SHELL := /bin/bash PROJECT_NAME := "" PKG := "$(PROJECT_NAME)" PKG_LIST := $(shell go list ${PKG}/... | grep -v /vendor/ | grep -v /api/) # delete the templates code start .PHONY: install # installation of dependent tools install: go install go install go install go install go install go install go install go install go install go install go install go install # delete the templates code end .PHONY: mod # add missing and remove unused modules mod: go mod tidy .PHONY: fmt # go format *.go files fmt: gofmt -s -w . .PHONY: ci-lint # check the code specification against the rules in the .golangci.yml file ci-lint: fmt golangci-lint run ./... .PHONY: dep # download dependencies to the directory vendor dep: go mod download .PHONY: test # go test *_test.go files, the parameter -count=1 means that caching is disabled test: go test -count=1 -short ${PKG_LIST} .PHONY: cover # generate test coverage cover: go test -short -coverprofile=cover.out -covermode=atomic ${PKG_LIST} go tool cover -html=cover.out .PHONY: graph # generate interactive visual function dependency graphs graph: @echo "generating graph ......" @cp -f cmd/serverNameExample_mixExample/main.go . go-callvis -skipbrowser -format=svg -nostd -file=serverNameExample_mixExample @rm -f main.go serverNameExample_mixExample.gv .PHONY: docs # generate swagger docs, only for ⓵ Web services created based on sql, the host address can be changed via parameters, e.g. make docs HOST= docs: mod fmt @bash scripts/ $(HOST) .PHONY: proto # generate *.go code from *.proto files, only for ⓶ Microservices created based on sql, ⓷ Web services created based on protobuf, ⓸ Microservices created based on protobuf, ⓹ RPC gateway service created based on protobuf proto: mod fmt @bash scripts/ .PHONY: proto-doc # generate doc from *.proto files proto-doc: @bash scripts/ .PHONY: build # build serverNameExample_mixExample for linux amd64 binary build: @echo "building 'serverNameExample_mixExample', linux binary file will output to 'cmd/serverNameExample_mixExample'" @cd cmd/serverNameExample_mixExample && CGO_ENABLED=0 GOOS=linux GOARCH=amd64 go build # delete the templates code start .PHONY: build-sponge # build sponge for linux amd64 binary build-sponge: @echo "building 'sponge', linux binary file will output to 'cmd/sponge'" @cd cmd/sponge && CGO_ENABLED=0 GOOS=linux GOARCH=amd64 go build -ldflags "all=-s -w" # delete the templates code end .PHONY: run # run service run: @bash scripts/ .PHONY: run-nohup # run server with nohup to local, if you want to stop the server, pass the parameter stop, e.g. make run-nohup CMD=stop run-nohup: @bash scripts/ $(CMD) .PHONY: binary-package # packaged binary files binary-package: build @bash scripts/ .PHONY: deploy-binary # deploy binary to remote linux server, e.g. make deploy-binary USER=root PWD=123456 IP= deploy-binary: binary-package @expect scripts/ $(USER) $(PWD) $(IP) .PHONY: image-build-local # build image for local docker, tag=latest, use binary files to build image-build-local: build @bash scripts/ .PHONY: deploy-docker # deploy service to local docker, if you want to update the service, run the make deploy-docker command again. deploy-docker: image-build-local @bash scripts/ .PHONY: image-build # build image for remote repositories, use binary files to build, e.g. make image-build REPO_HOST=addr TAG=latest image-build: @bash scripts/ $(REPO_HOST) $(TAG) .PHONY: image-build2 # build image for remote repositories, phase II build, e.g. make image-build2 REPO_HOST=addr TAG=latest image-build2: @bash scripts/ $(REPO_HOST) $(TAG) .PHONY: image-push # push docker image to remote repositories, e.g. make image-push REPO_HOST=addr TAG=latest image-push: @bash scripts/ $(REPO_HOST) $(TAG) .PHONY: deploy-k8s # deploy service to k8s deploy-k8s: @bash scripts/ .PHONY: image-build-rpc-test # build rpc test image for remote repositories, e.g. make image-build-rpc-test REPO_HOST=addr TAG=latest image-build-rpc-test: @bash scripts/ $(REPO_HOST) $(TAG) .PHONY: patch # patch some dependent code, such as types.proto, mysql initialization code. e.g. make patch TYPE=types-pb , make patch TYPE=mysql-init patch: @bash scripts/ $(TYPE) .PHONY: copy-proto # copy proto file from the rpc server directory, multiple directories separated by commas. e.g. make copy-proto SERVER=yourServerDir copy-proto: @bash scripts/ $(SERVER) .PHONY: clean # clean binary file, cover.out, template file clean: @rm -vrf cmd/serverNameExample_mixExample/serverNameExample_mixExample @rm -vrf cover.out @rm -vrf main.go serverNameExample_mixExample.gv @rm -vrf internal/ecode/*.go.gen* @rm -vrf internal/routers/*.go.gen* @rm -vrf internal/handler/*.go.gen* @rm -vrf internal/service/*.go.gen* @rm -rf serverNameExample-binary.tar.gz @echo "clean finished" # show help help: @echo '' @echo 'Usage:' @echo ' make [target]' @echo '' @echo 'Targets:' @awk '/^[a-zA-Z\-\_0-9]+:/ { \ helpMessage = match(lastLine, /^# (.*)/); \ if (helpMessage) { \ helpCommand = substr($$1, 0, index($$1, ":")-1); \ helpMessage = substr(lastLine, RSTART + 2, RLENGTH); \ printf "\033[36m %-22s\033[0m %s\n", helpCommand,helpMessage; \ } \ } \ { lastLine = $$0 }' $(MAKEFILE_LIST) .DEFAULT_GOAL := all