Eriri f327000d3a Feat:Add "copy" command
Add "copy" command,also fixes the out of range error of select when the number is negative.

Move execCopy to "keys.go" ,
Add test in "keys_test.go",
Add "copy.go" and "copy_test.go" file.
2022-06-26 15:45:09 +08:00

1.4 KiB

Supported Commands

  • Keys
    • del
    • expire
    • expireat
    • pexpire
    • pexpireat
    • ttl
    • pttl
    • persist
    • exists
    • type
    • rename
    • renamenx
  • Server
    • flushdb
    • flushall
    • keys
    • bgrewriteaof
    • copy
  • String
    • set
    • setnx
    • setex
    • psetex
    • mset
    • mget
    • msetnx
    • get
    • getex
    • getset
    • getdel
    • incr
    • incrby
    • incrbyfloat
    • decr
    • decrby
  • List
    • lpush
    • lpushx
    • rpush
    • rpushx
    • lpop
    • rpop
    • rpoplpush
    • lrem
    • llen
    • lindex
    • lset
    • lrange
  • Hash
    • hset
    • hsetnx
    • hget
    • hexists
    • hdel
    • hlen
    • hstrlen
    • hmget
    • hmset
    • hkeys
    • hvals
    • hgetall
    • hincrby
    • hincrbyfloat
    • hrandfield
  • Set
    • sadd
    • sismember
    • srem
    • spop
    • scard
    • smembers
    • sinter
    • sinterstore
    • sunion
    • sunionstore
    • sdiff
    • sdiffstore
    • srandmember
  • SortedSet
    • zadd
    • zscore
    • zincrby
    • zrank
    • zcount
    • zrevrank
    • zcard
    • zrange
    • zrevrange
    • zrangebyscore
    • zrevrangebyscore
    • zrem
    • zremrangebyscore
    • zremrangebyrank
  • Pub / Sub
    • publish
    • subscribe
    • unsubscribe
  • Geo
    • GeoAdd
    • GeoPos
    • GeoDist
    • GeoHash
    • GeoRadius
    • GeoRadiusByMember