u;
o(n, f);
function e(n, f) {
var e, s, h;
if (n == null) throw new TypeError('Null element passed to Lib.CssClass. remove className:' + f);
i(n, f) && (r && n.classList ? n.classList.remove(f) : ((e = t(n).split(' ')), (s = u(e, f)), s >= 0 && e.splice(s, 1), (h = e.join(' ')), o(n, h)));
function s(n, t) {
if (n == null) throw new TypeError('Null element passed to Lib.CssClass. toggle className:' + t);
r && n.classList ? n.classList.toggle(t) : i(n, t) ? e(n, t) : f(n, t);
function i(n, i) {
var f, e;
if (n == null) throw new TypeError('Null element passed to Lib.CssClass. contains className:' + i);
return r && n.classList ? n.classList.contains(i) : ((f = t(n)), f) ? ((e = f.split(' ')), u(e, i) >= 0) : !1;
function h(n, i) {
var f, e, r, u, o;
if (n.getElementsByClassName) return n.getElementsByClassName(i);
for (f = n.getElementsByTagName('*'), e = [], r = 0; r < f.length; r++) (u = f[r]), u && ((o = t(u)), o && o.indexOf(i) !== -1 && e.push(u));
return e;
function o(n, t) {
n instanceof SVGElement ? n.setAttribute('class', t) : (n.className = t);
function t(n) {
return n instanceof SVGElement ? n.getAttribute('class') : n.className;
var r = typeof document.body.classList != 'undefined';
n.add = f;
n.remove = e;
n.toggle = s;
n.contains = i;
n.getElementByClassName = h;
n.getClassAttribute = t;
})((t = n.CssClass || (n.CssClass = {})));
})(Lib || (Lib = {}));
function getBrowserWidth() {
var t = _d.documentElement,
n = Math.round(_w.innerWidth || t.clientWidth);
return n < 100 && (n = 1496), n;
function getBrowserHeight() {
var t = _d.documentElement,
n = Math.round(_w.innerHeight || t.clientHeight);
return n < 100 && (n = 796), n;
function getBrowserScrollWidth() {
var n = Math.round(_d.body.clientWidth);
return n < 100 && (n = 1496), n;
function getBrowserScrollHeight() {
var n = Math.round(_d.body.clientHeight);
return n < 100 && (n = 796), n;
window.ClientObserver = {
getBrowserWidth: getBrowserWidth,
getBrowserHeight: getBrowserHeight,
getBrowserScrollWidth: getBrowserScrollWidth,
getBrowserScrollHeight: getBrowserScrollHeight,
function getCookie(name) {
const v = document.cookie.match('(^|;) ?' + name + '=([^;]*)(;|$)');
return v ? v[2] : null;
function setCookie(name, value, minutes = 0, path = '/', domain = '') {
let cookie = name + '=' + value + ';path=' + path;
if (domain) {
cookie += ';domain=' + domain;
if (minutes > 0) {
const d = new Date();
d.setTime(d.getTime() + minutes * 60 * 1000);
cookie += ';expires=' + d.toUTCString();
document.cookie = cookie;
async function registerSW() {
if ('serviceWorker' in navigator && workbox) {
window.addEventListener('load', async function () {
const wb = new workbox.Workbox('sw.js');
let oldSWVersion;
wb.addEventListener('installed', async function (event) {
console.log('Service Worker 安装成功:', event);
const newSWVersion = await wb.messageSW({ type: 'GET_VERSION' });
if (newSWVersion !== oldSWVersion) {
alert(`新版本 ${newSWVersion} 已就绪,刷新后即可体验 `);
wb.addEventListener('activated', function (event) {
console.log('Service Worker 激活成功:', event);
wb.addEventListener('updated', function (event) {
console.log('Service Worker 更新成功:', event);
const swRegistration = await wb.register();
oldSWVersion = await wb.messageSW({ type: 'GET_VERSION' });
console.log('Service Worker Version:', oldSWVersion);
const sleep = (timeout) => new Promise((resolve, reject) => setTimeout(resolve, timeout));
function getConversationExpiry() {
const B = new Date();
return B.setMinutes(B.getMinutes() + CIB.config.sydney.expiryInMinutes), B;
const maxTryCreateConversationIdCount = 10;
async function tryCreateConversationId(trycount = 0) {
if (trycount >= maxTryCreateConversationIdCount) {
console.log(`已重试 ${trycount} 次,自动创建停止`);
const conversationRes = await fetch('/turing/conversation/create', {
credentials: 'include',
.then((res) => res.json())
.catch((err) => `error`);
if (conversationRes?.result?.value === 'Success') {
console.log('成功创建会话ID : ', conversationRes.conversationId);
CIB.manager.conversation.updateId(conversationRes.conversationId, getConversationExpiry(), conversationRes.clientId, conversationRes.conversationSignature);
} else {
await sleep(300);
trycount += 1;
console.log(`开始第 ${trycount} 次重试创建会话ID`);
setCookie('BingAI_Rand_IP', '', -1);
function hideLoading() {
const loadingEle = document.querySelector('.loading-spinner');
loadingEle.addEventListener('transitionend', function () {
(function () {
var config = { cookLoc: {} };
() => {
var SydFSCModule = false ? SydneyFullScreenConvMob : SydneyFullScreenConv;
if (SydFSCModule && SydFSCModule.initWithWaitlistUpdate) {
SydFSCModule.initWithWaitlistUpdate(config, 10);
// 隐藏加载中
// todo 反馈暂时无法使用,先移除
// 移除顶部背景遮挡
document.querySelector('cib-serp').shadowRoot.querySelector('cib-conversation').shadowRoot.querySelector('.scroller > .top').style.display = 'none';
// 移除顶部边距
.shadowRoot.querySelector('.scroller > .scroller-positioner > .content').style.paddingTop = 0;
// 用户 cookie
const userCookieName = '_U';
const randIpCookieName = 'BingAI_Rand_IP';
const userCookieVal = getCookie(userCookieName);
const chatLoginBgEle = document.querySelector('.chat-login-bg');
if (!userCookieVal) {
// chatLoginBgEle.style.display = 'flex';
document.querySelector('.chat-login-btn-save').onclick = function () {
const cookie = document.querySelector('.chat-login-inp-cookie').value;
if (cookie) {
setCookie(userCookieName, cookie, 7 * 24 * 60);
chatLoginBgEle.style.display = 'none';
// else {
// setCookie(userCookieName, '', -1);
// }
document.querySelector('.chat-login-btn-cancel').onclick = function () {
chatLoginBgEle.style.display = 'none';
document.querySelector('.chat-login-btn-reset').onclick = async function () {
// del cookie
setCookie(userCookieName, '', -1);
setCookie(randIpCookieName, '', -1);
// del storage
// del sw
const cacheKeys = await caches.keys();
for (const cacheKey of cacheKeys) {
await caches.open(cacheKey).then(async (cache) => {
const requests = await cache.keys();
return await Promise.all(
requests.map((request) => {
console.log(`del cache : `, request.url);
return cache.delete(request);
chatLoginBgEle.style.display = 'none';
document.querySelector('.nav__title-setting').onclick = function () {
const userCookieVal = getCookie(userCookieName);
document.querySelector('.chat-login-inp-cookie').value = userCookieVal;
chatLoginBgEle.style.display = 'flex';