Alex Browne 5ee8b1a5c5 Add ICE candidate event handlers
Add OnICECandidate and OnICEGatheringStateChange methods to
PeerConnection. The main goal of this change is to improve API
compatibility with the JavaScript/Wasm bindings. It does not actually
add trickle ICE support or change the ICE candidate gathering process,
which is still synchronous in the Go implementation. Rather, it fires
the appropriate events similar to they way they would be fired in a true
trickle ICE process.

Remove unused OnNegotiationNeeded event handler. This handler is not
required for most applications and would be difficult to implement in
Go. This commit removes the handler from the JavaScript/Wasm bindings,
which leads to a more similar API for Go and JavaScript/Wasm.

Add OnICEGatheringStateChange to the JavaScript/Wasm bindings. Also
changes the Go implementation so that the function signatures match.
2019-03-25 14:22:11 -07:00

170 lines
3.4 KiB

// +build js,wasm
package webrtc
import (
// awaitPromise accepts a js.Value representing a Promise. If the promise
// resolves, it returns (result, nil). If the promise rejects, it returns
// (js.Undefined, error). awaitPromise has a synchronous-like API but does not
// block the JavaScript event loop.
func awaitPromise(promise js.Value) (js.Value, error) {
resultsChan := make(chan js.Value)
errChan := make(chan js.Error)
thenFunc := js.FuncOf(func(this js.Value, args []js.Value) interface{} {
go func() {
resultsChan <- args[0]
return js.Undefined()
defer thenFunc.Release()
promise.Call("then", thenFunc)
catchFunc := js.FuncOf(func(this js.Value, args []js.Value) interface{} {
go func() {
errChan <- js.Error{args[0]}
return js.Undefined()
defer catchFunc.Release()
promise.Call("catch", catchFunc)
select {
case result := <-resultsChan:
return result, nil
case err := <-errChan:
return js.Undefined(), err
func valueToUint16Pointer(val js.Value) *uint16 {
if val == js.Null() || val == js.Undefined() {
return nil
convertedVal := uint16(val.Int())
return &convertedVal
func valueToStringPointer(val js.Value) *string {
if val == js.Null() || val == js.Undefined() {
return nil
stringVal := val.String()
return &stringVal
func stringToValueOrUndefined(val string) js.Value {
if val == "" {
return js.Undefined()
return js.ValueOf(val)
func uint8ToValueOrUndefined(val uint8) js.Value {
if val == 0 {
return js.Undefined()
return js.ValueOf(val)
func interfaceToValueOrUndefined(val interface{}) js.Value {
if val == nil {
return js.Undefined()
return js.ValueOf(val)
func valueToStringOrZero(val js.Value) string {
if val == js.Undefined() || val == js.Null() {
return ""
return val.String()
func valueToUint8OrZero(val js.Value) uint8 {
if val == js.Undefined() || val == js.Null() {
return 0
return uint8(val.Int())
func valueToUint16OrZero(val js.Value) uint16 {
if val == js.Null() || val == js.Undefined() {
return 0
return uint16(val.Int())
func valueToUint32OrZero(val js.Value) uint32 {
if val == js.Null() || val == js.Undefined() {
return 0
return uint32(val.Int())
func valueToStrings(val js.Value) []string {
result := make([]string, val.Length())
for i := 0; i < val.Length(); i++ {
result[i] = val.Index(i).String()
return result
func stringPointerToValue(val *string) js.Value {
if val == nil {
return js.Undefined()
return js.ValueOf(*val)
func uint16PointerToValue(val *uint16) js.Value {
if val == nil {
return js.Undefined()
return js.ValueOf(*val)
func boolPointerToValue(val *bool) js.Value {
if val == nil {
return js.Undefined()
return js.ValueOf(*val)
func stringsToValue(strings []string) js.Value {
val := make([]interface{}, len(strings))
for i, s := range strings {
val[i] = s
return js.ValueOf(val)
func stringEnumToValueOrUndefined(s string) js.Value {
if s == "unknown" {
return js.Undefined()
return js.ValueOf(s)
// Converts the return value of recover() to an error.
func recoveryToError(e interface{}) error {
switch e := e.(type) {
case error:
return e
return fmt.Errorf("recovered with non-error value: (%T) %s", e, e)
func uint8ArrayValueToBytes(val js.Value) []byte {
result := make([]byte, val.Length())
for i := 0; i < val.Length(); i++ {
result[i] = byte(val.Index(i).Int())
return result