2021-02-23 23:13:32 -05:00

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LPMS - Livepeer media server

This repository is forked from Livepeer LPMS repository session reuse branch.

LPMS is a media server that can run independently, or on top of the Livepeer network. It allows you to manipulate / broadcast a live video stream. Currently, LPMS supports RTMP as input format and RTMP/HLS as output formats.

LPMS can be integrated into another service, or run as a standalone service. To try LPMS as a standalone service, simply get the package:

go get -d github.com/livepeer/lpms/cmd/example

Go to the lpms root directory at $GOPATH/src/github.com/livepeer/lpms. If needed, install the required dependencies; see the Requirements section below. Then build the sample app and run it:

go build cmd/example/main.go


LPMS requires libavcodec (ffmpeg) and friends. See install_ffmpeg.sh . Running this script will install everything in ~/compiled. In order to build LPMS, the dependent libraries need to be discoverable by pkg-config and golang. If you installed everything with install_ffmpeg.sh , then run export PKG_CONFIG_PATH=~/compiled/lib/pkgconfig:$PKG_CONFIG_PATH so the deps are picked up.

Running golang unit tests (test.sh) requires the ffmpeg and ffprobe executables in addition to the libraries. However, none of these are run-time requirements; the executables are not used outside of testing, and the libraries are statically linked by default. Note that dynamic linking may substantially speed up rebuilds if doing heavy development.

Testing out LPMS

The test LPMS server exposes a few different endpoints:

  1. rtmp://localhost:1935/stream/test for uploading/viewing RTMP video stream.
  2. http://localhost:7935/stream/test_hls.m3u8 for consuming the HLS video stream.

Do the following steps to view a live stream video:

  1. Start LPMS by running go run cmd/example/main.go

  2. Upload an RTMP video stream to rtmp://localhost:1935/stream/test. We recommend using ffmpeg or OBS.

For ffmpeg on osx, run: ffmpeg -f avfoundation -framerate 30 -pixel_format uyvy422 -i "0:0" -c:v libx264 -tune zerolatency -b:v 900k -x264-params keyint=60:min-keyint=60 -c:a aac -ac 2 -ar 44100 -f flv rtmp://localhost:1935/stream/test

For OBS, fill in Settings->Stream->URL to be rtmp://localhost:1935

  1. If you have successfully uploaded the stream, you should see something like this in the LPMS output
I0324 09:44:14.639405   80673 listener.go:28] RTMP server got upstream
I0324 09:44:14.639429   80673 listener.go:42] Got RTMP Stream: test
  1. Now you have a RTMP video stream running, we can view it from the server. Simply run ffplay http://localhost:7935/stream/test.m3u8, you should see the hls video playback.

Integrating LPMS

LPMS exposes a few different methods for customization. As an example, take a look at cmd/main.go.

To create a new LPMS server:

// Specify ports you want the server to run on, and the working directory for
// temporary files. See `core/lpms.go` for a full list of LPMSOpts
opts := lpms.LPMSOpts {
    RtmpAddr: "",
    HttpAddr: "",
    WorkDir:  "/tmp"
lpms := lpms.New(&opts)

To handle RTMP publish:

		func(url *url.URL) (strmID string) {
			return getStreamIDFromPath(reqPath)
		func(url *url.URL, rtmpStrm stream.RTMPVideoStream) (err error) {
			return nil
		func(url *url.URL, rtmpStrm stream.RTMPVideoStream) (err error) {
			return nil

To handle RTMP playback:

		func(ctx context.Context, reqPath string, dst av.MuxCloser) error {
			glog.Infof("Got req: ", reqPath)
			streamID := getStreamIDFromPath(reqPath)
			src := streamDB.db[streamID]

			if src != nil {
				src.ReadRTMPFromStream(ctx, dst)
			} else {
				glog.Error("Cannot find stream for ", streamID)
				return stream.ErrNotFound
			return nil

To handle HLS playback:

		func(reqPath string) (*stream.HLSBuffer, error) {
			streamID := getHLSStreamIDFromPath(reqPath)
			buffer := bufferDB.db[streamID]
			s := streamDB.db[streamID]

			if s == nil {
				return nil, stream.ErrNotFound

			if buffer == nil {
				//Create the buffer and start copying the stream into the buffer
				buffer = stream.NewHLSBuffer()
				bufferDB.db[streamID] = buffer

                //Subscribe to the stream
				sub := stream.NewStreamSubscriber(s)
				go sub.StartHLSWorker(context.Background())
				err := sub.SubscribeHLS(streamID, buffer)
				if err != nil {
					return nil, stream.ErrStreamSubscriber

			return buffer, nil

GPU Support

Processing on Nvidia GPUs is supported. To enable this capability, FFmpeg needs to be built with GPU support. See the FFmpeg guidelines on this.

To execute the nvidia tests within the ffmpeg directory, run this command:

go test -tag=nvidia -run Nvidia

To run the tests on a particular GPU, use the GPU_DEVICE environment variable:

# Runs on GPU number 3
GPU_DEVICE=3 go test -tag nvidia -run Nvidia

Aside from the tests themselves, there is a sample program that can be used as a reference to the LPMS GPU transcoding API. The sample program can select GPU or software processing via CLI flags. Run the sample program via:

# software processing
go run cmd/transcoding/transcoding.go transcoder/test.ts P144p30fps16x9,P240p30fps16x9 sw

# nvidia processing, GPU number 2
go run cmd/transcoding/transcoding.go transcoder/test.ts P144p30fps16x9,P240p30fps16x9 nv 2

You can follow the development of LPMS and Livepeer @ our forum